
Villain or Hero? Alpha or Omega?

Jade is a female omega with a powerful Quirk. It's a rare things since both of her parents are alphas, they didn't last long, and her little sister is a beta. It's also rare for an omega to have a powerful Quirk like she has. An omega usually has no Quirk or a weak one. She decided to get away from her mean little sister and the terrible people she knew. She was the only omega in her entire small town. People were either rude to her or scared of her. She pushed people away because she never wants to be marked. She moves to Japan, signs up for UA, and the rest happens pretty quickly. With a green haired omega next door she no longer feels alone in that sense. She still pushes even him away from her. She is terrified of her past. Before even her friends knew her, she had a past that she regrets. What she did will ne found out when a certain red headed alpha wiggles his way into her life. Will she fall back onto her past or will she choose the other. Hero or Villain? It's your choice just as it is hers and everyone else's.

Nine_Tall_Tales · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Meet the Midorya's

I stood up from my spot on the couch. I send my mom my address so that she can send me my pocket knife. I left it at home cause I knew it wouldn't make it through security. She sent me an ok and then I turned off my phone. I grab one of the long strands of brown hair and remembered that I always had to put it up just to use my Quirk. I sigh and go to the drawers. Upon opening them I see that they were filled with eating utensils. The one next to it was filled with things like ladels, spatulas, and one pair of scissors. I smile when I found the sticky note on one of the cabinet doors.

'We knew you were moving in and thought it would be easier on you to just have everything you might need. -Midoryas'

I need to go thank my neighbors after I do what I need to do. Grabbing the scissors I go into the bathroom. I cut my hair pretty short, enough that if I didn't have a big chest people would think I was a guy. I even have the perfect nickname for it. I sigh at this thought and clean up the bathroom. After taking a short shower and changing into some clothes I exit my apartment and went over to the Midorya residence. I knock on the tan door and wait for someone to answer. The door opens and a short chunky woman with really dark green hair opens the door.

"Are you Mrs. Midorya?" She nods and smiles.

"And you must be miss Stag." I just nod. I suddenly remember the boy who I saw earlier.

"Do you have a brother that lives with you?" She was way to young looking to have a son, at least that was my opinion. She shakes her head.

"I have a son. He's about your age. Planning on going to UA in a few months." So I was wrong. I remember why I came here.

"Thank you for the utensils. It was really nice of you." I smile and bow politely. Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder. The green haired Omega I saw earlier. I smiled and waved. "Are you sure this is your son? You look like you would be his sister. No kidding." She laughs and smiles. I still got it in me.

"Nope I gave birth to him. Thank you though." I just wave my hand side to side. Looking back at the greenette I stick out my hand.

"Jade Stag, my friends call me Jay, it's nice to meet another Omega like myself." His eyes widen at my words. I pull down the collar of my blue turtle neck, with short sleeves, to show off the black collar. "Of the same tree my friend. Where I used to live I was the only Omega in the entire town." I smile widely at him and stick my hand out again. He takes it this time, shakes it once, then let's go.

"H-Hey m-m-my name is Midorya Izuku, my um...friend?...calls me Deku."

"Why Useless? I'm not calling you that....you are now...Izu-kun, my first friend on this side of the globe." Him and I smile at each other. "Just call me Jay, since we are friends now. Or you can call me Jay-chan if you want to. Please don't call me Stag or Stag-chan ok. Stag was my father and he wasn't exactly a good man." Let me explain. My dad was a well know Villian but disguised as a well known hero. It's complicated and I don't want to get into it.

He nods. "Jay-chan..." He looks up at me and smiles. "the reason Kachan calls me Deku is because I'm Quirkless. At least I was..." I heard what he said but ignored it. "Wait didn't you have longer hair earlier."

