
Villain With A GOD-COMPLEX!


unknown_apple · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Dusk Till Dawn (2)

Emmyth entered the bedroom cradling a small baby girl in her arms, her dark scarlet hair mirroring the features of both Armstrom and Emmyth.

The moment she entered the bedroom where Skylar lay, she saw a normal, serene scene unfold before her eyes.

The baby, Skylar, had his eyes narrowly opened, his tiny infant hands up in the air, reaching the distant air.

From the distance, it appeared like he was trying to find the fine tune of a symphony.

Even though Skylar's mind was having different thoughts, what his mouth was babbling resonated as the innocent sounds of an infant.

"Ugaa… uwa!"

"Ugaa… uwa!"

These were all sorts of mantras.

Keeping the baby girl next to Skylar, Emmyth looked at both of them.

She had a bubble of tears in her eyes as she saw both babies together.

They both looked a bit alike due to their hair, and as infants, they both had a bit of a round face.

From the expression on both of the babies faces, the baby girl looked a bit quiet, while on the other hand, Skylar was in his own world of fantasies.

Emmyth, observing this, chuckled and extended her hand to grasp Skylar's tiny fingers.

Seeing the hands reach out and grasp his tiny fingers, Skylar had to add some more thoughts to his trail of fantasies.

'Unhand me, you mortal buffoon~~'

The expression on his face changed to that of an adorable baby, and his cheeks puffed up a bit, and soon the inevitable happened.


ε=ε=ε=(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

"Baby, you shit!" Emmyth exclaimed in surprise at the sudden attack.

Skylar, who was in relief from the pressure, had his eyes narrowly opened and was feeling the relief of his life as his muscles relaxed.

Emmyth giggled.

"Ole! Ole! Ole!"

"Baby, you pooped, lot of it."

"Oh gross!"

Skylar, unable to focus on anything, left his fate in the hands of the unknown mortal creature in front of him, which he was unable to discern.


After meticulously tending to Skylar's needs and attending to household chores, Emmyth took a break in a soothing bath.

During this whole time, both babies peacefully and innocently slumbered.

And calmness was restored in the house.

But this calmness was just before the storm.

Skylar again opened his eyes, albeit narrowly.

'Where am I?'

'And what is this feeling again, but this time in my stomach?'

'It… it feels like I'm hungry?'


He lifted his hand again and was finally able to discern what it was.

'It's my hand, but the shape and size...'

'A toddler?'

'Oh my me!'

'I'm a toddler right now.'

Puffing his stuffy, round face with air, he tried to take deep breaths.

'Those ugly, heinous, snotty toddlers?'

'Am I that right now?'

'Wait a minute, can toddlers think?'


'Hold on, I'm not a toddler. Um hm!'

'This body is a toddler!'

His eyes sparkled as he reached this conclusion, and as all the worries in this world were gone, he had his lips slightly shaking, shaking to go up, but alas, he was a toddler.

'Hm!' Smirking in his thoughts, he continued thinking.

'Hmpf! A toddler's body, no matter.'

'I'm still a God.'

'Yes, which means a toddler has the brain of a god!'



'Which means this toddler's body can also become a god!'

'Hahahahaha!' If Skylar were able to laugh at this moment, this laughter would have sounded more evil than evil.

His chubby face had a slight contortion.

'Why is this feeling coming again from my stomach?'

'Hungry! Yes! Hungry!'

'It's the feeling of hunger.'

'But how would this toddler body ask for food?'

Suddenly, his mind went stiff, as if he had remembered something horrible.


'Toddlers have to cry to get food, as far as this god's brain can remember.'

'What is the procedure for this?'

'How should I begin?'

'There isn't even a manual for this in this toddler's body... ahhh!'

'It's getting intense.'

'Afggh! I can't control ittt~~'



Skylar started crying beyond his control, and his cheeks turned reddish and his mouth opened with the symphony of the toddler's wails.

And as if he were not enough, another infant beside Skylar joined in the symphony of the toddler's wails.




And in an instant, the clam atmosphere of the house shattered, disrupted by the duet symphony of wails from the toddlers.

'This is an unholy act and a disgrace for a God like me.'


Emmyth, her body still glistening from her recent bath, heard the crying of infants.

Her lips raised slightly in a faint arc, and she strode towards the bedroom.

"Ole! Ole! Ole!"

She first assessed the babies for poop or toiletries.

Skylar, who was cursing his toddler body for bringing this disgrace upon him, saw the first human in this unfamiliar world clearly.

