
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
137 Chs


Lucian got Eli's number and had to leave early because of a call from HQ. Pyro Lady arrived and saw the Pillars and heroes in the meeting room.

"Now everyone is here." one said seeing Pyro Lady sitting down

"Wait." Ajkula interrupted

Two people came in and the heroes were silent. Elderly-looking villains, the villainess had a mask that didn't cover her right eye and the villain's mask didn't cover his mouth and chin areas.

"Sorry for being late. When you're as old as us, you need to take your time." the elder villainess cackled

They only looked old but everything else was as though they were young. With a fearsome aura oozing off them, they sat in the chairs for Mask Family and they understood why. Pyro Lady and Thunder were surprised as well.

"I'm Grandma Mask. You can call me Gran if you like." the senior villainess laughed "He's Grandpa Mask."

"Where are the Mask brothers?" a hero asked

"On vacation." the villains answered with sighs


"It really isn't that important to them though." Punisher shrugged "Just being honest."

"You no-good villains have been fighting across the city," Samurai said

Doctor V. smiled, "Give us concrete evidence that we fought in your country. It could be a Third Party or the heroes themselves?"

" We understand your worries." Alex smiled " Shall we talk about something else?"

"We'll help you." Shadow Hound announced, "We'll discuss what happens next after that."

" We can't leave the damn city because of the mission." the villains thought cursed "Damn brothers..."


A wave of heat entered the room and they turned their heads to the source of the crash. A shabby man with a cigarette in his mouth had jumped in through the window. Although weren't they on the thirtieth floor, the heroes thought.

The villains had already given up on common sense and embrace the madness as it came. The man took out his cigarette and blow up a cloud of smoke.

"Thank goodness, I'm not hurt." the man sighed "Those brats throw be up here with quite a lot of force."

"Who are you?" Tempest frowned

The man thought for a moment before blowing more clouds into the air. Suddenly some low-ranked heroes and staff members fell to the ground and foamed from their mouths.

"Ah...sorry. I heard this stuff is bad for second-hand smokers." the man smirked tossing the cigarette

Their faces stiffened as the cigarette burned downward into the floor like lava rock. The man's fingers were dripping with purple and green liquid that burned through the floor too.

"STOP THEM!!" Thunder yelled

"GET AWAY!!" Pink cloud yelled

"Disorganized aren't we?" the man teased

The door swung open and a woman in a suit was there. She had a top hat and a pocket watch in one hand with a stern expression.

"You're unruly as ever, Poison King." The woman snorted

The man laughed, "Thanks, Lorri."

"Was I disturbing something?" She grinned

Poison King's face became stern, "They're my prey."

Lorri took out a cane, " It's what they call ' a free for all'. So I beg your pardon."

The right wall collapsed. A boy on a large nutcracker came through and smiled, "Seems I was a little late to the party."

"You can never be late for such parties since they're still alive." a voice echoed

A gloomy-looking girl came through the left wall. Her black hair covered her right eye and she wore white attire.

"Wow, Toymaker and Epidem are here too. All the big names in one place." Poison King sighed

Dea Tacita held up her hand, "Don't expect me to wait to be slaughtered!!!"

She destroyed the floor and everyone's mouths gaped.

"You're crazy." Toymaker reacted

"Thanks, that's my specialty." she grinned as a purple light came out from her mouth

"No." The villains went with tears developing in their eyes

" There was a race that reigned with an iron fist and they were THE GIANTS!!!" Dea Tacita laughed

The purple grew brighter as a giant sprung out from underneath them and destroyed the HQ. The giant slapped Toymaker and Lorri as the others dodged. The villains and heroes were falling.

"YOU CRAZY BITCH!!!" Ajkula yelled catching his wife

A paper plane carrying Toymaker came as Lorri returned using an umbrella to gain flight. Dea Tacita's eyes were glowing with madness and evil intent.

"Yeah, no one sane is home in there." Poison King commented

Dea T smiled broadly, "Let's enjoy each other...There-"

A web covered the Pillar's mouth tightly, it came from Epidem. The others let out a sigh and saw Dea Tacita's eyes were crescent-like as if she was smiling. A mouth appeared above the Pillar and grinned broadly as the glow in her eyes became brighter.

"Fudge." Toymaker frowned "Why does a newbie have that--?!"

"Shall we not forget them indeed, they were once a force to fear. The cyclops'....."

Cubs hit them as four cyclops appeared and roared loudly. The roars blended into Dea Tacita's laughter.

"Can I not go on vacation too?" Gadget wondered with agony on her face

The villains of Blood Lily were teleported to another place and didn't suffer like the heroes that had a close conversation with the pavement.

"Why would you want that, when the fun has just begun?"

They turned to a woman and girl child in a car and they stared at each other for a while.

"Villain System." Waniya smiled

"Yep." the girl smiled

Jaxon made a van appear, the villains jumped in and the driver stomped on the gas. They roughly joined traffic.

"Wow, they ran?" the woman laughed "I knew this would be fun when those twins dragged me here."

"Let's go, mum." the girl frowned "We can't let the others catch them."

"Sure, sure." the mother smiled, " Just wait. It seems we're playing hide and seek."

"I see. Then...I'll find them." the daughter said as her eyes glowed red

The mother-daughter duo joined the traffic and followed the van.

"The J. Family is taking this too seriously!!" the Pillars frowned

The J. Family watching from their various place couldn't help but laugh loudly at the developments. Zyder raised up a knight chess piece and an enlarged versions fell down all over the city. Zaiden threw up a deck of cards, millions of them fell like rain over the city and cut everything they touched. Zander tossed a pair of dice and sinkholes as the dots on the dice appeared randomly everywhere of different sizes. Who knew what was in those holes?

"Should...we go back?" Yasmin suggested

They glared at her and Ivan tossed her out the door. The chaos that ensued provided much amusement for the J. family, and they couldn't help but laugh uproariously at the surreal spectacle.