
Villain x Villain

Keith Rovan, a crazy guy who got transmigrated inside a novel as an extra named Eric Jonas. In the novel, Eric was a child who never received any kind of love or affection from his family because of that, the struggle he had to face are numerous. However, the silent endurance of his hardship, slowly leads him to the edge of suicide as an escape from the cruel world. Who wants to live and die like that character, especially Keith who had an polar opposite character of weak Eric. So eventually, he decides to change the original plot. Not by acting as an angel, instead a devil who lives for his own desires without concerning anything. He never hesitates to dominate over others or eliminate the ones that dare to cross his path. However, his path dramatically leads him towards the future ultimate villain, Abaddon Mir. They are born enemies because of their families, rivals in name, but what crazier is… with time, the rivals are turning into toxic lovers.

Black_Queen666 · LGBT+
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76 Chs

School Life Begins-II

"Are you looking down on me? Just do it, when I'm asking nicely. You know what happens when I get triggered..." Aisha's voice rang out, tossing Eric's book aside to divert his unruly thoughts after seeing her.

To fire up the situation more intense, the students in the class begin to cheer her name except for some weaklings who show their detest through silence.

Abram was silently sitting in his seat while enduring all those insults. The after-effects of the fight don't wear off from his body, the bluish marks are still visible on his face and the dark circles under the eyes be the witness of his sleepless nights. Head down, grinding his teeth tightly, he sits back without reacting.

Observing the class; Abram's friends weren't present there to support him. Maybe because of shame, or… still, they are in hospital.

"Please don't..." Aiden's worried voice interjected, even though he had encouraged Eric to stand up for himself earlier that morning.

"Come on, boy, don't disappoint me!" Pulling Eric towards her by grabbing his tie, Aisha whispers in his ears, the words carrying a touch of menace.

The whole class was encouraging Aisha to bully Eric, such a humiliating situation never appeared in Keith's life. This new experience, somewhat squeezing his heart too tightly as raging fire of anger towards the insult.

"You insist!" With one powerful strike, the classroom fell silent as if time had frozen.

Everything happened in a flash, the show ended quickly; Eric raised his hand, and Aisha's head collided with the desk, and bounced back to its original position. But the impact was loud, drowning out all other noises.

Aisha felt no pain; instead, her head felt heavy, and a persistent beeping sound filled her ears. Blood dripped from her nose, and her eyes struggled to focus. Her legs trembled unsteadily, and she collapsed unconscious to the floor.

Like other students, Abram was also stunned by the situation. However, for a moment his mind gets deviated and stands to regain his lost reputation by teaching Eric a tough lesson for laying his hand on him. But witnessing the scene, took away the courage in a second. And the creepy smile on Eric's face, reminds him that ominous night. Without a second glance, he settled back into his seat, hardly maintaining a good posture.

"Anyone else want a second demonstration here?" Eric's voice rang out, observing the students' reactions. Then he continued, "I guess no one does. Anyway, I'd like to have a few words with all of you.

No need to be so formal; just take your seats." Stepping forward, Eric began his speech once everyone settled in their seats willingly.

"Guys, do you think it's okay to bully someone?"


"No answers... Let me ask another question then.

To watch a cheap drama, is it okay to encourage a bully?"

(Silence again)

"Still no answers... Well, listen carefully.

I'm putting an end to this cheap and disgraceful behavior in our class. If I catch anyone here engaging in bullying, mark my words, IT'S GOING TO BE THE END OF YOUR GODDAMN LIFE.

And don't think of it as a mere threat; consider it a warning! Our lives are in our hands, and I hope each one of you will engrave these words DEEPLY AND CLEARLY, without making me repeat myself while breaking your bones.

That's all... Have a nice day!"

The speech ended, but the cold atmosphere lingered in the room. No one dared to break the silence. The coward Eric had transformed into someone else, defeating the top two bullies who once ruled the school. His imposing aura still made them wary of challenging him.

As the third bell of the morning rang, the teachers entered their respective classrooms. Before the teacher arrived, Aisha's friends escorted her to the restroom, apologizing to Eric on her behalf and returning the book she had thrown away.

"Young master, are you planning to take revenge on the White Dragons?" Aiden inquired, a mix of anxiety and curiosity in his voice.

"Weren't you the one who told me to fight back this morning? Anyway, why are you asking this now?"

"Why am I asking? Are you going crazy, or am I seeing things? Your stepmom, half-brother, and cousins are all from the Mir family, and lately, you've been confronting them one after another..."


"Why are you acting like this? I'm talking about Abram and Aisha..."

"What!!!" An unexpected truth emerged in an unpredictable moment.