
Villain Joekiko

Joekiko é um vilão da cidade, fazendo crimes, planajendo bem o seu próximo passo, até o dia que todas as pessoas o conhecê o super vilão Joekiko

Quikio · Action
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70 Chs


"Captain, what else can you tell me about the Steel Aeronaut? I'll need all the information that you have. This is clearly on a completely different level than the Black Cockroach."

The captain takes a piece of paper from her pocket, though she once again seems to know the information on it by heart. You wonder if she has some sort of photographic memory, or if she is just incredibly diligent about her job. "Real identity is unknown. Modus operandi is what you see here: blast into a bank, steal everything inside, and fly away. Ten known bank robberies around the planet: Beijing, New Delhi, Bangkok, Thailand, Paris, Milan, Istanbul, Cairo. Last time it was sighted was in London, barely a week ago. Nobody has any idea regarding why it strikes at random cities."

Pausing slightly, she frowns. "Classification: possibly ni-kyu (2nd level), or maybe even i-kyu (1st level). Has defeated several high-profile san-kyu. You might have seen some footage of the battles in London and Paris. Only one known defeat, by a ni-kyu in Milan, but that was some time ago. The armor has been constantly evolving, and appears to be getting stronger with each iteration. Known capabilities: blasters mounted on the arms, robotic strength, thick armor capable of withstanding machine-gun-level fire, helicopter-speed fly capability. This one seemed to be carrying a particularly large blaster on one of its arms, so I'd be careful to stay out of its way if I were you."
