
Villain: In Apocalypse

In an unexpected twist of fate, Lu Yu finds himself in a parallel universe, reborn as a privileged second-generation elite. However, this newfound reality is on the brink of an apocalypse. Will this cataclysmic event bring about a drastic change in humanity? To Lu Yu's surprise, he learns that he is destined to play the role of the antagonist in this apocalyptic narrative. Equipped with the foreknowledge that the hero, Chu Feng, will reincarnate before the apocalypse, Lu Yu promptly begins to strategize. However, when Chu Feng is reborn, he is left puzzled. What happened to the formidable ally from his past life? And the goddess bathed in white moonlight, who once harbored deep affection for him and even made the ultimate sacrifice, why does she now regard him with contempt? Caught in this complex tapestry of destiny, Lu Yu is tasked with unraveling the enigmas of this parallel universe. He must harness all his resources and abilities to ensure his survival and emerge victorious in this challenging ordeal. A/n :- Greetings, dear readers! As the dedicated Translator, Editor, and meticulous Tweaker of this enthralling novel, I am excited to share some thrilling updates with you. Prepare yourselves for an enriched narrative filled with added layers of mystery, unforeseen plot twists, and a dash of spice—indeed, you read that correctly! To enhance your reading journey, I will be introducing R18 chapters. Stay tuned for this exciting new development! Original Name of Novel :- The Villain Of The End Of The World: Starting From The Heroine Of Cutting Off The School Flower. Original Author of Novel :- Cangyun Ferry. *Warning* If narratives that delve into the gray areas of morality unsettle you, this tale might not be your cup of tea. It incorporates familiar story elements that could potentially distress some readers. The protagonist of the story is cast in the role of an antagonist, albeit one with redeeming qualities. He occasionally indulges in actions that can be perceived as malevolent, despite being capable of human emotions. Therefore, while he isn't entirely evil, readers who anticipate a clear victory of good over evil might need to tread lightly while engaging with this story. *NO NTR and NO YURI*

ZYREX_01 · Urban
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90 Chs

Chapter 19 :- Steal The Sword

When Lu Yu voiced his thoughts, it created a ripple of astonishment among the onlookers. Even Shi Lei, his close associate, was taken by surprise, gazing at Lu Yu in utter disbelief. He stuttered, "Boss…" Lu Yu had a reputation for his audacious demeanor, but that was within the safe boundaries of their college. 

The current scenario was far from normal. They were faced with three menacing individuals, each capable of causing severe harm at the slightest instigation. Shi Lei was puzzled as to why Lu Yu would choose to provoke them at such a critical juncture.

"Disaster is looming!" "This youngster is inviting trouble!" "He's overly naive!" The spectators, who had chosen to maintain a safe distance, murmured among themselves. 

Despite their large numbers, they were primarily ordinary individuals with families to safeguard. It was only logical that they wouldn't risk their safety for an unknown person. This was the essence of human nature.

Huang Mao, who had been kicked, gradually rose, clutching his abdomen and bellowing in fury. "You insignificant brat, I'm going to annihilate you." He was taken aback by Lu Yu's audacity. Not only did Lu Yu retaliate, but he also dared to insult him. This was a blatant invitation to catastrophe.

Just as Huang Mao was about to draw his weapon and attack Lu Yu, Chen Fei stepped in. "Xiaoyong, restrain yourself!" he ordered. As Huang Mao retreated behind him, Chen Fei fixed his icy stare on Lu Yu. "Kid, you think you're quite formidable, don't you?"

Chen Fei smirked, flexing his muscular arm.

Lu Yu responded with a slight twitch of his lips and drew his long sword. He had always been aware that in dire circumstances, the worst aspects of humanity would be magnified. But he hadn't anticipated these hooligans to start causing havoc less than an hour into the apocalypse. They were even more villainous than he was.

But Lu Yu wasn't worried. He knew that in the end times, killing was inevitable. He was mentally prepared for it. These scoundrels would serve as good practice.

