
Chapter 87: Mr. Tian, ​​you no longer have integrity with me




Chen Long lay on the ground, blood constantly shining from his chest, he could feel his vitality is fading.

Now, the only way for Chen Long to continue to live is to reach a safe place and make the most powerful medicine he can make now.

Although he is a peerless genius doctor, he is also a person!

His heart was pierced through the fatal wound, and he was also unable to return to the sky.At most, he could only breathe in a sigh of relief, and he could live a second is a second!

So he was pretending to be dead.

But Chen Long never thought that Gu Yan would not leave, Gu Yan would not leave!!

"Chen Long, stop pretending, see who is here?"


The next moment, a warm and pleasant noise rang in my ears.

But this voice made Chen Longru fall into the ice cave, completely desperate!

He opened his eyes subconsciously, but was stunned.

I saw in the distance, a plainly dressed woman with beautiful features and very charming features, walking towards here.

But she is weird now.

Not only his face was stiff, he was trembling as he walked, and he was holding a silencer pistol in his right hand!

This person, besides the Mu Xuehan that Chen Longhun wanted to get, who else could he be?

"Master, Master! Quickly kill him, kill Gu Yan, save me!!" Chen Long said his last breath.

Every time he uttered a word, there would be a puff of blood in his mouth, and his chest would tear like a sharp pain!

Although it was him, he was almost unable to support it now, and his consciousness became more and more dizzy.

Gu Yan looked at Mu Xuehan who came here, smiled faintly, and put the watch hands back in an understatement, "Congratulations, Miss Mu, for making the right choice."


Mu Xuehan looked at Chen Long who had fallen in a pool of blood, and the pictures in his mind flashed like a slide.

Careful teaching on the barren mountains, ten years of hard work, ten years of mentorship and apprenticeship!

When he first came to Jiangcheng, Chen Long was young and vigorous, and his edges and corners were not even.

When I met Gu Yan for the first time, the man made a careful exhortation and a casual care. In just a few hours, Mu Xuehan remembered it for a long, long time.


Chen Long's unsuccessful medication, Gu Yan's own cold attitude made Mu Xuehan's heart sting!

Chen Long still wants to kill Gu Yan

He wants to kill Gu Yan!!

Chen Long did it first!!

Mu Xuehan's pretty face was dull, as if something was shattering in her mind at this moment, she sluggishly raised the gun in her right hand, as if she had been slowed down!

Seeing this, Chen Long's eyes suddenly cracked, and he was also stunned!

The black muzzle reflected his pupils that gradually lost their color!

"Master, Master! I am your apprentice, I am your apprentice, what are you going to do? Look at me, look at me!!"

"Sorry, sorry, you did it first."

Mu Xuehan's voice was like eating in a dream at this moment.

Gu Yan smiled when he saw this.

This is also normal. After ten years of mentoring and apprenticeship, it is not so easy for Mu Xuehan to do it swiftly.

But now the overall situation is complete, no matter what…

Gu Yan, how can a chess piece jump out of control?



Gu Yan fired!

Chen Long was shot in the leg and screamed and wailed on the spot.boom!

With another shot, Chen Long was penetrated from the left cheek to the right cheek, and he couldn't even call him!

"Miss Mu, should I continue?" Gu Yan glanced at Mu Xuehan.

Then, a new magazine was filled!

Seeing this scene, Mu Xuehan's mind seemed to be broken, and instantly became blank, and at the same time he pulled the trigger!


One shot hit Chen Long in the abdomen.


Gu Yan didn't follow the rules of the game as stated in advance, but smiled gently and spoke slowly.

His voice, like magic, penetrated into Mu Xuehan's ears.

When Mu Xuehan heard these two words, her whole body trembled.

Her beautiful eyes were red, and the crystal teardrops fell like a broken thread, and at the same time… pulled the trigger again!

The dull gunfire continued to sound.

Gu Yan leaned on the railing leisurely, his handsome profile face, illuminated by the flickering fire, calm and horrifying.

This is his plan.

"The threshold effect."

In psychology, this kind of effect, also known as the effect of taking inches, means that once a person accepts a trivial request from others, in order to avoid cognitive dissonance, or to give others a consistent impression before and after, it is possible Accept greater demands.

It's like going up the stairs.

