
Villain Eternal: I Shall Conquer The Heavens!

“Wretched abomination of darkness! For going against the will of heaven, the Hero Association shall chase your aberrant self until your death!” He scoffed. "Who is going to hunt me down? Your dead gods or your pathetic selves?" —— By stumbling upon the forbidden realms and his learning of secrets he wasn't meant to know, his mortality was robbed off him and he was cursed with what mortals would regard as “Eternal Life”. He could no longer age, or be killed by mortals. With his power, Mylos swore to tear down the heavens as he built up his Hell from the ashes of the angles. His heart burnes with a frenzied flames as he swore to wipe the walls of his castle with the blood of the enemies. “Divine Tribulations?” Conquered. “Heavenly Retribution?” Defied. —— “Worthless aberration of chaos! Your life must end here, and your blood would be used to wash the cornerstones of this mountain! Now, lie and accept your fate!" They were terrified, quaking in their boots in fear as he stared upon them. He was a monster, some abominable creature that crawled it's way out of the pit of hell. Undying, unrelenting — The god-like monster grinned in the face of their heaviest weapons. It's eyes gleamed at the sight of their heavily armed Heroes and Legends. He was what they believed to be “The Devil”.

DMC_MAX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Meeting The Family?

 "Knock Knock!" 

 Mylos knocked on the door so boldly that he stunned a silent Karen who stood besides him. She compared his actions now to his reaction earlier, wondering where his earlier hesitation to even stand metres away had gone. 

 Alissa remained silent. She didn't know why, but she was never interested in speaking unless Mylos said otherwise and just like the feeling of loyalty she had towards him, it was difficult for her to understand this as well. 

 After three seconds of wait, there was a clamour inside the building then the sound of someone running down the stairs. After two more seconds, someone finally got the door dragged open to welcome the visitors. 

 The woman had long black hair, a symmetrical face that was extremely similar to Karen's, and ink black eyes that gleamed in a soft light. She wore a welcoming smile on her face as she saw Mylos and Alissa behind Karen. 


 Karen ran into the woman's arms. Mylos just watched in silence, the powerful Hero inside the room remained still even after he'd gotten this close. Maybe they wanted to lure him closer so it would be difficult for him to escape? 

 "Hello, you three can come in. Leave your shoes at the doors please." Karen's mother stepped back, allowing a silent Mylos and Alissa to take off their shoes and walk into the room with plain expressions on their faces. 

 We, three? So Aysla didn't wait for me in some faraway building as all sane siblings would have done to protect themselves? Have I really infected her with my stupidity? 

 "Make yourself feel at home. We will all talk in my room upstairs, let's wait for her first." Karen smiled, pulling her mother to the side to energetically narrate all that she'd done throughout the day. She didn't hold anything back. 

 Mylos just looked around, then sat down on a couch to calm his demonic aura. Seeing that Alissa was not going to sit down on her own accord, her face palmed, "You're allowed to sit down anywhere you like." 

 Hearing that, Alissa nodded then walked to his couch a second later. She did not blink, sitting besides him as he ignored her to focus on his aura. Seeing that he was not giving any orders, she just stared off into space. 

 "So, you're a friend of Karen? You're trying to suppress it in my presence, buy you're too late. I knew that you're not a normal demon the second you arrived. If I were to compare it to mine, your aura is not far behind at all." 

 Karen blinked, 

 "So he's a high tier demon? No wonder he can control himself in such a massive crowd despite looking so pale from hunger. Hus willpower must be equally strong for him to come here in this state too, right?" 

 Her mother nodded. 

 "I'm Sylvia, a fallen Seraphim." Karen's mother gazed at Mylos, she seemed deep in thoughts as she stared at the demon with a brow raised, "I am her mother, and this is my domain. What should we call you?" 

 "Mylos." With his brows furrowed, he successfully seals his demonic aura. After sealing his aura, he opened his eyes, wearing a polite smile on his face, "For numerous reasons, I cannot reveal my origins to you."

 Sylvia smiled, not bothering to pressure Mylos, "I see. If you don't want to speak, then I'm not worried. Well, it is expected for one to want his identity remain a secret to potential enemies. That is quite intelligent of you."

 "Thank you."

 Just as Sylvia opened her mouth to speak, there came a knock from the front door. Without much thought, she stood to her feet and walked towards the door, pulling it open as it was left unlocked.

 "Hello, you're with the them aren't you? You can come inside. We have been waiting for you, what took you so long?" Sylvia asked as she invited the last member of the party into her home, retaining her polite smile.

 "I see." Aysla followed Sylvia, catching Mylos's gaze as a smiling Sylvia led her to where they all sat. Standing with her brows knitted, Aysla sighed under her breath, "Your house looks quite beautiful, did you design it yourself?" 

 "Huh? Yeah, I'm quite surprised you noticed that. I was the one who set up these fine wallpapers." Sylvia was at first thrown aback by the question, but replied a second later without dropping her smile, "It's not that great."

 "What are you two talking about? I also helped in fixing these wallpapers! It wasn't easy at all, yet no one credits me for my hardwork." Karen rolled her eyes and stood to her feet, "Let's go upstairs. We'll come back later."

 "Yeah. Be careful up there." Sylvia smiled as she walked away from the group, approaching the door that led into the dinning room, "I'll be inside setting up the table. I'm not going to listen to whatever you want to talk about."

 Not listening to what they were saying? Sylvia was very much okay with doing that. Leaving her daughter with a group of unknown demons without any form of defence or backup? She would be better off running into a sea of active chainsaws. Sylvia wasn't that stupid.

 Of course, the father had been stationed directly under her room. If anything was to go wrong, he'd be quick to reach her without any issues. He would also be stronger than her in combating them whilst defending Karen.

 "But, I do have a rule. Not everyone is going to rush up to your room. Someone should be left here. I might just need help with setting up the—"

 "The sister demon can go." Karen interrupted Sylvia, an interesting gleam in her eyes as she pointed at a stunned Aysla, "She did show interest in decorating stuff, and will not be crucial to our discussion."

 Mylos was stunned. He needed his sister's defence a lot more than he needed the strange human besides him in this strange house. Just as he was about to speak against Karen's decision, Aysla voiced her thoughts,

 "Of course! Mylos and Alissa can go up, while I will help your mother in the dining room. You guys shouldn't take too much time up there!" Aysla smiled, walking to Sylvia and standing by her side. There was a glint in her eyes.


 Mylos frowned. Seeing that his sister was ready to help him gain the information he needed, he wasn't going to let her sacrifice go to waste! He would learn about what he actually did there, and if it could be replicated.