
Villain Eternal: I Shall Conquer The Heavens!

“Wretched abomination of darkness! For going against the will of heaven, the Hero Association shall chase your aberrant self until your death!” He scoffed. "Who is going to hunt me down? Your dead gods or your pathetic selves?" —— By stumbling upon the forbidden realms and his learning of secrets he wasn't meant to know, his mortality was robbed off him and he was cursed with what mortals would regard as “Eternal Life”. He could no longer age, or be killed by mortals. With his power, Mylos swore to tear down the heavens as he built up his Hell from the ashes of the angles. His heart burnes with a frenzied flames as he swore to wipe the walls of his castle with the blood of the enemies. “Divine Tribulations?” Conquered. “Heavenly Retribution?” Defied. —— “Worthless aberration of chaos! Your life must end here, and your blood would be used to wash the cornerstones of this mountain! Now, lie and accept your fate!" They were terrified, quaking in their boots in fear as he stared upon them. He was a monster, some abominable creature that crawled it's way out of the pit of hell. Undying, unrelenting — The god-like monster grinned in the face of their heaviest weapons. It's eyes gleamed at the sight of their heavily armed Heroes and Legends. He was what they believed to be “The Devil”.

DMC_MAX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


"Ah, you were here." The receptionist smiled softly, her eyes locked on Mylos who had sat himself down on the ground besides the woman, "I can see you're get your selves affiliated? I guess you have questions as well."

Questions? Mylos stood to his feet, tightening his grip round the hilt of his sword, his brows knitted. He raised his blade, and took his stance — preparing himself for a battle, his aura blazing around his body.


A tail shot out towards Mylos out of nowhere, it's speed was incredibly difficult for the male demon to follow with his eyes. Just a few seconds before it crashed into him, a strange light flashed in Mylos' eyes and he dashed forth.

At the last second, he pivoted on his heel, tilting over to the side in a blink, allowing him to dash past the tail like structure by moving out of it's path of attack. Just as he dashed out of it's way, he bent his legs — then dashed!

In a second, he closed the large gap between the both of them. He brandished his sword, his eyes gleaming as he prepares himself for the second tail, after what he'd faced earlier — he didn't underestimate the receptionist.

"So, you believe that dashing too close to me would get me flustered? Well, you were right, but did you actually think you could take me out like that?" The receptionist grinned, then snapped her finger, "Try even harder!"

Two more tails shot out of her back, then both of them were thrust in Mylos' direction, aiming for his chest with their speed growing by the second. These tails fused to form something twice the size of the regular.

"Heh!" Mylos fiercely stomped his foot, forcing himself to a skidding halt, then he leapt up at a fast speed, "You shouldn't be too quick to evaluate someone's limits, why don't you take your advice?"

Mylos grinned, then dashed towards the reception at a crazy speed, his sword turning into a blinding light as he swung it in her direction with all his strength. Finally, he had gotten himself accustomed to her attack pattern!

"Wait, do you really think you can do that without some stronger trump card?" The receptionist smiled, then she leapt backwards without hesitation. Just as she'd jumped away from Mylos, the first tail she released turned round.


The two tails she'd clasped together to smash Mylos to the ground quickly split, both of them rising to attack a dashing Mylos. With three tails, the massive hall looked a little bit too stuffed for Mylos' comfort.

He landed on the ground, dashed to the side, then forth again. He dragged the blinding light with him, not even waiting a second for his enemy to get used to his frantic assault, his speed rising exponentially.

The receptionist grinned, her eyes gleaming as she took her stance before the approaching Mylos. Watching him coldly, she snapped her fingers and all three tails gutting out of the space behind her, bent in Mylos' direction.


All the tails pulsed in a strange for a split second, then a second later, they a shot towards Mylos at a crazy speed that would stun any onlooker. Noticing this, Mylos who had dashed towards the controller smirked coldly.

He sidestepped suddenly, leaning his upper body to the side and successfully evading the first tail. Unable to hit the target, it struck the ground — latching it's head into the earth, and leaving Mylos to deal with the free duo.

After dodging the first "tail" Mylos spun around to face the others, this time his speed twice what it was before, a cold glint flashing in eyes. The second tail came hurtling at his face, it was indeed fast as it shot towards him.

Mylos just sneered in his heart. He drew a deep breath, summoning as most energy as he possibly could into his palm — raising it to shield himself from the tail. The tail turned into a blur as it suddenly shot towards Mylos!


The ground Mylos stood upon exploded around him in a circular pattern, cracks spreading further to reach the walls of the building. The shockwave further wrecked all the doors in the vicinity, blowing them into their rooms.

Mylos connected!

The hard metallic surface of the tail cracked as if it were glass! Just a second after the cracks spread all over the tails body, the tail itself exploded completely. Blown up into shards of dark metals that scattered round the halls.

"I—impossible!" The receptionist was stunned, her right hand clenched into a fist as she opened her eyes wide to see her tail getting destroyed by Mylos. The shock she received from losing a tail, stunned her for a second.

Mylos turned to the side, his eyes gleaming coldly as he blocked the incoming tail-like structure by diverting it to the side with his sword. As he deflected the final attack, Mylos dashed forward without hesitation.

"33 minutes left…"

Before the receptionist could regain her senses, Mylos was already standing before her with his blade only one second away severing her neck. She was able to feel the coldness of the blade without touching it, her eyes wide.

"Give up, now." Mylos ordered coldly. His grip tightens around his blade as he noticed the receptionist withdraw her final 'tail' back into her body. "Now that one of us is not trying to get killed by the other, why don't we talk?"

The receptionist scoffed, looking away with her brows knitted. She wasn't in the slightest happy about how it turned out for her, if only she'd gone all out from the start — maybe, she would have been able to win.

"Drop your sword, let's talk properly." The receptionist frowned as she tilted her neck in the opposite direction of Mylos' blade. Her eyes gleaming in a thoughtful light as she kept her gaze away from his. "It's distracting."

"Do you think I won't cut you up into little pieces, burn your heart and scatter your ashes all over the pool built out of your blood and flesh?" Mylos asked, a darkness emitting from his cold eyes as he spoke softly, "I'll ask the questions, and you'll provide the answers."

Mylos breathed softly,

"Let's start with a simple one. What is happening in this place? I want to know everything about your abominable acts, and about those things from your back."