
Chapter 721: Episode... G?

Gracy Gray.


Riley had seen a couple of variants, and they do differ from what he was accustomed to in his own universe.

There was someone that was a bit overweight, skinny. One that looked somewhat older. And there was even Aerith, who looked completely different and was a complete copy of her mother.

But this—for another variant to be a different sex completely, the multiverse truly was a wonderful and random thing.

"...Are you crazy? Why are you laughing on your own?"

Gracy was already confused as to who Riley was. And now that she was seeing him just chuckling by himself even though nothing funny was going on, she could really only come to one conclusion—this person in front of him is a crazy themarian. She couldn't even be bothered anymore that there was still some small debris stuck to her body here and there.

"I just find it quite interesting that you are a woman, Gracy."