"Oh... Well my Quirk is called Oxygen. I'm able to control anything with the element oxygen in it as long as it isn't inside the body. The second it leaves the body it's fair game. When I'm using my Quirk my hair goes up so if I have it this short it doesn't seem obvious that I'm using my Quirk until it's to late. Though if I over use my Quirk I become completely paralyzed for a few hours so I am of no use during that time." I started rambling without realizing. "And if you get a cut I'll be able to harden the blood and stop the bleeding. If I need to defend someone or myself I can create something equivalent to a giant sheild around the persons and me, or a shell if it's just one person. I can also cause damage, and even kill, with my quirk." His eyes widen. I know what he is gonna ask so I stiffen up to prepare for it.

"How are you not an Alpha? That seems to be a pretty powerful Quirk. Omegas usually are Quirkless and a few have really weak Quirks. Did you inherit it? Is it something in your parents bloodline? How did you receive such a powerful Quirk?" He starts rambling. Muttering on and on about my Quirk and being a Hero. I put a hand on his shoulder. Mrs. Midorya went back inside so it was just me and the green haired teen.

"Both of my parents were Alphas. They were put together by their friends and somehow had me and my sister without killing each other. How their first daughter ended up an Omega was unknown to even the doctor. Alpha is a dominant gene, that's a given, but even mixing an Alpha and an Alpha it never has given an Omega, Beta maybe, but never an Omega. My sister is a Beta which is common.. How I receive this Quirk is because everyone one my father's side had an element controlling Quirk, like hydrogen, oxygen, silver, gold, aluminum, calcium, etc.. He explained that his first kid will always get the element controlling Quirk." I sigh finally ending the discussion. "Lets not talk about this anymore ok?" He nods and heads inside, gesturing me to follow. We go to his room and all that lines the walls is this guy with yellow hair with two parts that stick straight up like bunny ears. One of the many posters had the words All Might on it. I guess that is his Hero name.

"Excuse the mess. I collect a lot of All Might stuff." I wave my hand side to side as I look at the merch.

"It's fine. I used to collect merch like this to but of Snow Blizzard. While being number three in America she is still my favorite." I smile at him. "I left all of it home except one poster, a pillow, one action figurine, and two blankets. I'll show you one of these days." Is sit on the floor crossing my legs so that I'm sitting criss cross. "When is the UA entrance exam?"

"In about a month. Let's go together ok." We both smile and I nod. Then suddenly a book quote popped up in my head.

"Happy Entrance Exam. And my the odds be ever in your favor." I say in an English accent while speaking Japanese. It was difficult but I did it. And I did it well because Izu was laughing. "Anyway how do I study cause it gotta be a test."

"Bring up your strength and intelligence on Hero's and stuff like that you should be fine." He says while smiling. "I've been training for a little while now."

"To be able to handle a Quirk that you are about to receive. You realize that a Quirk like that will take a toll on you body right?" I explain rather simply, looking up at him. I knew of a Quirk that could be passed. A guy with pale white hair used to talk about it. He'd come to America sometimes and knew some English. We were friends kinda. He had a scar on his lip and his neck was all scratched up. Don't ask how I knew him because I'm not telling. Izu-kun looked at me in shock. He was probably thinking 'how does she know about that.'

Standing up and stretching I turn to the door, smelling food, and open the door. "I'm gonna go use the restroom I'll be right back." Upon closing the door I turned around and went to the bathroom. I start thinking back to when I knew that pale haired man. He talked about how All Might had the Quirk that could be passed, so All Might must be training Izu-kun. It makes sense. Izuku doesn't have a Quirk but wants to be a Hero, why else would he be going to UA, so he possibly ran into All Might, did something memorable, and All Might decided to give him his Quirk after a lot of training. I sigh and exit the bathroom. Seeing three plates of food on the table, chopsticks next to the plates, and Izuku and Mrs. Midorya sitting at the table waiting made me smile.

"Come. Join us for dinner." I smile and sit at the table. Grabbing the chopsticks I brought my hands up to me face, prayer style, and said a small 'thanks for the food.' and dug into the food. It was delicious. I smile widely as I continue to dig in. Izu-kun finished first, I was close behind, and put his plate in the sink. He left the apartment and I followed behind, saying a quick goodbye to Inko. I run up to the green eyed teen and tapped him on the shoulder.

