
Villain in Pokemon world

This will be a dark tale of the journey of a man whose core values are a lust for wealth and power, and where will these actions lead him? To the top of the world, or will he die on the way to his goal? This is my second fanfic, the first fanfic is a villain in the world of naruto.(https://www.webnovel.com/book/villain-in-the-world-of-naruto_26099823005028205) The two stories are not related in any way, it's just that I wanted to write a story in the pokemon world as well. I hope you enjoy it. I don't own the Pokémon. They are a product of Nintendo

_DilLen · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 10. The Battle of the Captains.

Several days had passed since Gray's return from the forest. During this time, he hadn't left the base, staying by Kakuna's side at all times. All Gray had to do was feed the pokémon and wait for it to evolve. With Beedrill, he would finally be able to have some power. He decided that after evolving he would go to the Viridian Forest to train for a few weeks. Combat is the fastest way for a pokémon to raise its level and gain combat experience. During this time, Gray experimented with his ghost energy. He tried to make Shadow Ball bigger, but his energy manipulation skills were lacking. No matter how hard he tried, if he tried to put more energy into the ball, it would just explode. He decided that rather than trying in vain to make this ball bigger, he would increase their number. So Gray started trying to create them on each arm.

While Gray was practicing in his room, his men weren't sitting still either. A mandatory task for everyone was to learn the initial knowledge. Some of the children could neither write nor read. Therefore, two hours a day were set aside for a training class. Still, his subordinates must have some intelligence. All the children worked very hard, because the reward for the one with the best results was a Pokémon. Gray still had two pokéballs left. There was no point in keeping them. He wasn't going to catch a second pokémon just yet. He didn't have the money to raise it. All the materials could only be bought with a trainer's license, and the cost was enormous. Of course, there were underground markets and people who sold them openly, but Gray didn't know their location.

During this time, there was an argument between William and Kazumo. both wanted to be Gray's right hand man, so conflicts broke out between them, as well as the kids on their team. Gray had recently given their group a name, they were called Night Parade. He was frankly sick of their constant fighting and conflict. One day, when they were fighting again, he launched a Shadow ball near them. The sound of the explosion startled them and they stopped fighting. He walked up to them and punched each one in the stomach. Both of them quickly fell to the ground, holding on to the spot where they were hit.

"Listen up, captains. You were not appointed to fight all the time. Your actions are ruining the relationship between all the members of the faction. I don't care if you personally resolve your conflict, but don't you dare interfere with my plans. I will not be distracted by this nonsense. I notice such antics in front of me again and your captain status will be lost, as will your pokémon. Is that clear?!" - Gray asked loudly, looking them in the eye.

"Aye aye, leader!" - William and Kazumo replied in sync.

"If you want to settle your dispute, have a Pokémon battle. At the same time, I'll check to see how both of you are training the Pokémon I gave you. It will be held tomorrow at ten in the morning. the first floor of the shelter should be cleared during that time. This will be a temporary training ground for your pokémon. I expect a good result from you." said Gray, turning his back to the captains. After his words, he headed back to his room. Kakuna stood there undisturbed, only occasionally eating the berries in front of him to build up energy. The cracks were getting larger and larger, with white light already emanating through some of them, signifying near evolution.


The first floor was completely cleared as ordered. All the children gathered around the two captains. Each supported his own. William stood still. He had been trying to find common ground with Ekans for two days, but luckily he had succeeded. In some ways they were even alike. Both stealthy and aggressive, waiting for the moment to attack. Because of this reason, he didn't have much time to train his pokémon. but he was confident in it and its victory. Unlike William, Kazumo stood together with his pokémon. Pidgey sat on his shoulder and occasionally said something. He was quickly able to find common ground with this pokémon. Once they agreed, they were able to start their training quickly, so Pidgey had learned to get along with his trainer quite well.

Gray looked at the time and realized it was time for him to go out. As he walked down the stairs, all the kids bowed their heads in the presence of their leader. He turned to the small crowd and gave a speech:

"Today a battle will be fought between Captain William and Captain Kazumo. The reward is to temporarily become my right hand man, and that is the title of deputy leader. From now on, every conflict between you will be resolved with a Pokémon battle. When all members of the group have their own pokémon, a tournament will be held. On it you will be able to challenge the title of another person. If you can defeat the captain, you will become the captain yourself. Captains, I wish both of you the best of luck. I hope to see an interesting spectacle," Gray said.

 A great deal of applause broke out. When it died down, the captains finally came out. They stood across from each other and released their pokémon. Ekans and Pidgey appeared. Gray decided to check the characteristics of both pokémon.


Pokémon: Pidgey

Type: Normal/Flying

Level 9

Character: Bashful

Potential: Light Yellow


Health - 27/27

Attack: D+

Defense: E+

Special Attack: - F

Special Defense: D-

Speed: C

Ability: Big Pecks (Hidden Ability)

Movements: Tackle (Level 4), Sand Attack (Level 4), Faint Attack (Egg Movement) (Level 2), Gust (Level 1).


