
Villain: I have to marry women to get stronger??

Lin Tian, transmigrated into the "Green core" cultivation world as an earthling he was naturally excited, he was obviously surprised when his golden finger was a system that required him to marry women rather than a legendary bloodline, Follow Lin tian's journey to the top * note that I don't own the image, if the the owner want's it taken down please message me and I will replace it asap * * also note that the mc will be evil, hence the villain tag, but he is not going to go around looking for trouble since he is a cautious man nor will he look for chances to be evil, he will only do things that benefit him if pretending to be good at that moment is in his best interest he will do it without hesitation *

AddictedSolis · Eastern
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18 Chs

The Beginning of the end for peace

High up in the Lin Clan's pagoda held within a sealed room was a Handsome man, his sharp eyebrows furrowed as he focused deep within himself, his long eyelashes fluttering as he tried to finish the circulation of his qi throughout his body in the following few moments a small sound rung throughout his body, his eyes shot open as he felt the sudden surge of power a large grin donned on his face, This man was naturally Lin Tian.

'I broke through, even quicker than before, father will be very pleased, soon enough the word of my "genius" will spread through the realm and families will be lined up to offer me their daughter's'

Lin Tian almost let out a chuckle as he thought about his unstoppable rise to power

(A/N- I know some of yall are going to be pissed at his arrogance, dw, In the next 10ish chapters some character development will happen, how? you will have to read the book for that and if your gonna complain abt the romance rn, is just to emphasize how nc and ez it is for the mc before the the event which will cause the character development to occur and btw the whole chapter is not going to be like this, I have decided to increase the length of the chapter's so the descriptions are going to be good but the story shall progress aswell )

But his eyes softened as he glanced at the perfect beauty sleeping next to him, Her sharp eyebrows relaxed, her long luscious eyelashes stagnant as slept, her sharp nose slightly twitching as she took in the air she needed for survival, her rosy lips tempting as always. He had truly grown fond of this wife of his over the past few months he wouldn't say he loved her but he definitely would be upset if he lost her.

Lin Tian slowly raised his left as he gently stroked her long green hair causing her previously stagnant eyebrows to flutter, slowly revealing her shiny emerald eyes noticing her husbands hand stroking her hair she developed a breathtaking smile on her face as she snuggled into the hand of the man who she deeply fell for in the past few months, the pleasure he gave her, the care he showed for her after, and the small things he did that she never expected from a cultivator who was married to a mortal truly made her fall for him.

Feeling her snuggling into his hand gave Lin Tian a great pleasure, he truly had this women under his thumb, he let out a small chuckle as he gently raised his hand effortlessly raising her head and her torso in the process until her face was in front of his, he gently lowed his hand from her hair to her cheek as his lips crept near until they finally met it, a smile formed on Yi Xun's face as she felt her husband's lips meet her's.

It only lasted a few moments before Lin Tian slowly pulled away from the kiss, he looked into his wife's entrapping eyes as he said

" I broke through again "

In response to this Hun Yi Xun really don't what to say, this was unpresedented, breaking through two realms in the span of less that a year was truly miraculous but her surprise quickly wore off as she threw her hands around her husband, her breasts pressing into his chest her eyes looking into his domineering eyes his dragon quickly taking it's final from from the sensation of his wife's cave brushing against it.

Lin Tian wrapped his arms around his wife as he flipped them over before ordering

"Stick your tongue out"

Yi Xun naturally had no intention or strength to resist her husband she happily complied while giggling Lin Tian quickly wrapped his tounge around hers as he pulled both of them back into his mouth, simultaneously thrusting his how hard dragon into his her sacred cave, illiciting a gasp to enter Lin Tian's mouth this obiously didn't bother him in the slightest as he continued filling her up for a hour, he didn't continue for too long as he didn't want her to pass out at this time. After filling her up for the second time this hour with his seed he slowly removed his dragon from his wife's sacred cave illiciting a


sound, as a small stream of hot white seed flew out of her, Lin Tian glancing at his wife's misty eyes he always felt a little happy, he gently gave her a kiss on the forehead as he said, I will quickly go meet my father you, rest.

He heard a small grunt of acknowledgement from his wife


He didn't really pay attention to it as he started getting dressed, he gently covered his wife with the quilt before giving her another kiss on the forehead as he left.


*+1 Relationship level*

seeing the notification Lin Tian quickly grinned as he thought to himself


Name- Lin Tian

Age-17 years

Cultivation-2nd Stage Body Refinement

Physique-Void Body(Incomplete)

Spouses-Hun Yi Xun (Relationship level 2(1/250 exp) ( Click to see more information)

Abilities- Level 1 Mortal Alchemist(50/125 exp)

Cultivation Technique -Void Cultivation technique


-Nine flame alchemist cultivation technique

Looking at his inventory Lin Tian quickly recalled that Xuner's birthday is coming up a couple months, he can give her the cultivation technique he also needed to gather some alchemist books for her considering her physique's peak potential lies in the alchemist field.

Lin Tian was lost in his thought's as he made his way to his father's office wondering where to get high tier alchemy books from.

