
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 12 Thanks, Akuma

After completing my training, I went to the store. Luckily they sell chakroconductive paper to everyone, not just ninjas. After paying 3000 Ryo, which is a huge amount for me, I went home. "Finally, I'll be able to learn my chakra attribute" thought Akuma. But today his plans were not destined to come true. A ninja from the Uchiha clan appeared in front of him:

-You, Akuma?

Akuma's thoughts

What happened? Obito remembered that I was the one who beat him up like that, even if I did, the adults wouldn't interfere, he hadn't even awakened his chakra yet.The sharingan more so. He's useless to the clan. I'm going to talk to him while I'm at it, and if anything, I'll have Dog watch me. I'll call him for help and then I'll run away.

-Yeah, me. Is there something you want?

-I didn't, but one of the elders wanted to invite you to dinner and express his gratitude for saving Obito.

Akuma's thoughts.

Now I don't understand anything at all. What elder? What thanks? For saving Obito? So pull yourself together. The main thing is to find out what's going on and then adjust to the situation.

-All right, can I ask what happened? Why does the Elder want to thank me?

-I can't tell you anything. The Elder simply told me to tell you to be at the entrance of the Uchiha Clan's territory by 7:00 p.m. I will meet you there. I will meet you there and take you to his house. Do you understand? I won't explain it again.

-Got it, can I leave now?

-Yes, but don't you dare be late!" After saying that, the ninja disappeared with Shunshin's help.

Akuma's Thoughts

Great. At least I know for sure that they're not going to kill me. Although I still don't understand why they want to see me. But okay, I'm going home now to find out the chakra attribute. On the way, I have to stop at the store to buy some parade clothes.

Even at his young age, Akuma looked great. Black eyes like an abyss that seemed to swallow anyone who looked into them. The same shoulder-length black hair, always tied in a ponytail. His red lips, which stood out against his unnaturally pale skin, (Not like Orochimaru's, just paler than usual) gave his face an unforgettable look that many girls would envy.

Akuma's Thoughts

The point of having a beautiful appearance is very clear. Although I work out a lot, I never forget to keep an eye on my appearance. After all, it's what makes people's first impression of you.

When I got to the store, I started choosing clothes for myself. My choice was a bright red T-shirt with a black cape (cape like Kirito's in SAO), so it reminded me of the cape of one of the characters from another anime in my previous life. The pants and sneakers are also black. After finishing all my shopping, I went home. After making myself some coffee, I pulled out the chakra-conducting paper and eagerly used it. All you have to do is let your chakra flow through it and depending on what happens to it, you'll know your element. If water, it gets wet, if fire, it burns, if wind, it cuts in half, if lightning, it shrinks, if earth, it becomes viscous, as if it was doused with wet earth. After releasing the chakra, I waited for the result, and then...


The Master discovered a new characteristic "Proximity to Attributes".

After conducting the experience, the Master discovered that his chakra attribute "Lightning.

Master can unlock all attributes. To do this, he can perform missions. The reward for some of them will be % closeness to the attributes.

Lightning is fine. I find this attribute to be the most handy. Not only can you use it to cause massive destruction, but you can also escape from danger if you know the right techniques. But it's a shame that I only have one attribute. But at least I can get others in the future. Okay. The assignment for today is done. Physical training can be postponed for today. I'll do chakra control. I went outside and found a small tree. Walking on trees and water is another method of increasing control. Putting my foot on the tree, I filled it with chakra and took a step with my other foot. After walking three steps, I fell out of the tree. Too little chakra had been used, and there wasn't enough to grip it. I tried again and took the same three steps. This time I used too much chakra and the tree dented underneath me. That caused me to fall. "Yeah, it's harder than I thought," I said to myself in my head as I kept trying to do this exercise.

Six hours later. 18:00

Hoo-hoo. I was breathing heavily, sitting under a tree and trying to catch my breath. I was using too much chakra and getting Chakroisy. There wasn't much progress in that time. I could only take, at best, six steps. "So there's plenty of room for progress," thought Akuma, resting. "Alright, time to pack up and head to the Uchis.

Upon arriving home, Akuma's first order of business was to take a bath. After a quick shower, he changed into his newly bought clothes and went to the Uchiha clan. When he got there by 6:40pm he was waiting for that ninja, the same question running through his mind: what is he doing here? Just in case, he hid six senbons under his sleeves. in his socks are kunai and in the back pocket of his pants, which is hidden behind a long cape, are shurikens. One must always be prepared for any situation. After standing like that for ten minutes, he saw the ninja in front of him.

-Not too late, great, follow me.-said a few words ninja went to the elder's house. I followed him. The elder's house was much bigger than the others, but even the worst houses here are much better than where I live. After all, this is the richest and strongest clan in Konoha. After walking me home, the ninja left. And the elder opened the door for me.

-So you're Akuma? Come and sit at the table. I'll be right with you.

After completing a few formalities, I made my way to the table and noticed an unexpected guest there: Uchiha Obito. He was covered in bandages, but his face was already repaired. I reflexively reached for a senbon, wondering what to do next. But Obito stood up quickly, and in spite of the great pain he was in, came over and hugged me.

-Thank you, Akuma! I didn't realize you were so kind After our fights I thought you were insensitive, but it turned out that you were the one who saved my life! The doctors said that if it weren't for your first aid and a quick visit to the hospital, I would have died a long time ago. Thank you! Obito was no longer able to hold back his tears.

-Obito, calm down. You would have done the same in my place", I said trying to console him.

-Yes, of course Akuma. I'll pay you back in the future and save your life as well. But I have something else to thank you for. Look!" Obito closed his eyes for a moment when he said this, and when he opened them I saw a scarlet eye with a single tomoe in it.

"The Sharingan," I thought.

-You woke up the Sharingan?! -Loudly I asked

-Yes, when I was told that you saved me and carried me all the way to the hospital I felt a great deal of pain for thinking you were a bad person and awakened the Sharingan. So once again- Thank you, Akuma!

Beep... The master completed the hidden quest "Break the canon completely."

You've completely broken the plot. Obito now trusts you more than Kakashi in the main plot. You managed to get him to awaken the Sharingan much earlier than he should have. Decide for yourself whether or not that's a good thing.

Reward: 100000 Ryo, +5 to Strength, +5 to Dexterity, +10 to Wisdom, +10 to Intelligence, +50 to Chakra, Transfiguration Technique (One of the 3 basic techniques of the Academy).

I felt a huge power in my body that I didn't have before, this quest made me twice as strong. "Too strong"-stopping listening to Obito's chatter, I thought. "The system!"


Name: Yakushi Akuma


Age: 2 years






Chakra Control:9%

Proximity to attributes: Lightning 100%


Transformation Technique LVL 0/100

Passive Skills

"Shurikenjutsu LVL3 51/100"

"Taijutsu basics LVL3 5/100"


10% to mind techniques.

3% to physical damage

"I have no words..."

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