
Villain: The Last Dawn

"Reborn in shadows, a villain’s guise, Alex seeks to break his fate’s cruel ties. With knowledge past and power’s call, He’ll rise, defying the gods’ own thrall." In the world of Gaia, where heroes and villains clash, Alex Reinheart, a young noble, finds himself thrust into a second chance at life. Once destined to play the role of the ultimate antagonist in a tale of war and magic, Alex now possesses the knowledge of his past mistakes. Determined to change his fate, he navigates the elite Gaia Academy, a school where the most gifted warriors and mages are trained. "Villain: The Last Dawn" is a gripping journey of redemption, power, and the relentless pursuit of a different destiny.

Roxim · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 10: Trouble

Alex and Leon walked briskly towards the academy's dining hall, the early morning sun casting long shadows across the grounds. The fresh air was a welcome change after the tension of Mana Theory class, and Leon was chattering away, his mood as bright as the day.

"I swear, the more I hear about mana theory, the more I think they could make a whole class just on how confusing it can be," Leon said with a laugh, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Alex with a small smile,"I think they've already got that class covered. It's called 'every other class'," he replied, his voice dry but with a hint of amusement.

When they entered the dining hall, they were greeted by the bustling sounds of students enjoying their breakfast. The large room was filled with the clatter of dishes and the murmur of conversations. As they made their way to the serving line, Leon spotted Lila sitting alone at a table, her face buried in a book.

"Hey, Lila!" Leon called out as they approached. "Want to join us for breakfast?"

Lila looked up, her face flushing slightly. She glanced between Alex and Leon, her nervousness palpable. "Oh, um, that's really nice of you, but I… I've got some things to finish up."

Leon's smile faltered a bit, but he nodded understandingly. "Alright, if you change your mind, we'll be over there." He gestured to a nearby table.

Alex gave Lila a small nod. They went to their table and began to eat, Leon continuing his lighthearted commentary.


After finishing their breakfast, Alex and Leon headed back towards the classroom for physical training. The hallways were filled with students heading in the same direction, and the air buzzed with the energy of the start of the day's activities.

As they approached the classroom, they noticed a commotion near the entrance. The door was ajar, and loud voices drifted out into the corridor. Leon's brow furrowed with curiosity.

"Sounds like trouble," Leon said, picking up his pace. Alex followed.

When they reached the door, the scene that unfolded before them was unsettling. Lila was standing near the entrance, her face pale and her body tense. A large, burly student, Garret, the son of a prominent local hunter guild, was looming over her. His demeanor was aggressive, and he had a tight grip on her wrist.

"Just let me explain again," Garret was saying in a voice laced with condescension. "I really think you should reconsider. You'd be a lot better off with me."

Lila struggled to free herself, her voice trembling. "I told you before, Garret. I'm not interested. Please, let go."

Garret's face twisted into a sneer. "You think you can just refuse me and get away with it? I could make your life very difficult, you know."

Leon's eyes widened in anger as he saw the situation unfold. He moved forward quickly, pushing past a few students who had gathered to watch. "Hey! Let her go, Garret!"

Garret turned to face Leon, his smirk turning into a scowl. "Oh? And what are you going to do about it? Think you can scare me?"

Leon took a step closer, his voice low but firm. "You're out of line. Apologize and back off."

Garret snorted. "Or what? You think you're some big shot just because you're friends with Reinheart?"

Alex, who had been quietly observing from the back of the crowd, stepped forward. His presence was almost magnetic, a silent intensity that commanded attention. The room fell eerily silent as he approached Garret.

Without saying a word, Alex walked right up to Garret. The air around him seemed to shift, growing heavier with each step. As he stopped directly in front of Garret, a palpable wave of killing intent emanated from him.

Garret's smirk vanished instantly. His eyes widened in terror, and he staggered backward, his face going ashen. The fear was raw and immediate, almost tangible. He fell to the ground, his whole body trembling as he looked up at Alex with a mix of horror and disbelief. It was as if he was staring into the abyss, and the abyss was staring back.

The students around them felt it too—a gut-wrenching sense of dread that made their skin crawl. The atmosphere was thick with Alex's overwhelming presence, and every instinct screamed that danger was imminent. 

Lila stood frozen, her eyes wide as she watched the scene unfold. She had never seen anything like this before. 

Alex's gaze remained cold and unblinking as he looked down at Garret. After a moment, he turned and walked back towards Leon, his expression calm but with a hint of the storm that had just passed.

Leon looked at Alex with a mixture of awe and relief. "Well, that was... intense," he said.

Alex said in a flat tone"Yeah. Let's just get to the class."