
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 16 Orochimaru's Return

Several weeks have passed since that moment. As expected, no questions have come up for me. And who would even think of an already three year old boy? It was my birthday recently. I didn't want to celebrate it, as I didn't see the point in it; it would have been better spent on training, but Danzo's unexpected arrival made my plans change a bit. After congratulating me on the holiday, he gave me 2,000 Ryo. Honestly, I was hoping for at least some technique, but come on. His next words surprised and delighted me a lot more, he said that Orochimaru would be back soon and I would finally become his apprentice. After expressing my gratitude, I began to slowly kick Danzo out of the house. He didn't want to stay long himself and after a short amount of time, he left. After that, Dog approached me at the shooting range. He said he knew about my murders and wouldn't tell anyone about it, not even Danzo. I didn't believe him at first, but after a small white snake came out of him I realized that he was Orochimaru's sidekick. So he has his own people in Korn? "Nothing strange about that," I thought. He'd never trusted anyone before Kabuto came along, so it makes sense that he'd be watching Danzo.

Today is the day when my future sensei comes back. I'm a little worried. Orochimaru is one of the smartest people in Naruto's world, but I've already worked out a plan for what I'm going to do. He seeks immortality, eternal life. I can't help but think that if I show him that I want it too, it'll be a lot easier for me to communicate with him.

As I approached the gate of Konoha, I waited. Time flowed slowly, but in that time I managed to calm down completely. There was nothing to show my weakness in front of the future sensei. He would be useful for a long time after all.When I saw a pale blur rapidly approaching in the distance, I straightened up.

Orochimaru's thoughts.

This child makes me curious. At such a young age, having the power to defeat two adult genii, albeit drunk, is a lot to take in. And his subsequent actions make even some Jonin's legs tremble. After learning about this method of torture, I tried it on one of the enemy ninjas. It had been a long time since I had seen such fear in people's faces. Yes, an outstanding specimen. You can't give it to Danzo. It can only be the best weapon in my hands. I hope I don't have to break his worldview, though I don't think it's right as it is. But I'm more concerned about his medical knowledge. Not every ordinary Iyerin can perform such precise operations. And it's not about chakras. Iyerins don't usually study medical knowledge, only jutsu, so they only use it in their healing techniques, but he knows a lot about anatomy, and as it turns out, he's not bad at knowing herbs. He's a gold mine, not an apprentice. If he's anything like me, I may finally not have to do my plan alone. As long as that friend of his, Uchiha, doesn't ruin it. We need to nullify their communication.

Seeing Akuma in the distance, Orochimaru sped up and quickly got in front of him.

-Hi there, Akuma!" Orochimaru said, holding out his hand.

-"Hello, Sensei. - I bowed.

-"Formalities aside, I hate them. I don't want to see them again. And no more bowing. You're my student now. You have a much higher status than that rabble from the village. Just shake my hand," Orochimaru said angrily.

-The rabble? Ha-ha-ha, I like you, Orochimaru-sensei, well, nice to meet you, Akuma," I said holding out my hand. "Although you already know that." - I added.

-"I like you too, Akuma," Orochimaru said with a lick. "O-u-especially your temper."

-Now let's go to the Hokage building. I have to turn in my report on the outcome of this war. I'll introduce you to the Hokage as well, he doesn't even know I took an apprentice. Let's go.

Walking through the streets of Konoha, my stomach rumbled. Naturally, I hadn't eaten since this morning, and I even skipped training to wait for Orochimaru.

-Are you hungry? -Orochimaru asked.

-To be honest, yes. I was waiting for you this morning at the door, so I didn't even have any breakfast.

-I see. Looking around, Orochimaru spotted some place called Ichiraku-ramen, a newly opened place.

-There was no such establishment when I was in Konoha, do you mind eating ramen? -Orochimaru asked.

-While it's not very healthy, you can still eat it for its nutritional value. I am allowed to eat it once in a while.

-Are you on a diet? Are you afraid of getting fat?" said Orochimaru with a laugh.

-No, I need lots of nutrients to grow, otherwise my training won't be very useful and I won't be able to use all the potential my body has.

-I got it, I just wanted to make a joke, after all, you're my first student, and this is our first day. I don't want to spend it training. Today I'll solve all the problems, and tomorrow we'll already start training. - Walking on the road to the place, Orochimaru said.

-Hi, what would you like?" The young, old man asked with a smile.

- "Two pork ramen, and put a lot of eggs in one.

-And make the other as spicy as possible.

After paying for us, Orochimaru sat down next to me and asked:

-Do you like it spicy?

-I love it, both in food and in life.

-Did you kill those two men for that? -He asked me quietly.

-No, I just needed to blow off some steam.

-It's interesting the way you let it out, I'm not judging you, but next time do it more discreetly. At least set fire to the crime scene to cover up the murder. Or get someone to say they had one. You've got the kid covered now, but what about later?

-And then I'd have Sensei as my backup, who's a Qonoha Sannin, so there'd be almost nothing anyone could do to me.‖ I replied with a smile.

-Ha-ha, hurry up and eat. We have to go to the Hokage, remember?

-No, I haven't forgotten- I said, continuing to eat my ramen.

So after talking about stuff we finished our meal and went on our way. When we got to upon reaching the Hokage building, Orochimaru was in a bad mood.

-Talking to Hruzen again. How many times do I have to tell him that the peaceful settlement the other villages are offering us doesn't work for us. We're not getting anything. But he wants peace. Weakling!" said Orochimaru angrily.

-Orochimaru-sensei, don't worry, make a brief report and leave. Say you miss Konoha. Plus I'm head over heels, so walk away from the Hokage."-I said to Orochimaru. He looked at me and smirked, then said softly:

-Fell on your head? You're more like a blessing in disguise." Taking my hand in his, we quickly moved to the Hokage's room.

-It's been a while, Sensei.....

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