
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
137 Chs


The villains boarded desert vassals and were on their way to Illuminos had great speed.

" Should we really not check in on Dylan?" Navaeh asked

Ivan ruffled her hair smiling," If he get super serious...Dylan is as dangerous as Jaxon. Don't underestimate him. That's what gets people killed."

As the spoke the creature that ate started hitting itself into the ground. It screamed in torment as its belly split open, fell lifeless on the ground and Dylan walked out of its belly along with green-purple mist.

The sand around Dylan started turning into stone rapidly as Red noticed the teen's calm breathing.

" Ah....It's been a while since I've wanted to fight." Dylan hissed " But I can't savor this since I have to be on my way."

" Do you think I'll let you got so easily" Red smirked

Dylan smiled and Red couldn't see how Dylan got in front of his to send him flying the way he did. Red's body engulfed in an aura and he kick an incoming Dylan into the soil. The pirate descended quickly and stomped fiercely on Dylan's stomach.

The villain gripped Red's foot and his blades pushed into his leg. Although Red forced his foot downwards bearing the blade moving up his muscles to firmly press down Dylan into the ground. Red punched the teen in his face, Dylan bit his hand and to the man surprise his knuckles began to melt. Red created a distance between him and Dylan.

" Man, you get my blood pumping...."Red went removing the knuckles

Dylan stood up and let out a puff of black mist. Oddly his eye covering was intact and covering his beautiful crimson-brown eyes. Dylan smirked to himself and went " I think I should put some effort as well else you might kill me."

" Thanks, I have a talent." Red grinned

Dylan smiled silently as his Game Guide, < Winnie> in the form of two koi fish. On fish was white whereas the other was black and they went, " Dylan, are you having trouble? Should we help you?"

" Thanks Winnie, but I'll manage." Dylan told looking at Red

" Tired?" Red smiled

Dylan smiled, " I guess you weren't wrong when when you said I was a snake."

Dylan morphed instantly and Red as well as Hayden looked at a fifty feet long serpent. The pirate instinctively dodged a ray of petrification and it appeared as if Dylan clicked his tongue. Red took a dagger from his boot and another gun from inside his jacket. He saw the other serpents cowering at the sight of Dylan.

" Let's dance...." Red grinned running to Dylan

The snake swung its tail but Red stabbed to and climbed aboard the young King. Dylan's webbed-like hood popped out as he twisted his body to flick the climber off himself. Red held on tightly and shot Dylan's light green underbelly.

Dylan bang where Red was on a rock but he persisted on holding on his black-green scales. He hissed and bit into his own body. Red covered his eyes as Dylan stared at his and puffed out poison fog.

" Nasty trick, ya got there." Red coughed

" Dylan...Message." Winnie interrupted having just remembered as well

[ Ivan: So, hey not sure when you'll see this. We're on the way to Illuminos caught you there 'kay]

Dylan had a low hiss as the tip of his tail opened itself in a spiky fan and various spikes stood up around his body moving downwards in rows.

" Seeing how quiet ya got seems you got something important." Red chuckled " Didn't think I know you were one of the Masterminds?"

The massive snake opened its mouth and Red braced himself for a spray of poison.

" What doesss that have to do with me?* Hiss* " the snake spoke in a deep voice " I can get there *hiss* whenever I pleassse"

Red fired two bullets into Dylan's mouth aiming for his venom gland and fang sheath. The snake coughed up blood and let a violent hiss to Red.

" SIR!" Hayden exclaimed before Red fell off his tail

Red was shocked as the the young snake made a grin and slithered around him. The pirate felt wind coming out from under the rows of spikes on his body. Dylan curled his tail around Red with it forked tongue picking out.

" Are you going to eat me?" Red coughed feeling his senses dimming

Dylan smiled as he tossed Red over his side and transforming back. He spat out the bullets as two snakes came out his shadow. Hayden and Dylan soon left Red in the incoming sandstorm.

" Damn that....like viper!" Red groaned being sucked into the sand twisters and tornados

Dylan boarded the vessel that the other villains were on.

" What happened to you?" Xayn exclaimed

" Oh, they got you in that gland didn't they?" Ivan snickered " Always knew being such a big snake would back fire."

" *hiss* SSShut it." Dylan said lowly

Ivan raised his arms up in a sign of surrender. The shark's eyes had a hot glow to them as he smiled," Did you kill the person?"

"...No" He answered

" Should I take them off your hands? I'm interested whom this person is." Ivan grinned

Dylan smirked as his eyes lit up as well," No way. Off-limits"

Dylan left with Xayn to get himself treated without the other members of the dimension seeing his advanced medical equipment.

" I don't understand why you didn't kill him?" Xayn frowned " You did the same with Hercules..."

Dylan was in thought for a moment, " I see the potential to become some one I really wish to fight. That's all."

Xayn left the topic to rest and they spoke of something else. Whereas Red got on board a desert-critter drawn vessel.

" TAKE ME TO ILLUMINOS! NOW!" He roared answering a call to the Royal Guard

" Did you kill them?" the guard asked

Red coughed, " STOP CONTACTING ME!!"

" What happened the King is worried?" The guard asked

" They're heading to Illuminos, I sure of it. Tell that King of yours to sent forces as well as top grade Healers" Red told as he forced the passengers to do first-aid on him

" Why would we need to do that?" The guard sighed

Red frowned, " Because you're facing Monsters."

The guard was silent and questioned why Red was also going to Illuminos if they were facing ' Monsters'

" I...I need to caught up with that viper that's all." he answered

" You want to kill for revenge?" the guard laughed

Red thought, " Not at all." and cut the call.

The villians, Red and the King were on there way to Illuminos at tremendous speeds.

Illuminos, Water City

" Your Highness, all the guest will be here soon." a soldier told a woman

" Ah the sacrifices will be here soon." she laughed

She was Intory la Kintos the fourteenth Queen of Illuminos as well as the top player of [ Water Ruler System]