"I wanna meet the guy who is giving you a Quirk." I state simply. Izuku. he pales by a lot. "Don't worry y'alls secrets safe with me." I say while smiling. He nods and continues walking. We approach a beach that still has some garbage on it. A blonde haired man seems to be waiting for Midorya.

"All Might, I want you to meet someone." The skeleton of a man looks up at the green haired teen and smiles.

"Who might that be my boy?" At this I wave.

"Hey Toshinori-sempai. Last time I saw you, you were in America, visiting Texas, and talking with my parents." I giggle shyly, "You probably don't remember me." I knew Toshinori from my mom's work, which means I saw him like this a few times, I knew this was him cause of the weird hair.

He transforms into his big form and jumps up to us. "Stag! It's nice to meet you again. Still look up to your mother?" I nod and smile. While I miss home I will at least have a semi familiar face here that I saw in America. Hopefully he was the only face. "That's good! How is your father by the way, I haven't heard from him for two years." My face darkened.

"He's dead." I sigh. " He died two years ago in a crash." His smile faltered. Then I looked up at him with a smile. "But he was working with the League as well so he probably deserved it." That's right. The League of Villains is world wide, mostly in China, America, and Japan, but they have smaller groups in Britain, France, and Brazil. "Lets get to training shall we Toshinori-sempai." I say while stretching.

It was a long night, Izu-kun was really slow with everything and I was out of shape, but by the time we were done for the night. we could see a patch of silver-white sand. When I got home I collapsed onto the couch, not even bothering to change, and passed out. At least until I heard a knock on the door at midnight. I go to the kitchen and grab one of the knifes. Approaching the door I hear another knock. I open the door and stick a knife up to the person's throat.

"Knocking on my door this early in the morning is a bad idea." I look up and see crimson eyes look back into mine. The pale blue hair causes memories to burst forth. He can't know I'm here. I slam the door in his face and start doing what every girl in a horror movie does, scream. As I was screaming I tried activating my Quirk, it won't activate. This has to be a nightmare. The crimson eyed man turns my door into dust. "SOMEONE WAKE ME UP!!! PLEEEEASE!!!" I screeched at the top of my lungs. I jolt awake right when he was reaching for my face. Inko is standing over me with a worried look plastered all over her face. I look down at her hands to see that they are all skinned up and raw, so my Quirk was activated and it hurt Inko. Izu-kun walks into my line of sight then I see his face melt into relief. The Midorya's are so kind, they dont deserve to live in a cruel world like this.

I sit up, drenched in sweat, and bow to them apoligetically. "I'm so sorry that you had to help me through that."

Izuku puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's fine Jay-san. Whenever you need help we are right next door." I smile up at him.

"Thanks Izu-kun" suddenly darkness takes me once again and the space is filled with the sound of beeping. I suddenly hear small explosions coming from next to me. Great, he's here.

"I heard that Airhead. You better wake up. Your worrying Shitty Hair and Deku and Round Face. Actually your worrying all the extras in class." I know I'll be back as soon as I can open my eyes, Explody. I giggle inside at what he said. He's worried for his friends, well at least Kiri. "Kiri will be back soon, his parents picked him up to bring him to his place so that he can wash up. You better wake up Airhead." I know I need to wake up. Just leave me alone.

I hear the door open and close. Then suddenly a hand wraps around mine. Kiri is back. I love Kiri. I need to come back for him.

Suddenly tears hit my hand. "Please wake up Jade. Please. Everyone is worried about you. If only we knew you were in trouble. If only we knew they were threatening you. Maybe I could have helped you before it got this far." I wanted, so badly, to tell him it wasn't his fault, so badly to open my eye and look into his, but I can't, no matterter how hard I try I just can't. So I stay silent, waiting for the moment that I stop having another flashback. I wonder how long I've been out. Days? Weeks? Months? I don't know but I hope I'll wake up soon.