After boarding the first floor, it will naturally continue to the next floor.

Gu Yan was already paving the way.

This was a hurdle when he sent Mu Xuehan a reward for Chen Long from the beginning.

Let Mu Xuehan step over and cut off any way back for her.

In the luxurious box, Gu Yan gave Mu Xuehan a pistol and told the rules of the game, which was another obstacle.

Mu Xuehan stepped past, which meant that she had completely broken with Chen Long in her heart, and she would find a reason for herself to escape from all this!

Gu Yan just shot Chen Long, which was the last hurdle.

Let Mu Xuehan see Chen Long's tragic situation, so he felt pity", thinking that he shot himself to give Chen Long a joy, and subconsciously found a reason for himself!

But about the next few shots, it doesn't matter.

Mu Xuehan only had to fire the first shot.

Then she can shoot countless shots.

In just a few days, Mu Xuehan seemed to have changed tremendously before and after, but in fact, the choice she made each time was enough to overthrow her consistent philosophy in the past!

Abruptly overthrown!

At the same time, from this moment on, Mu Xuehan was also changed by Gu Yan because of her mentality, so she could no longer break free, and was willing to do things for Gu Yan!

Mu Xuehan stood there blankly.

When she shot, she was very close to Chen Long, and there were a few drops of blood on Qiao's face, which made her look more glamorous.

Like a flower…

Blood-stained peony flower.

"Miss Mu, the game is over.

Gu Yan walked to Mu Xuehan, took out a handkerchief, and carefully wiped the blood on her face, "You still made the right choice."

"My subordinates will send you an address. If you go to the magic city to find me tomorrow, I will let you start a new life."

Speaking of which.

Gu Yan looked back at Chen Long, who had lost his breath long ago and was beaten into a sieve, and couldn't help but smile, "Miss Mu, for him, it's not worth being too sad, right?"

After speaking, Gu Yan put the blood-stained handkerchief in Mu Xuehan's hand and turned and left.

[Ding! The host successfully killed Chen Long, the son of luck, and the reward is being calculated!] [The host's villain points obtained by suppressing the son of Qiyun, the heroine, the layout, and so on, a total of 150,000.

[When Chen Long's death is detected, the protagonist's halo level is 1, so the villain's treasure chest is not rewarded!] [This villain's second treasure chest reward has been accumulated successfully. When the host gets the villain's treasure chest next time, he will get two at the same time!)

at the same time.

The rewards of the system will not be late and will start to be distributed.

However, compared to the rewards obtained by killing Ye Tian, ​​the benefits Chen Long brought to Gu Yan were almost negligible.

This is also normal.

Gu Yan is now in a different identity, and he doesn't calculate Chen Long at all, but is playing.

They are playing with people's hearts, and they don't care about Chen Long at all.

However, the villain's treasure chest did not burst out, which Gu Yan did not expect.

But Gu Yan didn't care too much.

When Chen Long died, the protagonist's halo was still one percent complete, indicating that he had not completely collapsed, indicating that his consciousness was still sober, just watched Mu Xuehan kill himself.

He couldn't even say a word, a word!

This kind of pain is enough.

One more thing is.

The villain's treasure chest will not disappear, and the rewards will stack up, and Gu Yan will get it sooner or later.

Gu Yan also got a lot of things through this trip to Jiangcheng.

The entire Thousand Grass Club, Fanchuan Louxue, Mu Xuehan, Tian Dong and Su Qingyue also took their first steps.

After Gu Yan left the deck, his staff also came to deal with the scene.

Mu Xuehan stood blankly, and a touch of firmness gradually rose in her beautiful eyes that did not seem to have any color.

Gu Yan got out of the freighter directly and got on the car!

He was sitting in the back seat of Rolls-Royce, sipping red wine, and looking at the bustling night view of Jiangcheng outside the window.

In the deep eyes.

A smile flashed past.

The perfect vacation life, isn't it?

At this point, Jiang Cheng has no need to continue to stay.

Next, is Gu Yan's top priority!

Back to the Devil City, with thunder means, the family is the only one!!

The paving is enough, it's time to close the net!

As for the two children of luck that will appear in the magic capital next?

Leave it to the hostess.

There is only one person who can make Gu Yan a little concerned now.

Emperor Dragon King!

