
Villain System: City of Eternal Night

[ Warning: Mature content R-18 ] "A law-abiding man gradually transformed into a villain simply because he kept a promise to his mother. Any woman who crossed his path would become a part of his harem." This is a primarily slice-of-life novel, and the pacing will be relatively leisurely. ____________________ ***Warning*** There is no NTR/Yuri Although MC won't be NTR'd, he will treat others like this. Tags: Vampire-Werewolf-Angel-Dark-System-Daily-Love-R 18-Maid-Slave-Mature Woman-Loli-Pregnant-Incest-Beastism-Overlord-Blackadder-Knight-Seduction-Shameless

67Yang · Fantasy
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17 Chs

First Bloodsucking

After Lisa put on her glasses, a mysterious smile appeared on her lips. Seeing this smile, Sam felt his scalp numb and did not dare to look at Lisa again. He could only vent his anger on the tall man in front of him.

Sam took off his tattered clothes, revealing his shapely figure. Lisa nodded in the distance with a smile on her lips, not knowing what she saw.

"How long do you think he can last in the hands of our boss?" someone asked.

"Three moves! Our boss's strength is beyond our imagination."

"I think it's just one move at most."

"He is absolutely finished! Damn it, he killed my brother, I will avenge him immediately, give him a few stabs, and let him die early! Damn it !"

"Look at him, he looks white and tender. If he hadn't died, I would have taken him back to my room, hehe…" After the man finished speaking, the people around him slowly moved away.

The people next to him whispered. At this time, there were only two people standing in the middle, and Ryder's body surface was exuding transparent energy. Sam held a dagger in one hand and looked defensive.

A gust of wind blew and a leaf fell between the two of them. Ryder's figure disappeared instantly! !

"So fast!" Sam exclaimed.

He felt a strange sound coming from his ears and immediately swung the knife in that direction.

Clang! !

The two collided!

Ryder took a few steps back, and Sam also took a dozen or twenty steps back. It's clear who is strong and who is weak!

"Wow, this guy can actually resist the boss' attack!"

"Hmph, looking at him like this, he must have suffered internal injuries. He must be enduring the pain and not daring to speak out, hahaha."

"We know the boss's strength very well, and it is impossible for him to escape unscathed."

A few minions were having fun there.

Sam felt his arm numb and his hand aching from the shock just now. He knew that he was facing a powerful man.

Ryder was also surprised and thought: This thin-looking man can actually catch my moves without getting hurt? It seems that he is very strong. But he was destined to lose because I wasn't using my full strength yet, haha.

So, Sam took the initiative and the two began a close fight. Ryder deftly avoided Sam's dagger every time. Instead, Sam was hit several times by Ryder and was now bleeding from the corners of his mouth and moving slower and slower.

Sam felt himself approaching exhaustion and looked at Lisa. However, Lisa still wore her glasses and watched the situation quietly without any intention of intervening, which made Sam sigh.

"System! Can you help me? I can't hold it anymore!" Sam suddenly realized that he still had a system, so he quickly asked it for help.



Sam feels that his system does not have any powerful functions! He remembered seeing those system people in novels before, and they were all very powerful. Any system the host needs can be provided, and magic weapons and martial arts secrets can be obtained when in danger. However, his own system actually told me that [REQUEST FAILED]?

"System! Let me ask you again! Are you really not going to help me? I'm really going to die!"



"Damn! "



"Hahahaha!!" After listening to the system's [WARM REMINDER], Sam felt like a fool?

At this time, Sam showed strong fighting ability. He gave up his defense and actively launched an attack, seemingly intending to use grappling to subdue Ryder.

Ryder was filled with contempt and thought: Is there something mentally wrong with this person? My strength is many times that of yours, can you subdue me even with your small body? Are you kidding me, cutie?

Just as Ryder was about to punch Sam in the face, Sam barely dodged the blow. Before he had time to think about it, his arm was grabbed by Sam, and then he saw Sam falling on him and biting his neck fiercely.

"Ahhhh!!" The carotid artery was bitten through, and Ryder panicked. He knew he would not survive the injury, so he nervously waved his fists and hit Sam on the body.

Several people nearby saw it and hurried over to grab Sam. He bit Ryder's neck tightly, showing no sign of letting go.

Suddenly, a machete was aimed at Sam's head and chopped off!


