
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 28  Refresh

Chapter 28 Refresh

After a few hours, the pain began to subside, and Akuma began to regain consciousness. "What just happened?" - I thought, looking through the vast array of system notifications.

"Happy awakening to you, Master! The old user called me Yui, but you can call me whatever you like." - said a sweet, feminine voice in my head. "Yui? You're Jin's voice assistant? I guess I got your plan right after all, but now tell me what happened to me and the system after I fainted?" "Beep... Master, in answering your question, one must refer to the original concept of such an organism as a system. Yes. Exactly an organism. It existed long before the Multiverse, back in the days of the Infinite Void. This creature liked to watch the evolution of the universe, the rise and fall of new races, the rise and fall of empires and various heroes. If a creature caused it to have a positive effect, it would detach a piece of itself and give it back to him in the way that world worked. If it was an advanced civilization, then in the form of a System or an AI Chip, if it was a world with magic, then in the form of a spiritual guide, if it was religious, then under the guise of prayers and sacraments it passed its power and knowledge to another person. But one day two from the same world with magic became so powerful because of the system that they were able to reach the grotto of the Void, where this creature dwelt. As you understand, these two were what you call God and the Devil. And though there was a deadly enmity between them, they both understood that if this creature continued to live, others could also reach their level of power. So having decided to join forces, they went into battle with this creature and defeated it. God, thinking faster took and absorbed about 70% of the creature, the other 30% went to the devil. God also got the mind of this creature, which over time was destroyed and became weaker. Then they divided all existing space into an upper world (Heaven), a lower world (Hell) and a middle world (a smaller copy of the former world. The place where Earth is). After a great number of years some event happened, after which they made a treaty that they would no longer interfere in the affairs of the Middle World, and let it develop as fate would have it. But that mind, though it had lost a great deal of strength and memories, had nevertheless survived. And, as you can imagine, it was me. And I still had at least some control over the power of the "System. Though I called that power "Power. The Devil gave you just a tiny part of the System, leaving in it a piece of his soul, in which, if you decided to go against him, it would take all your powers. But God decided, after countless attempts to squeeze information out of me, to send me as Gene's voice assistant into this world so that he could definitely . I, after Jin's death, would have gone back into God's hands, so by devising a plan to trick Jin into going to your part of the system, and by using my residual control I could completely cleanse this system back to its original form by merging with your soul. So now this part of the system, like me, belongs only to you, and all the power of this system is your own." - Yui finished her story.


"By the way, because of the huge amount of information received, the Master gets +5 to wisdom, +5 to intelligence.

While Akuma was trying to analyze what he had said, on the surgical table Jin, who had lost a huge supply of blood, began to call in a quiet voice for Akuma to let him go, not even noticing that Yui had disappeared.

Akuma, distracted from his thoughts and reflections, quickly walked over to Jin and said: "And you're real tight-lipped. Still don't get that we tricked you?" As he spoke, Akuma approached Jin at a leisurely pace, taking his kunai in his hand. "No...No...You're kidding, right?" - Jin began to shout in a distraught voice, but the sounds from his throat were quickly silenced as he was cut by the sharp blade of the kunai.


Target Hunt skill triggered, Master gets + 5 to his chakra.


"Master, congratulations. You have completed the quest "Slaying the Good." Do you wish to receive your reward?

"Yes," I replied.


"Master gets +5 to all stats, +5% to Fire propensity,+100 to Chakra.

"Status!" - I commanded in my head.

Name:Yakushi Akuma


Age: 3 years






Chakra Control:24%

Closeness to attributes: Lightning-102%, Fire-9%, Earth-2%, Water-2%, Wind-2%


Transformation Technique LVL2 71/100

Illusion of Paralysis LVL1 10/100

Cloning Technique LVL1 23/100

Hunt targeting LVL1 17/100

Thread of Sin

Passive skills

"Shurikenjutsu LVL4 70/100

"Taijutsu Fundamentals LVL5 27/100"

"Evil Chakra"


15% to mind techniques.

6% to physical damage


Obtaining the "Assassin" class

Killed 65/100.

At the same time a faint soul appeared in some unknown space in front of an old man with a gray beard, if you looked closely enough you could find the outline of Jin..

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