
Villain: Puppeteer Narrator

After being the narrator of the bored gods for who knows how long, Auriel knew that his future was bleak and uncertain. His life was boring and hard after suppressing his true self to live a few days more to live until he couldn't. It was unknown if it was luck or bad luck but, his punishment after he made a god furious was to transmigrate into the body of a villainous piggy noble he was narrating a while ago.  This was both an opportunity for him to live a good life to spite the gods and while at it maybe torment the protagonist who he deemed as the reason for his punishment.   But for some reason, troubles were following him like a plague. Vicious fiends who possess bodies, shape shifts, manipulate the minds of people, and are more vicious than fiends, humans.  Fortunately, he possessed the power to control things like a puppet. However, this newfound ability came at a price that he didn't know… ----------- Join my Discord server : https://discord.gg/H5fw9qhk2a

Kayleren · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
88 Chs


"Hmm, you got it wrong, idiot. I am not helping you, I am just protecting one of the sons of my adopted father." Celeste said coldly while looking at Auriel as if she was looking at trash. 

"I see…" Auriel said and nodded. 

He already knew that Celeste hated him greatly because of the trashy original Auriel, and that is the reason he didn't understand Celeste's offer of help to him.

'Maybe she is suspicious of my sudden change of behaviour?' Auriel thought and hoped that she didn't know that someone else using her brother's body.

"Well then, can you open his restraints?" Auriel asked and threw the keys of the restraint to Celeste, then he took a few steps back and lifted his hands. 

Celeste caught the keys in the air and unlocked the restraints of the passed out criminal. 

Then, Auriel lifted one of his fingers while looking at the criminal, but the criminal didn't move on contrary to Auriel's expectations. 

'Hmm, connection feels weak.' Auriel concluded after thinking about why he couldn't move the criminal and took out an ethereal thread. 

Then he slowly brought it closer to his finger, and like he expected, the thread he was holding absorbed into the almost invisible connection, making it more saturated than before. 

After this, Auriel repeated the process to the same connection until one of the parts of the criminal moved.

And after a minute or 2 later, the connection was even visible to the naked eyes of normal humans. 

Then he lifted his finger again and this time, the criminal's foot left the ground and stayed in the air. 

Auriel noticed that after filling one of the connections between him and the string that was on the criminal's foot, he could just move that foot even without lifting his finger or moving his hand. 

Hence, he lowered his finger, making the leg return to its old position. 

Then he willed the criminal's foot to get up with a thought, which worked without any delay, but it worked too well. 

He tried to lift only the leg into the air, but the whole body of the criminal was also in the air, his head and limbs except that leg were dangling comically. 

'Hmm, I should train this to not make the same mistake. I might have broken his leg if he was still in restraints.' Auriel thought and dropped the criminal to the ground. 

Then he proceeds to strengthen the other threads that were connected to his fingers, making the criminal completely under his control. 

While he was doing this, Celeste came to his side. 

"That might be useful if you can make these threads invisible and make the people talk. Good job piggy you are doing great, it would be even better if you don't become a piece of shit like before." She said calmly but Auriel sensed a threat from her tone that indicated if he became like the original Auriel, then his fate might be sealed. 

"That is impossible." Auriel murmured without thinking while strengthening his connections with the strings. 

"I thought so." Celeste said and stepped back, leaving some space for Auriel to work. 

Auriel turned to Celeste and asked: 

"Did you say something?" 

But Celeste didn't reply to his question and just leaned to the wall while looking at him with her shining red eyes. 

'Does she see something with those eyes?' Auriel thought after seeing these shining eyes a few times. 

He didn't know about this woman other than her ability, which was body strengthening, but after seeing her eyes shine whenever she looked at him, he began to suspect about the true ability of Celeste. 

Therefore, he decided to not interact with Celeste for the time being until he was sure about the full capability of her ability. 

Auriel didn't know what she was seeing but he thought it was better to be cautious about it instead of not doing anything and crying in the future after she found some of his secrets. 

While these thoughts passed in the mind of Auriel, his work was done and all 8 of the strings were saturated enough to move this criminal without any problem. 

But there was a slight problem, which was that he couldn't take out another string from his body even though he could clearly feel that there were still many of them inside him. 

He tried to forcefully take another one, and he was successful at this but one of his legs gave away itself, causing Auriel fall to the floor. 

It was a sudden fall for Auriel but fortunately, his big belly lessened the impact and he rolled on the ground, lying on his back, looking at the ceiling. 


Without caring about Celeste's mocking laugh, he closed his eyes and felt the strings that were on his body. 

There, he finally understood that these strings were the minimum amount needed for him to move his body, so when he took out that last string, he lost control of his leg. 

He didn't know if these strings that were inside him were special for him as a transmigrator. Or did everyone have strings like this to move their bodies subconsciously? 

Unfortunately, he knew that he wasn't going to learn this because as of right now, he was barely feeling his own strings. So it was impossible for him to sense someone else's strings if there were any. 

Hence, he put the string back that he took out and felt that he could move his leg again. 

Then he got up from the floor and thoroughly wiped the dust on his clothes. 

After that, he turned to his first puppet, who was laying on the ground like a rag. 

It was time to properly move this puppet and learn his capabilities.