The machete hit Ryder directly on the shoulder, and Sam quickly dodged the slashing knife.

At this time, Ryder could no longer make a sound, his skin was pale, his cheeks were sunken, and he looked very weak.

Sam wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, revealing his sharp teeth, and the corners of his mouth turned up involuntarily. The system had just reminded him that he was a vampire, causing him to wake up immediately. He realized that he had sharp teeth. He felt a little stronger, and he also found that his age had increased by two years, and he was now [AGE: 27 YEARS].

"It turns out that sucking blood can make me grow older, and my strength also increases." Sam said to himself. When those people saw Ryder's body, they backed away in fear. However, Sam turned around and stabbed the man with the machete with the knife, then pulled out the knife and stabbed him twice more. He didn't forget Lisa's instructions.

When they saw someone dying, those people ran away quickly, even faster than usual. Sam breathed a sigh of relief. Then he turned to look at Lisa, who was still wearing X-ray glasses, and asked: "What should we do with these corpses? This is the street, and they are abandoned like this?" Lisa looked at Sam with a half-smile. He scratched his head in embarrassment. He didn't know how to explain why there were X-ray glasses.

"Let's go, someone else will take over as soon as we turn around." Lisa said as she approached slowly on horseback.

Sam got on the horse, naked and hugged Lisa's waist. Lisa tapped the horse with her foot to guide it forward: "click click."


In the dark night, two people were riding a horse on the road.

"What is this?" Lisa asked, glasses in hand.

"Lord Knight, these are glasses. I got them by chance." Sam replied awkwardly.

"These glasses are great, they actually see through. Is your nose bleeding because you saw Tisana and me naked?" Lisa asked with a smile.

"Haha, Lord Knight's figure is so beautiful. This is the first time I see a woman naked. I can't help but have a nosebleed." Sam also became more bold. The way Lisa looked at her didn't blame him, anyway.

"Oh! Are you still a virgin? Here, take it." Lisa returned the glasses to Sam.

"Yes, I am still a virgin, Lord Knight." Sam took the glasses sheepishly.

"In this vast land, there are actually two worlds, one is the world seen by ordinary people, and the other is the dark world where we vampires live." Lisa told Sam about the structure of the real world.

It turns out that, as Tisana said, the real rulers of this world are us vampires, and the rulers of humanity are chosen by the vampires who run the city. Vampires control the economic lifeline of the entire world.

Therefore, if a country's people are wiped out, the country cannot function properly. This is why Lisa said that vampire rules do not allow indiscriminate killing of ordinary people. The blood of ordinary people is of little use to vampires. However, if you absorb the blood of some strong people, you can improve your strength.

"No wonder I felt stronger just now." Sam thought to himself.

Lisa told Sam that the man just now was a test subject recruited for an experiment. Here they were tested on humans by the Alchemy Guild, who had drugs injected into their bodies without knowing what they were studying. However, none of these subjects lived past age 30 and died because their hearts failed. However, there is still such a group. They are called "werewolves" and live among various tribes in the forest outside the city. Although they are a huge racial organization, they dare not show off too much in this land because the vampires here are powerful.

While smelling the fragrance of Lisa's hair, Sam listened to her introduction. He gently caressed her waist with both hands, feeling the softness of her body. His little brother rubbed the horse's back and gradually became hard again. He felt that his little brother was different from before. Now he was always hard, and he was aroused by his sexual desire and needed to be rubbed hard. Sam wondered: What is going on?

Still the same, Sam's penis was pressing against Lisa's ass, as if he was trying to embed it. Lisa also felt how hard he was. She raised her hips slightly, letting his cock lie underneath her, and then she sat on Sam's cock.

Sam felt so comfortable that he almost screamed. As the horse galloped, his cock kept rubbing against Lisa's private parts. Lisa also feels comfortable, which for vampires is nothing to be ashamed of as their lives are eternal and even if incest is involved, it is not unusual.

Sam jerked slowly from behind, his movements getting louder and louder. Lisa's body also rocked back and forth to get more pleasure.


After arriving at a place called "Rose Cafe", Lisa took Sam into the cafe and went directly to the second floor. Now, they feel excited and short of breath. Taking Sam into a storage room, Lisa locked the door. The two looked at each other and then hugged and kissed wildly.

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