
Villain: How to tame your friends mother?

!/_SLOW PACED_/! Zhang Yuchen was living his life as the lackey of Young Master Chen Mu of the Chen family. One day, suddenly, he recovered all memories of his previous life. At that moment, he understood that he was living inside a world where protagonists roam freely, causing havoc and despair to minor mobs like him. But how could people from the blue planet face injustice? As a proud transmigrator, he promptly awakened his golden finger to defy destiny itself, all while seducing the maidens and MILFs that the world had to offer. [ ORIGINAL WORK ]

SPIRIT_KING · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 : Long Aotian was arrested, Heavenly Dao became resentful.


Long Aotian stepped out of the red matchbox-like car, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the abandoned dock. The four brothers were already there, grinning with a feeling of controlling the situation and destined success.

Yan Rong leaned casually against the car, closing the door with a confident smirk on her face.

As the four brothers approached, they took in the sight of Long Aotian. He didn't look as skinny as in the picture; his face bore a cold, calculated expression.

Zhao Long, the Tattooed Man, was the first to speak, his voice dripping with  admiration. "Hahaha! Poisonous Lily, you've outdone yourself. Bringing this fool right to us. I knew we could count on you."

Li Wei, the Scarred Man, nodded, though he couldn't shake his doubts. "Yeah, you've got a real knack for this. It's women like you that make some men afraid to get into relationships. Always one step ahead in the game. How do you do it?"

Yan Rong smirked, basking in the praise. She couldn't admit that her charm tactics had failed and she'd had to resort to subtle violence.

"It's all about understanding your target. This one was surprisingly easy. A little charm, a bit of pressure, and he walked right into our trap. Men these days are hornier than prostitutes in heat."

Wang Bo, the Knife Man, chuckled darkly. "You're a real asset, Lily. No wonder the young master keeps you close. You've got skills."

Long Aotian felt a familiar pattern unfolding. The 'young master' they served appeared to be another entitled second-generation brat.

His suspicions fell on Mu Xiao; Because only Mu's family knew of Long Aotian's arrival.

'Mu Xiao, that conniving bastard. Since I can't touch him because of my fiancée, I'll make sure that such an unreasonable, unworthy, and irresponsible man never fathers a child. I, Long Aotian, will make him the eunuch of the modern world.' he thought grimly, his resolve hardening.

At this time...

Gold Tooth Chen Jian stepped forward, his grin widening.

"Let's not waste any more time. We have him right where we want him."

Yan Rong's eyes glinted with malice as she stared at Long Aotian. She had always enjoyed manipulating others, and the idea of humiliating him further brought her immense satisfaction.

Even though they had just met, he somehow managed to irritate her. And an urge to crush his 'pride'  swirled inside her dark heart, though she couldn't understand why?

"Ready for the fun to begin, little brother? This time!...You don't think you'll get away easily, do you?"

Long Aotian ignored her, focusing on the four fools.

"Hmph! Woman, if I, Long Aotian, don't make you regret this and grovel at my feet, I'm not my father's son. Let's get this over with... Let's see if these clowns can handle me. After that, we'll discuss your young master... that wretch."

Zhao Long, known as the Tattooed Man, stepped forward, cracking his knuckles. "Big talk for a man in handcuffs. I need to see if your skin is as tough as you claim. I've reduced plenty of tough guys to tears. Looks like you're clueless about the art of tattooing."

Without a word, Long Aotian exerted a small amount of pressure, and the metal cuffs shattered, falling to the ground with a metallic clink. The thugs' eyes widened in disbelief, and Yan Rong's confident smirk faltered.

Yan Rong scoffed, masking her shock with bravado, thinking there must be something wrong with the quality of the material. No human could break handcuffs so easily.

"So, you have a few tricks up your sleeve. Sadly, it doesn't change anything. You're outnumbered and outmatched."

Li Wei, the Scarred Man, tried to muster courage, but his voice betrayed him. He had never witnessed anything like this before; even last time, they needed a bullet to break handcuffs. "Yeah, there are five of us and only one of you. Do the math. You're finished."

Gold Tooth Chen Jian, still grinning, tried to circle around Long Aotian. "You think you're invincible? Just because you broke a pair of handcuffs

Long Aotian didn't flinch and replied. "Come and find out."

Long Aotian savored this moment—being underestimated, then slapping his opponents in the face with his true power. Educating others about the vastness of heaven and earth had always been extremely pleasing to him. The thrill of it made his hands itch. It had been a whole week since he had killed anyone, and he was eager to remind the world of his capabilities.

Tension peaked, the imminent clash between Long Aotian and the four brothers seemed inevitable. Hostility hung thick in the air, each side ready to strike.

