
Villain Is on Vacation

"Every day is so annoying and tiring. Just working, eating, and pooping. I rarely get any peace of mind." Rain grumbled. "I want some rest and go on vacation. It's good I am going on vacation tomorrow. Goodbye to annoying work for a few days," he cheered. As he was crossing the road, he saw a truck coming towards him. "Looks like, my life suc--" Whether gratifying or pathetic, almost the next moment, he got crushed by the truck, died, and transmigrated into the world of the game "Saga of the Magical Knight" as a mid-tier villain, Rain Holmes. "Welcome to the fantasy world, I guess." Fortunately, the system was there to help him. [Host should choose one choice among the following three choices.] | 1. Supporting Character | | 2. Villain | | 3. Extra Character | "Supporting Character sucks, and being a villain is tiring and risky. I choose to be an extra character." Rain answered. [Okay.] 'Who cares about that protagonist and heroines, I rather go on vacation and live a free life.' Rain scoffed. He didn't care about the plot, he wanted [vacation]. However, soon he realized it won't be as easy as he thought. "Hey, runaway Young master, spar with me!" The musclehead Villain roared. "Rain, you are only my friend, I won't let other bitches have you." One of the heroines declared. "But didn't he say he love me?" A mysterious beauty appeared. "Is getting vacation that hard?" Rain said in an exhausted tone.

Madwriter_2377 · Fantasy
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171 Chs

Gift For Mark

As the night wore on, Mark grew increasingly concerned because Rain still didn't return to the home. 

He tried calling and texting Rain, but there was no response. Mark couldn't help but wonder what had happened.

Is Young Master okay? Has something happened to him?

Despite his worries, Mark eventually had to go to bed, knowing that he had to wake up early for work.

As he tried to sleep, Mark's mind was filled with thoughts of Rain.

He couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.


Hours passed, and just as Mark was finally settling into a deep sleep, his phone rang like an alarm.

Groggily, he fumbled for his phone and checked the notification. It was from the same app he had been using to message Rain, and there was a new message from the same person.

Mark rubbed his bleary eyes and read the message.


[Rain Holmes: Good morning, I left a gift for you in my room. Collect it from Mark.]



Rain Holmes had always been a bit lazy when it came to communication, and his message to Mark that morning was no exception.

After looking at the paragraph, Mark couldn't help but feel confused.

Young Master had never mentioned anything about a gift before, so why is he telling people to find me out for that now?

Despite his confusion, Mark knew he had to go and check out Rain's room.

"What could this gift be?" Mark wondered aloud. "Young Master had never been the type to do something like this. I wonder what's going on." He thought as he walked in the hallway.

The hallway was quiet, and Mark could hear the sound of his own footsteps echoing against the walls.

It felt strange to be up so early, especially on a day when he had planned to sleep in.

The message had said to "collect it from Mark," so Mark assumed that other people would be there too.

So after arriving at Rain's room, he waited at the door, feeling a sense of anticipation building in his chest.

He wondered what the gift could be and why Rain had left it for him.

As he waited, he heard footsteps approaching. Charles, Carla, Emma, and Kaya had arrived.

Mark was slightly surprised to see them, but he expected that they were the ones who would be getting Rain's gift.

'But why should he leave gifts for those two ungrateful girls?'

Although Mark was grumbling inwardly, he still greeted them warmly and led them into Rain's room. The room was neat and tidy, with everything in its place.

After entering the room, They saw that the room was spotless, with no signs of anyone living there.

There were no decorations, art pieces, or even photos on the walls. The color of the walls had been changed to white, giving the room a sterile, empty feeling.

The whole room looked like nobody lived there for some years.

It was neat and clean. 

'How? When I came before, it was not like this.' Mark was shocked after seeing the condition of the room.

He came to Rain's room every day to clean it, and when he was going to come here yesterday morning Rain told him that he would do it by himself. 

'So this is the 'cleaning' that Young Master referred.' 

'It's just... too clean.' 

There was an ordinary box in the middle of the room.

'Sigh.. is no one going to open it?' 

Seeing that nobody was going to open that, Mark volunteered himself and opened the box. He was impatient to see what was there.

The box contained five envelopes, each one with a name written on it. Additionally, each envelope had a message instructing the recipient to open it alone.

As each person in the room saw their name on an envelope, they quickly left after grabbing it.

Mark was among the group, and he hurriedly left the room after grabbing his envelope with his name on it.

'Why did he leave us all these envelopes? And why did he want us to open them alone?'

As he walked down the hallway, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He couldn't help but remember Rain's tears and the fact that his room was now clean. 

