
Chapter 401: Just a Little Gray

"What do you think is even going to happen now, Riley!?"

A Boom.

Several booms.

A thousand booms.

That was the best way to describe the sounds that were echoing throughout the entire mall. And it was almost like a call for the people; as the mob that just left were now once again gathering and returning to their positions.

Their eyes, watching as Gary punched, kicked, and tried to slam Riley to the ground— but any of his strikes were just… futile. No matter how strong his strikes seemed, it was almost as if they just bounced right off. The only thing that was moving was Riley's hair and clothes, which had already dried from all the shockwaves of Gary's strikes.

"Do you think you're just going to live like nothing's wrong!? Do you think that the world will just accept you living among us!? It doesn't work like that, man! You need to pay for everything you did!"