I don't know, what will this dragon king look like after knowing that Chen Long was killed by Gu Yan?

Gu Yan didn't forget him.

Just now he specifically asked his men to take a photo of Chen Long and send it to the Dragon King!


Five-star hotel, presidential suite.

"Husband, what do you mean is that you have many enemies and are always threatening to you. Chen Long is just one of them?"


Su Qingyue sat in Gu Yan's arms, raised her head and looked straight at Gu Yan, her pretty face was serious, "Who are they? Tell me, okay?

Today, Chen Long was not resolved for Gu Yan.

In Su Qingyue's heart, there is actually a sense of guilt!

Regardless of the process, the result is bad, which means she is useless!

Su Qingyue was in a bad mood on the way home.

Just after hearing Gu Yan's words, she suddenly had a mentality of "compensating for the past".

Hearing this, Tian Dong looked at Gu Yan for the first time.

Her beautiful eyes lit up.

I don't know why, let Chen Long run away, she has a very aggrieved feeling.

Logically speaking, if Chen Long is dead, whoever kills is the same.

But it is not her own hands, she is always uncomfortable!

Now I heard Gu Yan say this.

She suddenly became a little interested.

"Okay, since you are willing, I will assign you some manpower."

Gu Yan stroked Su Qingyue's long hair and smiled: "This way, the situation today won't happen."

Su Qingyue nodded. After such a day, the word "killing" in her consciousness is no longer so unfamiliar.

Doing for Gu Yan and protecting Gu Yan even dilutes her similar resistance and resentment.

As a result, she agreed naturally.

Not only that.

Su Qingyue still feels really happy now.

At least Gu Yan didn't lie to her, at least Gu Yan told her all about it.

In that case, what reason does Su Qingyue have for her rejection?

It's too late for her to love Gu Yan.

She was sharing her worries for her man, but in another way.

"Gu Yan, come here."

Seeing this, Tian Dong said something to Gu Yan, then stood up and walked out the door.

Everything is expected.

Gu Yan didn't say anything and followed.

One goes out.

Tian Dong looked at Gu Yan and said straightforwardly: "Give me some manpower too."

"Mr. Tian, ​​don't participate in this matter. This is my personal matter." Gu Yan's tone was calm.

When Tian Dong heard these words, his pretty face stopped, as if he was stuck by Gu Yan's words.

But after another thought, she immediately caught a certain point.

"Fart! You are my partner. There is a dividend between you and me. The market value of Magic Blue Fashion can double, which is also yours."

"Then what's wrong with me sharing your worries for you? I don't want to wake up one day and hear you have something wrong with Gu Yan.

Gu Yan heard this and looked at Tiandong with a skeptical look, "Tianzong, do you think it is still convincing to say this from your mouth now?"

"You don't have any integrity with me anymore.

After hearing this, Tiandong walked directly to Gu Yan and looked at him with a pair of beautiful eyes, "Why don't I have integrity?"

Her eyes were aggressive and angry, as if she had been wronged.

It feels a bit coercive.

There is even a bit of anxious meaning.

Gu Yan looked at the pretty face close at hand and chuckled softly, "Someone and I have not finished the bet, but now they ask me why I have no integrity."

"Tian, ​​stop making trouble.

Speaking of this, Gu Yan turned around and opened the door, glanced at Tiandong who was still in the same place, and said: "By the way, I will return to the magic capital tomorrow, and you will let us directly distribute our recently cooperated projects, dividends, and send them to my home. I sign it."

"Good night, Mr. Tian.


After Gu Yan finished speaking, he closed the door directly!

Tian Dong was in the same place. When she raised her head again, her bright and pretty face was a little red, and she glanced at the door of the room, and the sound was like a mosquito or fly.

"Gu Yan, you are so cruel!

After saying this sentence.

She touched her hot cheeks, turned and left.

Before, when she mentioned this gambling agreement, she would rather rely on it.

but now

Because of these two words, Tian Dong returned to his room with entanglement.

Gu Yan returned to the private room and saw Su Qingyue who was already under the quilt at a glance, with only a small head exposed, looking at herself sheepishly.

He was just about to turn off the lights.

The mobile phone issued a clear tone.

Gu Yan picked up the phone and took a look.

The name of the sender is…

Zhao Chuning!