
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 26 Defender

"Yui, what should I do now?" - Jin asked, picking up the kunai planted at his feet. At this point he let go of his anger toward Akuma and tried to think in the most rational way possible.


"Unfortunately, we have no choice. We don't know our whereabouts, and he certainly won't let us go that easily. But there's no point in picking a fight with him. He's much stronger than we are. Jin, as unpleasant as it sounds, try using your relatives as meat shields. Akuma doesn't confine us to space, we can try to free them, then while they fight him, you can escape." - Yui replied in a mechanical voice. Jin was shocked by Yui's plan. There was no way he could accept it. In that life on Earth, he had no mother. She died giving birth to him. And his father, because of his grief, began to drink a lot, and after that, he often beat him up, saying that he was responsible for his mother's death. And now that he finally had the family he had dreamed of all his life, he was asked to sacrifice them? There was no way he could go for it, but he knew deep down in his heart that it was his only chance to save it for now. "Even so, I still won't take it! I'm not going to sacrifice anyone! There is another option. I'm just going to win this 'game' and save my loved ones!" - Jin, determined to save his loved ones, raised his kunai and pointed it at Akuma. The game began.


"Victory or Failure" quest initiated.

Prerequisite: Pass "Game", beat or kill Akuma.

Reward: +5 to each characteristic, one item

Quickly accepting the quest, Jin began to observe Akuma's further actions.

"His body cannot be badly mutilated. His body is a treasure trove of knowledge about the system. Perhaps he knows something I don't. Even if he doesn't, I need to bring research. The system may be improving me. But where's the likelihood that it won't take it all away at one point? Only when I have complete control of the system can I have peace of mind," I thought, watching Gene's becoming and maturing in the moment. Putting unnecessary thoughts aside, I calmly said: "Let's start the first round." After these words, Akuma quickly approached Jin. He, using his kunai, decided to go on the offensive. Jin tried to cut Akuma's throat with his kunai, to which he moved his body to the side, taking Jin's arm in his grasp. Using his strength, Akuma fell Jin to the ground before smashing his nose with a precise blow. "First round's on me," I said, turning my body toward his kin. Pointing my finger at my father, I told Gene to cut off the fingers on his left hand. Jin, with tears in his eyes, walked over to his father. Leaning toward his ear, he whispered: I love you, and I will definitely protect you. He was not going to do Akuma's bidding, but was determined to go into battle once more.


Because of the user's actions, the "Defender" class was obtained.

Defender is a warrior with a strong sense of justice. Ready to take risks in order to protect people.

Effects of class LVL 1 - +10 with Strength + 3 to Dexterity, +200 to Chakra, Control +5%

Passive skill - "Damage leveling" - reduces incoming damage by 10%.

Active skill - "Chakra Shield" - Using 50 Chakra, creates a Shield in front of the user that can take incoming damage. Chakra is used to restore the Shield.


Name: Jin Hososhi

Gender: Male

Age: 3 years

Strength: 12.7

Dexterity: 4.7

Intelligence: 7

Wisdom: 5

Chakra: 225

Chakra Control: 5%

Proximity to attributes: unknown


Chakra Shield

Passive Skills

"Taijutsu" LVL 1 1/100 (+0.2 Strength and Dexterity)

"Eyes of Truth (left and right)"

"Voice Assistant"

Damage leveling - 10% incoming damage



"Although I'm not stronger than Akuma, with these skills, I can definitely win the fight and make him retreat!"


"Jin, congratulations on getting the class, with this power you have a chance to escape. Use my plan." - Yui said

"No! I won't leave my parents and my sister here. I can beat Akuma!" - Jin replied. "Jin, don't act like this. You have seen Akuma's characteristics. They are stronger than yours. That said, we don't know what skills he has. Who told you he would stick to his words and not use them against you?" - Yui said aggressively. Jin, stopped paying attention to Yui's words. Staring at Akuma, he challenged him to a second duel. Running up to him with renewed vigor, he swung and his fist flew into Akuma's stomach. The man made a long roll back to his feet and began to reason as he saw Jin's new power. "Increased characteristics. That's for sure. What was it caused by? A skill, something like berserk? No, he would have used it in a fight with Obito. Fulfilled a quest? Probably, but what are the conditions? Probably getting a class. Though I don't know its effects, I don't see any other options." Akuma then applied his new skill, Thread of Sin. He wasn't going to keep his promise. Snake-like strands of Black came out of his fingertips, coming swiftly toward Jin. He used the Chakra Shield. But it only protected him from the front. Akuma, manipulating the threads, pulled them behind his back. Then they wrapped around him and dissolved onto his body. At that moment, Jin's eyes turned black and he raced at Akuma with all his speed. Akuma dodged indiscriminate blows, and in between he threw his own. At this point, Yui tried to reason with Jin, but failed. Nothing existed for Jin but the desire to kill Akuma. One last blow and Jin lay unconscious on the ground. Tying him firmly to the surgical table, he quickly killed his entire family. Then he began to learn the "Chakra Scalpel" technique, waiting for Jin to wake up.

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