
Villain wants to enjoy his life

Lucifer has never had a peaceful and happy moments in his life He kept working hard striving for a better life But before his dreams come true he loses his consciousness and gets reincarnated in a novel world , Possessing the villain with same name as him ________________________________________________________________ This is my first novel , just for fun This book cover does not belong to me if it's owner wants i can delete it

Buffer_man · Urban
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21 Chs

Newcomer in the bar

The boss scared to pee in his pants seeing his gang members dead

"Yu..you..what are you??" The boss spoke

Lucifer has a big grin on his face making the boss tremble by fear

As soon as Lucifer took his hand of his shoulder the boss immediately took out his gun and shot

Seeing the bullet touch Lucifer skin the boss started laughing but the next scene stunned him , Lucifer who just got hit by the bullet didn't even react that bullet didn't even hurt him.

"It'ssss....it's impossible youu...you monster" The boss was in despair but he didn't get chance to escape he was caught by neck by Lucifer's hand .

Soon black colour fire started coming out of Lucifer hand 'Dark Flame' and started burning the boss


The boss screamed and screamed even his soul was burnt down there was no trace of the body left everything was burnt down.

After killing for the first time there was no trace of sorrow or any kind of emotions in Lucifer .

"I think the abilities of Rakshasa greatly affected my temper" Lucifer started murmuring

He disposed off all the dead bodies without living a trace behind with the dark flame.

And turned his neck towards the brown hair boy

The brown hair boy was staring at him .

I walked towards him spoke " Don't you fear me "

"You unknowingly helped me from skull gang ,I should thank you". With a trembling body the boy said.

With a smile on his face Lucifer spoke "I can kill you too for keeping my powers secret"

The brown hair boy didn't have any change in his expression after a minute of silence he spoke

"I am willing to die but not before my revenge on those who betrayed me"

The boy had a strong will and courage , Without giving a damn about his condition the boy stood up, I was quite impressed by him ,I thought taking him as a subordinate was a not a bad idea.

"I can help you in your revenge but you have to be loyal to me " Lucifer spoke

Those words for the boy was like a glimmer of light in the world full of darkness he knows that this is the only chance for him to step forward in his life ,so without thinking much he quickly kneeled in front of Lucifer and said "I am willing to follow until my life ends".

Hearing his words Lucifer spoke "Good ,good , What's your name?"

"It's Richard my Milford" the brown hair boy gave the answer.

Lucifer used 'Heal' on Richard and Richard recovered from his injuries

"Ok let's go " Lucifer activated his teleportation spell and directly came to 'New Life' bar.

Both Lucifer and Richard came into the bar in a second seeing the surrounding change Richard was startled

seeing him in surprised state Lucifer spoke "You will get used to it".

Leaving Richard at first floor Lucifer came to his home the second floor as the lucky draw was about to start

[Ding.. The host has one lucky draw chance]

Listening to the prompt Lucifer was excited and quality said "Draw the lucky draw"

[Ding congratulations host for getting low level reward 30 Million $]

Lucifer was not disappointed because he has strength but lacks money

Soon his phone bell rang and a message from bank saying you received 30 Million was sent to him.

The system reassured him that the money sent by system will be from legal factors and the bank will not doubt you

After giving a room to Richard on the second floor Lucifer returned to his room and falled asleep


A week went by

Richard now handles the 'New Life' bar

Now Richard takes care of the bar, Customers have also increased mostly women's who come at bar for admiring handsome faces of Lucifer and Richard

But Lucifer mostly spends time in his cottage (home) and rarely attends the customers

In the week many things happened

The sudden disappearance of people from the factory greatly shocked people and police didn't find any clues about the incident because there were no cameras.

In the week Lucifer mostly got the low level lucky draw and high level which gave him some money and 5%shares of Volkswagen, penguin and apple.

He also got a rare level lucky draw which gave him Title Water god

He was now thinking about extracting it and giving it to Richard....