She had long, dark scarlet hair that glistened slightly damp and an elegant and beautiful face as she walked towards him. He even saw long, pointy ears, which made her look even more ethereal, lending her an otherworldly allure.

She checked on him.

"It appears that both of you are hungry. Fear not, for mommy is here!" Her words resonated with enthusiasm, accompanied by a radiant smile adorning her face.

Skylar stopped crying and fixated his gaze upon the woman before him with sparkle and curiousity in his gaze.


'Mommy = Mother!'

'She is my mother!'

'And if I'm a god, then Mother will be...'


He blinked and looked at his beautiful mother again, and now he could see a bright and radiant halo emanating from her.

'Godmother! Wow! So this is Me's mother.'


Emmyth took off the clothes covering her bosom.

'Noooooooooo! Godmotherrrr!'

'Don't, why?'

'This act does not befit you, Godmother!'

His cheeks started turning red as he saw the holy melons.

And his mouth started releasing sounds.

"Uwaa.. Ugaa!"

To Emmyth, these sounds conveyed Skylar's intense hunger.

With a smile gracing her face, she spoke in a gentle and soothing tone.

"Fear not, mommy will give you food now; you won't feel hungry then."

As he was denying his mind, Emmyth shoved Skylar's face into her bosom.

'Noooooooooo! Godm...'

Nom! Nom! Nom!

And he automatically started sucking.

'Why Godm...'

Nom! Nom! Nom!

'No, this is blasphe...'

Nom! Nom! Nom!

'I'm sorry, Godmot...'

Nom! Nom! Nom!

'For this toddler's behaviour...'

Nom! Nom! Nom!

'But it taste's fabulous.'

Nom! Nom! Nom!

And this was how Skylar met his godmother and, with regret, had his food.


After she nourished the babies, they both peacefully drifted into slumber.

Emmyth, witnessing this, planted a tender kiss on both of their foreheads. She then cradled both of them in her hands as she made her way to the back door of the house.

After exiting the back door, what greeted her was a towering, majestic tree. Standing tall in the distance of 100 metres from her abode, and she made her way towards the towering tree.

This tree was unlike the other trees in the vicinity of the village, exuding an air of uniqueness that most of the people living in the village had never seen, but all the elves living here would come here to offer prayers.

However, it didn't strike the inhabitants of the village as odd; everyone in this world has heard of the world tree at least once in their life, and it was known that elves worship the world tree and nature.

And that they were firm believers in the goddess of nature.

The elves believed the world tree was the symbol of life and balance and the medium through which they connected with the goddess of nature.

To the elves, the world tree embodied the essence of existence.

Emmyth was a high elf, and from her birth, she had seen and prayed to the world tree. She always felt the holy presence of the world tree, which she would never be able to feel from others, and she knew that distinct presence very well.

So when she detected the faint echo of that holy presence in the towering tree, albeit in a very tiny amount, which had strange pointed leaves and a single flower on the tree that exactly resembled the flowers of the world tree, she instinctively started praying to the towering tree, and the elves together named it the Tree of Harmony or Harmony Tree.

Ever since then, they have been fervently worshipping the Tree of Harmony.

However, she was not the first to feel the holy presence in the tree of harmony.

Her big sister, Scyl, was the first to feel that distinct holy presence.

She reached the Tree of Harmony and stood before it, her heart filled with memories.

She remembered what her sister said that day: "Hey, this tree, hmm, I feel as though it's an extension of the world tree."

At first, she couldn't comprehend the true meaning of those words, but when she too felt the faint holy presence that was unique to the world tree, she was flabbergasted.

Initially, she questioned whether she would be able to live here freely without being able to pray to her god, but when she that unique presence form the tree, her mind instantly made up its mind.

Then both she and Armstrom started living here together.

She was not a timid person, but she was weak. She was not like her big sister, who was brave and courageous and even chose to live among barbarians.

All the adversities that befell them, she just wanted to run away from them, but not her big sister.

She still remembered how she could not process all the bloodshed that befell them, their family, and their people; she couldn't cope with that. The sight of bloodshed and turmoil overwhelmed her.

However, her big sister could; she was an sturdy pillar in her life, a pillar that gave her unwavering support. Even though she was weak, her sister didn't abandon her.

She then looked towards Skylar, the remnant of the Yakarl Reigns; even that name instilled fear in the enemy, and now she was looking at the child of two of the most powerful people in her life.

With great care, she knelt down and placed both babies gently on the grassy ground. She intertwined her fingers and raised her hands in a fervent display of devotion, commencing her prayer.

10 June 2023

unknown_applecreators' thoughts