
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
137 Chs


The city was in shambles and civilians protested in front of the other HQ for the heroes. Some citizens wanted to migrate to Blood Lily's country.

Lucian returned home and saw Lyla, alone at the dining table. Out of curiosity she came closer and saw her little girl was drawing on a napkin.

"That's a great picture, dear." Lucian smiled

Lyla exclaimed, "I...I'm sorry!"

"No don't be." Lucian went "I think it's a great hobby. Can...can I have it? Oh, we could frame it"


They turned around and saw Hugo at the doorway in a morning gown. His refined muscles peeked through as water dripped down his ruffled hair. Lucian told Lyla to go to her room and looked at his angry expression.

"Where were you?!" Hugo asked with a deep frown

Lucian replied, "....I'm sorry."

"You won't tell me, huh?" Hugo went "Alright, just don't make a mistake like that. The causalities would have reduced."

"Would they really?" she mumbled

Hugo was surprised by what she said and didn't even know what type of expression he was making. Lucian, on the other hand, expected his look and quietly left for their bedroom first. She hid Lyla's painting in a spatial bag that Eli gave her.

The next day was a gloomy and depressing day filled with protests both aggressive and not. People lost homes, families, and some of their trust in the heroes. Meanwhile-

Jaxon was in a wolf café with his niece and nephew. His two tails were out entertaining the energetic canines as he read a book peacefully. He didn't even notice Julianna and her family enter the door.


Maverick appeared in front of them with a grin. An order was called out and Kenneth quickly got Jaxon's drink.

"You're here?" Julianna frowned

Maverick grinned, "Yeah. Aren't I a great bodyguard?"

"I just want my puppies back!!" She yelled

Jaxon pulled his reading glasses slowing down the bridge of his nose for a moment and looked in his sister's direction. Everyone in the café was captivated by Jaxon's minor motions and business was practically booming. His emerald eyes went make to the paragraph he was reading.

"I KNOW YOU SAW ME!!" Julianna boomed

Jaxon sighed, "Shouldn't have looked."

Jaxon reluctantly stood up with the pups on his shoulders and dropped the book on the table beside his drink. He went beside Maverick with a 'why-today' expression on his usual neutral face.

"Where have you been?" she asked and noticed Jaxon was wearing a sleeveless shirt

Her face distorted seeing his blackened right arm and water started to form on the corners of her eyes.

"Please no." Maverick cringed

"We're B.Lilians," Jaxon announced

B.Lilian- a citizen of Blood Lily, how did she not know that and Julianna was stunned.

"Why?" she went

Jaxon raised a brow, "Well. In Blood Lily, I'm positive that I won't run into you intentionally, coincidentally, or inevitably. So why not, I thought."

"Why do you hate me?" she asked seriously

"I don't." he answered seriously "Hate is quite a strong emotion."

"Boss?! You feel emotions?" Maverick gasped "All these years?"

Jaxon gripped Maverick's neck and for some reason, the color on his face was became paler. Kenneth and some others were laughing their heads off. It happened that most of Jaxon's unit, Purgatory was there.

A girl, Willow panicked, "Boss...You'll kill Mave!"

"Doesn't he still have like three lives left?" A woman, Yana laughed

"You haven't changed I see." Hudson frowned

Jaxon smiled, "Why, fix something that isn't broken?"


There was silence as they looked at a bunch of civilians that had nothing to do with what was happening.

"You said you're from Blood Lily?" a man asked

Jaxon nodded, he released Maverick and everyone shifted their attention to the group. The person held out a screen and Jaxon was on it in a navy suit.

"Only high-ranking officials and/or villains can leave the borders of Blood Lily." he informed "Jaxon Woods. The youngest pilot on land, sea, and air. Also Blood Lily's Minister of Transport, Rescue, and importantly Immigration."

Julianna and the family were frozen and oppressive energy filled up the room. The doors shut themselves, Jaxon's right arm filled up with black flames and his canines became enlargened. Everyone felt the danger of the situation.

"Are...are you threatening me?" Jaxon said calmly

"All information about high ranking personal is confidential for outside countries." Willow went "How did you get it? "

The group of people got on their knees.

"It's no longer safe here!!" the people announced

Jaxon's flames were extinguished and seemed a bit confused.

"Yo, Boss." Yana frowned as she increased the volume of the television for the café

" Only thirteen minutes ago, cracks within the barrier that the heroes were discovered. It is suspected to be the Nights race or perhaps the villains that are within the city. Even though the barrier of Blood Lily shows no signs of breaking any time soon as citizens try to run to the Country of Villains. The villains' barrier prevents all attempts to sneak into the country and the heroes have detained the captured individuals. What future awaits us?"

"How unfortunate." Jaxon sighed "Now we have to put extra care into work. There goes my vacation."

"Sorry, uncle." Otis and Octavia sulked


Jaxon cracked his knuckles, "Get up you numskulls. We have work to do. *sigh*"

Julianna saw Jaxon start to prepare a table, her pups were getting papers in order, and suddenly a chill ran down her spine. Sebastian was hugging her quite tightly and no one who be surprised if he was trying to kill her.

"I've noticed something." Sebastian smiled "Jaxon is more irritated after meeting you. Could you...not meet him? Don't get me wrong, I'm just worried that's all."

The family felt a strong force and they couldn't move. Cold sweats ran down their skin and Julianna noticed Jaxon pretended not to see it.

"I know. They use most of my money, dominate my house, and don't both much about my thoughts." Sebastian went

Maverick said, "Are you okay? I could take them during the weekends?"

"No, I'm good." Sebastian went "I, do have a problem...Julianna Wolfreid, nice name."

Willow looked unpleasantly at her, Yana and Maverick smiled mockingly while Sebastian gripped Julianna's shoulders.

I see those tiny tyrants as family; you understand right? Wouldn't it be a pain your heart to watch your family's mood worsen?" he said, holding a strand of her hair. "Okay. Kindly... get out of their lives." Why must their mood grow sour because of an existence that can be easily deleted? It baffles me."