
Villain Joekiko

Joekiko é um vilão da cidade, fazendo crimes, planajendo bem o seu próximo passo, até o dia que todas as pessoas o conhecê o super vilão Joekiko

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70 Chs


"One day you'll pay for all these stupid comments!""One day you'll pay for all these stupid comments!"

Richard smiles as you say this. "Promises, promises. But, we all know that you just make empty threats."

He then shakes his head. "I really wonder what's going through your head…. You were never that good, but there was a time when you were at least producing stuff of passable quality!"

With that, he turns around and leaves the kitchen, coffee cup in hand, and disappears down the corridor that leads to his desk.

So, it seems that the entire office is aware that your boss is unhappy with you, which means that something must be seriously wrong.