
Villain Eternal: I Shall Conquer The Heavens!

“Wretched abomination of darkness! For going against the will of heaven, the Hero Association shall chase your aberrant self until your death!” He scoffed. "Who is going to hunt me down? Your dead gods or your pathetic selves?" —— By stumbling upon the forbidden realms and his learning of secrets he wasn't meant to know, his mortality was robbed off him and he was cursed with what mortals would regard as “Eternal Life”. He could no longer age, or be killed by mortals. With his power, Mylos swore to tear down the heavens as he built up his Hell from the ashes of the angles. His heart burnes with a frenzied flames as he swore to wipe the walls of his castle with the blood of the enemies. “Divine Tribulations?” Conquered. “Heavenly Retribution?” Defied. —— “Worthless aberration of chaos! Your life must end here, and your blood would be used to wash the cornerstones of this mountain! Now, lie and accept your fate!" They were terrified, quaking in their boots in fear as he stared upon them. He was a monster, some abominable creature that crawled it's way out of the pit of hell. Undying, unrelenting — The god-like monster grinned in the face of their heaviest weapons. It's eyes gleamed at the sight of their heavily armed Heroes and Legends. He was what they believed to be “The Devil”.

DMC_MAX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


 "He was swept away by its tail… Thrown off balance just a second from cutting down the vicious beast…" 

 Mylos sat down with his eyes closed. Listening to Alissa as she read the book, he let himself collapse into a state of absolute concentration. Pieces of paper and dust was cast into the air by his aura, swirling around him slowly. 

 What can his chaos energy do? As a demon, his energy was the core of all his abilities. The energy he cultivated in himself powered his demonic arts, it allowed Mylos to unleash attacks beyond the capabilities of other demons. 

 It allowed him to warp the space around himself, to tear through surfaces without making contact. It allowed him to practice what humans called "mana", giving the power to utilise his chaos energy for an arsenal of new abilities. 

 "The unbalanced knight struggled to get on his feet. A feeling of doom loomed over him as the beast marched towards him, it's eyes bright red with bloodlust…" 

 Mylos frowned. He'd read somewhere in books of some humans who could cultivate some strange energy called Qi into higher levels. No matter how hard he tried what he read, his mana remained the same with no changes. 

 Feeling stumped after seconds of trail and error, Mylos opened his eyes and stood to his feet. At least the time he spent training his mana didn't go to waste. He was a few years short from doing it, but he got an idea. 

 He believed that if he trained harder, he would be able to imbue his mana into other materials. Enhancing their capabilities with his chaos energy and gaining powerful equipments. Of course, that was far off into the future. 

 At his current growth rate? He could beat his chest and call that a fact. If he was lucky enough to sign a deal with the gods before they angered him, and earned a skill like "Demonic Evolution" or "Constant Development" — He believed it would be very much easier than now. 

 "Okay, that's enough." 

 Mylos spoke suddenly, causing Alissa to cut off her next sentence before she even got the chance to utter it. The second after she'd been put out of her misery, Alissa got ready to request something from Mylos. 

 "One second…" Before Mylos could entertain Alissa, a thought crossed his heart and he looked around himself for his sword. After finding it, he walked up to the blade and grabbed it before returning to Alissa, 

 "I know that this would make a mess, but trust me, it's a lot better than burrowing a knife to hack at my skin. We should get this over with soon, let us go rejoin with Aysla before anything bad happens." 

 Alissa blinked, stunned speechless by Mylos's actions, 

 "What are you planning to do? I never wanted a taste of your energy. All I want from you is a short spar outside, I want to see how well I can control this body in combat." 

 Mylos shook his head, "I can't believe you spoke such a lengthy sentence without stuttering. Just moments into reading you were stuttering so badly I wanted to cry. It got better later, but it's surprising how good you got." 


 With a sigh, Mylos held out his right hand and lifted his sword up high. Before anyone in the room could react, a light flashed and Mylos's blade dropped down. His right hand was severed from his arm, dropping to the ground. 

 Seeing what had happened, Karen stood up to her feet in a frenzied shock. Blood sprayed out Mylos's arm like a fountain, and the corner of her room was covered in his blood. She couldn't move after the shock received. 

 Alissa on the other stood there with dilating pupils, the corners of her mouth drooling heavily. She struggled to contain herself, veins bulging over her forehead as she rooted herself to the ground. A gleam flashed past her eyes as she growled, her claws and fangs growing larger. 

 "I see. You get excited in the presence of demon gore. I never imagined a creature lusting over my bloody mess in all the past years of my life… Come, drink it." Mylos held out his right hand, ensuring it did not regenerate. 

 After she received the order from Mylos, Alissa lost her senses completely. She dashed towards Mylos, grabbing him and sinking her teeth into his arm. She gnawed on the arm madly, sucking the blood up like a vacuum. 

 "When in this state, you seem to disregard the safety of your master, even if he gives an order that would harm a normal human. It does feel like a good discovery, but it's not what I want from you. Hopefully I didn't waste all the blood just to discover that only." 

 Karen watched Mylos and Alissa. She finally regained all the courage she'd lost from seeing so much blood inside her room. Suddenly, she remembered her parents and a bad feeling suddenly rose in her heart. 


 Before Karen could say a word, the door suddenly blew up into numerous fragments which scattered all over the room. After that, a tall man stepped into the room with a stern expression worn on his face. 

 He bespectacled, dressed in his pyjama with a spinning ball of light floating above his palm. He had strapped a sword to his waist, a cold gleam in his eyes, "What kind of foolishness are you kids practicing under my roof." 

 "Foolishness?" Mylos remained still, not even turning to face the man behind him. He allowed Alissa to drink as much of his blood as she possibly could, healing himself internally at a crazy pace, "I'm just having fun with her." 

 The man squeezed his open hand into a fist, dispersing the spinning ball of light. After that, he did not leave to sleep again, he approached Karen and sat besides her, "Hopefully my presence doesn't annoy either of you?" 

 Doesn't annoy? Mylos rolled his eyes, and lifted his left hand high. Sadly he was not that much of exhibitionist as he enjoyed his privacy. Mylos slowly dropped his hand, placing his palm on Alissa's forehead, "That's enough." 

 Alissa was blown back by a blast of energy, cast into the wall behind her like a ragged doll. After collapsing to the ground, she struggled to stand to her feet as her mind remained a messy fog of irrelevant information. 

 Watching her Mylos remained silent. Of course he fed her more than enough so he wouldn't have to do so in a very long time, or she wouldn't have to do it herself. He did not want to accidentally kill Alissa for her hunger. 

 "That should be enough." Mylos chuckled silently, then he turned to face the newcomer. In a flash, the arm he'd severed from his body popped back out, and he used it in picking up his dropped sword, "Hello, old man."