
Chapter 620: Trouble Above and Below

"Oh no, it's fine. We can talk while you're on your back…

…Death is your only rest, after all, I don't want to take that away from you."

Riley was really only staring at Nothing—that was all he could do in this place, after all. And after a few seconds of just watching Nothing do nothing, Riley just decided to lie back down in the darkness.

"Well…" And as soon as he did so, Nothing finally spoke, "...Your body here isn't really real, you're not really resting. But this is about being relaxed since we have a lot to talk about."

"..." Riley just ignored Nothing's slightly chuckling voice. Instead, he just stared at the endless ceiling of nothing; his breaths, truly completely relaxed. His death this time was probably the most peaceful way he had ever died before—of course, there was that time when he was killed by a super that produced venom from his fangs—but never once had he truly just lied down and died.

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