But then, something unexpected happened.

Several sirens suddenly shattered the stillness, their constant, loud wail echoing through the dock. Authorities had arrived, but who had called the police? No one knew.

"How is this happening? No... this wasn't part of the plan. If I get arrested, I'll be worthless to the young master."

As the first wails of police sirens sounded, Yan Rong's quick-witted reflexes kicked in. Without a second thought, she slipped into the driver's seat of the car and sped away decisively. The others barely had time to open their mouths before she was already gone.

Although nothing would have happened to her as she was not a criminal and still a reputable citizen of China, she knew more than these four fools.

The young master's methods weren't something they could comprehend.

Only by staying alert and one step ahead could she remain safe and out of trouble. If she left even a hint of doubt in the authorities' minds, her life would be doomed, and the young master might even abandon her.

The others hesitated for a split second, caught off guard. Then confident smirks crept onto their faces as they remembered they were not ownerless dogs.

"Damn, that bitch was quick once again, but there's nothing to worry about. We haven't done anything wrong," Gold Tooth Chen Jian sneered.

"Besides, we can always get the police to deal with this dog. Aren't they just corrupt officers who wag their tails at the young master's command? Haha!" His voice dripped with pride and arrogance.

Long Aotian also wanted to run, but just as he was about to take a step, a bullet whizzed past him, piercing an empty oil barrel behind him and forcing him to halt.

"Who is it, you damn bastard?" His previous confidence vanished, replaced by a chilling sense of impending doom.

Looking up, he saw a man positioned atop the old crane in the dock, a sniper rifle aimed directly at him, ready to pierce his heart. Caught in his own arrogance, he hadn't noticed this threat earlier, too preoccupied with planning how he would humiliate these thugs.

'So, from the beginning, it was my fault. I was too overconfident in coming here. Do they truly know about my background? Did the Mu family betray me?'

Thoughts raced through his mind, a cold gleam appearing in his eyes.

Before anyone could react, several police cars surrounded them. Doors slammed open and closed in rapid succession as a flood of officers swarmed the scene.

All guns were trained on Long Aotian and the four suspects, a grand welcome with hundreds of cold, unwavering eyes fixed on them.

That morning, the police department received two explosive tips. First, a major powerhouse in the city reported suspicious activity among their own watchdogs, hinting at a link with a foreign mercenary group. Then, another call came in from an unknown source, more certain than the first, claiming that Long Aotian, who had just landed in China, was planning to smuggle arms through the South Asian ocean, with the deal set to be sealed at the black dock.

Deputy Commissioner of Hanmi City, Chu Shen, stepped forward and spoke calmly,

"We have information on you, Long Aotian. You're a covert agent of the USA and an associate of the killer known as Black Death. You've been smuggling arms into our Dragon Kingdom and have ties with sea pirates. You have two choices: come peacefully and cooperate with our investigation, or we will drag you to hell. Choose wisely."

Long Aotian stood defiant, his thoughts seething, 'Damn it, Mu Xiao, damn Mu family. If you think this will end here, you're sorely mistaken.' Outwardly, he softened his stance, speaking reluctantly but softly,

"I will cooperate with you, officer. I'm not guilty of anything. In fact, this is my first time hearing these strange names. I was just a student abroad."


[ Meanwhile ]

In a certain cozy café along Main Road, which connects to the national highway and overlooks the vast coastline eight kilometers from the bustling coastal area, a man sat quietly at a corner table.

His blond hair caught the sunlight filtering through the windows, his piercing green eyes scanning the menu thoughtfully.

This man was both handsome and muscular.

Undoubtedly, he was Zhang Yuchen.

The waitress approached with a warm smile, appreciating his handsome features. "Good morning! What can I get for you, sir? I think it's your first time here?"

"Yes, I don't live around here. I'll have a cold coffee, please," he replied smoothly, his gaze briefly shifting to the window where a red matchbox-like car hurried past.

"So it has started. I expected it to be later. When did the police become this fast?" he murmured.

Startled, the waitress asked, "Excuse me, sir? Did you say something?"

He smiled reassuringly. "It's nothing to worry about. Just thinking aloud. Only cold coffee."

The waitress felt a little strange in her heart because not every customer drinks cold coffee in the morning, but she left to fetch his order. Soon, she returned with a cup of coffee, her smile warm. "Here's your cold coffee, sir. Is there anything else I can get for you?"

He nodded gratefully. "Thank you. This is perfect."

[ Ding! Host has committed the sin of setting up the protagonist and unintentionally helped a malevolent entity that wants to destroy the world. Heavenly Dao is resentful towards the host; caution is suggested. ]

"What the hell, wasn't it you who made me do it?"


( End Of This Chapter)