Determined to get to the bottom of things, Mark quickly made his way to the staff dorms, where every member of the Holmes family staff lived.

The staff dormitory was located at the back of the estate, about a five-minute walk from the mansion.

To get there, you have to follow the gravel path through the gardens until you reach the two-story building with a sign that reads "Staff Dormitory" above the entrance.

After a few moments, Mark arrived at the Staff dormitory. Fortunately, his room was on the ground floor. Therefore, he didn't have to walk through the staircase. 

Mark's room was relatively plain, but it was still better than where Rain lived in previous life. 

There were no decorations or personal touches to be seen. The walls were painted a neutral color, and the furniture was functional but not particularly stylish.

The room was tidy and well-organized, with everything in its place.

There was a single bed, a desk, and a chair, as well as a small wardrobe for storing clothes.

The room was small but comfortable, with enough space for one person to move around freely.


After entering the room, Mark sat on the bed. 

He carefully opened the envelope, which contained only a piece of paper and a pen drive.

'What does this mean?'

He couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding as he tried to make sense of the contents.

He quickly started the video,



"Hello. Mark.

The one, You are seeing now, is Rain. Not Rain Holmes. Yeah, you have seen a message, right? Now I am no longer a member of the Holmes Family.

Therefore, you are not my personal butler from now on."

"As you might have guessed, I break off with Holmes Family and I also canceled my engagement with Emma." 

"Now I'm also free. I can do what I want. Isn't it great?" Rain said it with enthusiasm.


Mark was shocked after hearing this. After all, it was too much information.

Leaving the family? Breaking off the engagement? And... no more Butler?

The immature and prideful young master finally came to his senses?


"Oh, and that paper is a bank check, you will get 500 gold coins if you deposit it in the bank. Take this as my gratitude for all these years you were with me." Rain smiled, he was very grateful to Mark.

"I know you started working here from the age of 10. After training, until I turned 15, you became my personal butler. You are truly a man of few words. Sometimes I thought you couldn't speak. Fufu." Rain chuckled.

"But I know you were always worried about me."


Mark was moved to tears after hearing this. He didn't care much about 500 gold coins. While Mark's family wasn't as rich as Holmes family, they were quite well-off. 

As they work under Holmes family, most of the living expenses are borne by Holmes family. And the salary isn't much bad either. 

For Mark, a word of appreciation from Rain unexpected, yet happy occasion. 


"Even if our relationship was just Master & servant. But you always respected me. You always followed me silently, watched me training hard silently. For standing alongside me, you also trained hard.

Now just take some rest. I am very thankful to you for all of this."


Mark couldn't control his emotions, tears kept flowing from his eyes. The efforts he put into his job were never recognized. Although Mark never said it, he also wanted to be praised.

He wanted to be recognized. No one likes to stay in the shadows, without getting noticed. 


After that, Rain just smiled and continued,

"Don't worry about your job. Dad will not fire you. If you want freedom, you can also resign. But I know you want to work with the head butler, your father. All the best for that." 

"I know you don't have any friends.

So make some friends. Because you know being alone is hard." Rain made a wry smile.

"Umm.. you know Mark, I always wanted to become friends with you. If I get a second chance, will you become friends with me?"


At that time, the video ended.

Seeing the video, Mark just started crying and He answered like he was talking to Rain.

"Yes, Young Master… No. Rain."



Apparently, Mark was the son of the Head butler in the Holmes Family. So he had worked hard from childhood. From the age of 10, he was working. 

Although his father told him not to push too hard but Mark wanted to be like his father. His father raised him all alone. 

He knew his mother died while giving him birth. He didn't know the feeling of losing someone, but his father was his entire world.

To make him proud, he tried hard. Still, he never knew when he became alone. 

Getting a friend like Rain was the best gift Mark could ever have.




All five people got the gift from the Rain and It was the gift they wanted most.

Kaya – a chance to become head

Emma – cancel the engagement 

Charles – becoming free from the worry of Kaya and some fund source

Carla – stands alongside her love (she was also worried about getting aged)

Mark – becoming a friend of Rain.

But they were still not happy.

After all, Rain left like this. 



Rain's birthday passed.

All the people who stayed as guests at the Holmes Family mansion finally left. 

However, a new storm came.

Rain Holmes changed his name to Rain on social media and blocked many people from his account. 

The most shocking thing was - most of them were his close relatives.

Everybody knew something was definitely happening behind the scenes.

Furthermore, after tomorrow was the day of the entrance exam for the Nexus Academy. Will Rain appear at that time?

People were ready to watch an interesting show.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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