He quickly reached the grand door that lead to his father's office and similarly before he could knock he heard his father voice ring out once again this time it was rather solemn?

"Come in"

Lin Tian slowly opened the door, wondering what could make his father, once of the strongest people in the realm solemn?

As he peeked his head inside his eyes flashed a curious glint in his eyes as he saw the three most powerful people in the sect in his father's office, he quickly bowed and said

"Greeting, Father, Father-in-law, and Supreme Elder Xue Ren"

thats right, the third person in the room was none other than the second supreme elder of the sect Xue Ren seeing, they hadn't met before but who else would dare sit around this room with the sect master and his father? he quickly deduced that it was the second supreme elder

Xue Ren's eyes turned from Lin Houshin and looked at Lin Tian, his stern wrinkled face showing no sign's of emotions as his soul sense scanned Lin Tian, his old eyes slightly widened as he noticed this young boy, who is not even seventeen yet had reached the 2nd stage of body refinement!

He quickly turned his eyes at Lin Houshin and was about to say something before he heard Lin Houshin's voice ring out throughout the room

"Congratulations on your break through son, but there is something of importance that you must know"

Hearing his father's now solemn voice Lin Tian truly started getting worried, what the heck happened??

Lin Houshin's solemn voice rung out throughout the room once again,

"We are going to war with the Heavenly saber sect, you Hun Yi Xun and Xue Ren's son are going to leave the sect and go into hiding into some villages, far away from here, once you grow stronger you must avenge us!"

Lin Tian really was too stunned to speak, his mind raced, his perfect place to rise to power now shattered right in front of his eyes, he couldn't believe it!

'war??, are you kidding me?'

although the heavenly saber sect was always at odds with the heavenly sword sect nobody ever made a move due to their equal power, an all out war would only result in mutual destruction, this obviously kept any minor skirmishes to just that minor skirmishes but now they were declaring war?? did they want to die, Lin Tian's serious voice quickly replied

"Father, do they want to die? aren't we the same in power a war will only end in mutual destruction!"

Lin Houshin quickly let out a sigh as he said

" That would have been the case but now we have gotten reports of a breakthrough from two of their elders they now have 5 late stage core formation realm cultivators, and you know the difference between a mid stage and a late stage cultivator in our realm don't you? "

Lin Tian's face morphed into one of dis belief as he thought to himself,

'any break throughs in the core formation realm required decades if not a century or so of cultivation and that's if they ever happen, reaching the late stage of core formation realm requires heavy amounts of talent and a long amount of time and your telling me not 1 but 2 of their elder's broke through that too this suddenly?? what is going on here! on top of that we now stand no chance, maybe if just one of their elders broke through the 3 of them could have fought of the 4 of them them considering we have the home ground advantage and formations to aid us in the battle, but they have 2?? and we cant all escape because they will chase us down like dogs and hunt us down separately, I can never reveal my real name nor can Xuner, the moment we do we are going to be hunted down aswell'

Knowing that there was no way out of this situation Lin Tian slowly nodded his head as he looked into his father's eyes, knowing that him and and his mother are going to be dead when the war broke out.

the sect master's voice rung out throughout the room catching everybody's attention

" I will now hand over 3 storage ring's to you, in these storage ring's are the entire sects spirit stones approximately 10 million spirit stones if you convert them all into low grade spirit stones and in the middle ring are all the high grade techniques that we have present in the sect , you 3 will be carrying the sect's legacy, each of the 3 family's had too choose one of their younger generation to be the ones to run away because the other children are going to fight so that the heavenly saber sect doesn't know that we have sent away our future, to make sure they don't catch on we will be blowing up the entire sect after we loose this fight "

Lin Tian nodded with utmost seriousness as he glanced at the sect master who was now walking towards him.

The sect master looked at his son-in-law with the utmost hope in his eyes as he handed the 3 storage ring's over but he slowly raised his hand and put it on Lin Tian's right shoulder, looking into his eyes as he muttered

"Please take care of my daughter will you?"

Lin Tian slowly nodded, happy with his son-in-laws promise he had a smile on his face as his voice rung out throughout the room

"We don't know when they are going to attack so you guys are to leave tomorrow morning, the horses are ready, pack whatever you can fit into the storage ring's and get ready to depart and most importantly, tell no one.

Lin Tian nodded as he said

"Thank you father, thank you sect master, thank you Supreme elder Xue Ren, I will be sure to massacre the entirety of the heavenly saber sect when I get strong enough"

Lin Tian truly didn't care if the people in sect died or not, he did have some good sentiments towards the people in the room so it would be slightly upsetting but thats about it but he would be sure to massacre those fools for daring to destroy his grand scheme!

Seeing his Son's resolute eyes Lin Houshin truly felt sad that this was going to be the last time he saw his son, he quickly made his way to him and wrapped him in a hug before saying

"Alright, go now, you must be ready as soon as possible"

Lin Tian nodded as he made his way out of the room and back towards his abode where he would need to start preparing to leave this place, as soon as possible

(A/N- thanks for reading, hopefully you guys enjoyed the chapter, be sure to tell if you guys have any ideas to improve the story!)