The sight of Lu Yu unsheathing his sword and the sharpness of the blade excited the thin man. "Brother Fei, Brother Fei, look at his sword…" he exclaimed. Chen Fei was also taken aback, then couldn't help but admire, "Wow, what a fine piece. No wonder you were able to kill those two monsters. So that's how it is."

"Kid, where did you get this sword?" he asked. 

"If you're going to act, then act. 

Why all the talk?" 

Lu Yu retorted. Chen Fei didn't rush to attack. Instead, he proposed, "I see you're not exactly strapped for cash. How about this, give me the sword."

"As long as you're willing to give me your sword, I won't hold you accountable for beating Xiao yong and I'll provide protection for the three of you." After saying this, Chen Fei added another sentence, seemingly worried. "Look, the three of us are adults, and our combat power is much stronger than the three of you students…"

Lu Yu's scabbard hadn't mutated along with the Qing Su sword. So the rust on the scabbard was still quite severe. When they first saw Lu Yu, they thought the sword in his hand was just an ordinary one, and that he had merely been lucky to kill the two lizard monsters. But now, it was clear that wasn't the case.

The blue-black sword body flashed with a dazzling cold light. It was obviously a real sword, not one of those used for performances. So Chen Fei was tempted. With this sword, his strength could definitely increase exponentially. He wouldn't have to face the monsters outside in such a pitiful state.

Lu Yu remained silent, his gaze fixed on Chen Fei, his expression one of disbelief. He seemed to question the audacity of Chen Fei to utter such words. 

Did Chen Fei genuinely believe that Lu Yu was naive enough to fall for his words? Even in a peaceful setting, let alone in a perilous situation, would one really entrust their life to an unknown individual? 

And not just any unknown individual, but a tattooed ruffian? 

The thought was absurd.

"Hey, youngster, I'm addressing you!" Chen Fei's patience wore thin as he observed Lu Yu's dismissive stare. "You're after the sword, aren't you? You can…" Before he could finish his sentence, Lu Yu cut him off with a smirk, extending the sword towards him. 

"Come and take it!"

Chen Fei's anger flared at Lu Yu's audacity. "You're courting death!" he spat out, his eyes flashing with murderous intent as he drew a folding knife. While such a knife would be ineffective against the monstrous creatures outside, it was a lethal weapon against these defenseless humans.

" I'm making it clear. You have to give me this sword whether you like it or not!" As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Fei charged at Lu Yu. As the saying goes, an inch longer is an inch stronger. Although Lu Yu's long sword was obviously more lethal than his dagger, Chen Fei had his own ace up his sleeve.

He had noticed that Lu Yu's T-shirt was soaked with sweat. His slight panting indicated that he had overexerted himself. Relying on his own strength, it would be easy to take down a young punk who had exhausted his physical strength. 

Once he had that magical weapon, he wouldn't have to run from the monsters like a lost dog. So he charged straight ahead without any hesitation.

But he was mistaken. His mistake was quite outrageous. Lu Yu's physical strength was indeed depleted. Even with the addition of such a magical weapon as the Qing Su sword, hand-to-hand combat might not necessarily give him the upper hand against Chen Fei in his current state.

But he wasn't a purebred fighter. Did he need to engage in close combat? Not at all. Seeing the other party charging at him, Lu Yu threw his long sword without a second thought. A transparent cyan blade flew out from the long sword like sword energy, accompanied by a powerful gust of wind.

The sudden gust of wind made it impossible for the people around them to open their eyes. Some small ornaments were also swayed by Lu Yu's sword. Chen Fei hadn't expected Lu Yu to have this move. His face changed, but he couldn't dodge in time.

Chen Fei was hit by the gust of wind and was thrown back, hitting the wall behind him. The folding knife in his hand fell to the side, and the black elastic vest he was wearing was cut open. From the left rib to the right shoulder, blood spurted out of the wound and quickly stained his shirt.

"Ah…" Chen Fei let out a howl like a pig. Lu Yu stared intently at Chen Fei left hand. On his left arm, a layer of khaki rock had formed. "So it turns out that he awakened earth-type ability?

No wonder he was so confident…" he mused.

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