
Chapter 544: Even Here, Trouble


Riley, who had just tortured a boy in front of his classmates just minutes ago, was now just casually standing in front of a canteen. A canteen where all the castle's staff and servants seem to gather and eat.

And since Riley was now the private professor of the castle's young people, he was technically one of the staff now. But as soon as he and Zac entered, however, everyone's eyes landed on them as if they were a couple of intruders.

"...I don't think we're welcome here," Zac whispered close to Riley; the eyes, still following him even with the slightest of his movements, "Maybe… we should go elsewhere?"

Riley did not seem to mind, however, as he just continued to step inside the canteen.

"W—wait, Lord Riley! I thought your main mission was to meet with Princess Aerith?" Zac quickly followed behind Riley, almost tumbling as he made sure not to get far.