"Kazumo has trained this pokémon quite well. His level has increased by 2, and all the movements have also increased their level. Sand Attack's technique in general has gone up a full 2 levels. He seems to like reducing the accuracy of his opponent's attacks, and the pokémon has also learned a new move. Although, considering its special attack, it won't be that useful,'' Gray thought. He knew that Kazuma went to the forest every day to fight wild pokémon. So he wasn't surprised to see Pidgey grow so fast. He turned his attention to Ekans.


Pokémon: Ekans

Type: Poison

Level 9

Character: Lonely

Potential: Green


Health - 28/28

Attack: C+

Defense: - D

Special Attack: D+

Special Defense: C-

Speed: C

Ability: Indimate

Movements: Wrap ( Level 4 ), Poison sting ( Level 3 ) Poison Fang ( Egg Movement ) ( Level 3 ), Scary Face ( Egg Movement ) ( Level 3 )


"Ekans was able to level up as well. Although William hadn't fought any wild Pokémon yet, but he was able to give Ekans his first training session yesterday. Even a couple moves raised their level. That's the difference between the potentials of the pokémon. 'Most likely Ekans will win' - Gray was predicting in his head the outcome of the battle.

As soon as Ekans appeared, he immediately looked angrily at Pidgey. It seemed to everyone that huge snake eyes appeared behind him. This was the effect of his Indimate ability. It reduced the opponent's pokémon's attack. One of the best Pokémon abilities in the games. Pidgey's attack was reduced. Kazumo ordered his pokémon to use Sand Attack and reduce Ekans accuracy. William's pokémon failed to dodge in time and sand hit its eyes. The pokémon hissed aggressively.

"Ekans, don't worry, use Poison Sting," William commanded. A poisonous attack flew at Pidgey.

"Pidgey, use Gust and stop the attack flying at you, then use Faint Attack" - Pidgey used his trainer's tactics. Reflecting Ekans' attack, he flew down. His body was covered with a small layer of dark type energy. The attack hit Ekans and forced him to move back a short distance.

"Ekans, use Poison Fang before Pidgey takes off," Ekans' body tensed up like a spring and shot at the pokémon. Ekans' powerful maw grabbed Pidgey. Fangs soaked in venom pierced its body. The bird screamed loudly in pain, but broke free of the grip and took off. There were no signs of poisoning.

The expression on Kazumo's face was complicated. He was feeling many emotions. He wanted to win, but there was no way he could think of any plan to do so. Ekans' attacks were too strong, attacking up close was very risky. For now, he decided to attack Ekans from afar. Kazum ordered Pidgey to use Gust without flying close to Ekans.

Ekans tried to dodge, but some of the attacks still reached him. They did little damage, but they built up over time. At one point, one of Pidgey's attacks hit the yellow circle on Ekans' neck. He screamed in pain. Critical Attack. All pokémon have weaknesses, and when an attack hits there, it becomes a critical attack and does a lot of damage to the pokémon. Kazuma had a lot of luck.

Kazumo thought this was a chance. 

"Pidgey, use Tackle" - Pidgey wasn't in the best condition either. His energy was depleted due to constantly using the same attack, he wouldn't be able to continue this battle for long. The pokémon spun down and flew at Ekans.

"Ekans, come to your senses, calm down. Wait for it to get close enough and use Poison Fang again," William commanded. Ekans' mouth covered in dark energy. William was surprised. Ekans was able to learn a new Bite attack. He jumped towards Pidgey and bit him. Half of the little pokémon's body was in the snake's mouth. Ekans loosened his grip. Pidgey fell unconscious. kazumo held back tears. He ran over and lifted Pidgey up on his arm.

"You did great, buddy," he said to his pokémon and returned it to the pokéball.

"The winner of this battle is William, which means the title of deputy leader goes to him temporarily. My congratulations." said Gray loudly. William bowed and thanked him, then walked over to Ekans.

"We won our first battle. You looked great and did well!" - William spoke, stroking Ekans head. The man only looked away from him, but hints of redness could be seen on his face. William also returned his pokémon to the pokéball to regain energy.

The children applauded wildly. They were surprised and shocked because it was the first time they had seen a real pokemon battle. Their desire to be the best and also get their own pokemon became even greater. 

Soon everyone went about their business. Some kids went to sell drugs while others were busy cleaning up the first floor after the pokemon battle. Gray went back to his room and continued practicing with the ghost energy manipulation. He noticed progress, Gray could now create a second Shadow Ball, though it disappeared after a few seconds and was much smaller in size. He realized he was moving in the right direction and continued training. The sun had long since set and the moon lit up Gray's room. He was about to go to bed when he heard Kakuna's faint voice. He walked over to him. The cracks were already huge and covered the entire body of the pokémon. He could hear a faint cracking sound coming from his body. It looked like this night would be the last night before Gray would have Beedrill.

Gray's Characteristics


Name: Gray Ubaniel


Strength - 22 --> 24

Dexterity - 28 --> 29

Stamina - 36

Intelligence - 49 --> 53

Charisma - 17

Aura: blocked

Mental Power: blocked

Phantom Energy: Level 1


1) Average Poison Resistance

2) Pokémon Absorption 

3) Frost and Cold Resistance

Movements: Shadow Ball (Level 1)


1) Kakuna (Shiny)

Description: Your body is in optimal condition. 


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