
Villain: Eavesdropping, The Heroines

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Chapter 91: What do you want to do? Domineering women fall in love with me? (2)

After ordering seven or eight dishes, Su Yanran was satisfied.

He even picked up his mobile phone to take pictures and posted to Moments, a full-fledged little woman gesture.

After the operation, Chu Xuan was very confused.

[Hey hey hey, you are a set by the goddess of iceberg, and it's not suitable for posting on Moments!''

[Please be reserved, stabilize the character, don't collapse!]

[Being seen by your friends will doubt if you have a serious brain disease! Huh? No, you have no friends-friends!]

Su Yanran;...

dog man!

Then there is a serious illness!

Who said this lady has no friends?

What about the Jiangcheng financial giants? A bunch of friends scared you to death!

No, the group owner seems to be Chu Xuan, so sad!

"Mom, how do you want to get to know me? Don't worry, I will definitely fit in!"

Chu Xuan smiled brightly and his eyes were reddish, as if his excitement hadn't slowed down.

If Su Yanran hadn't heard what he said, she would definitely believe it.

It's a pity, hehe~

This lady has already seen through, there is only one truth!

You are acting!

Actress upper body!

But since you asked, you can't blame this lady for giving you the problem.

"Actually, I have thought about it. Now we are unmarried couples, but we don't have a deep understanding of each other. In order to truly understand you and realize the real you, I am going to move to Jiangnan Garden."


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I am so excited, so shocked."

"No reaction, sorry!"

Chu Xuan sprayed a sip of red wine directly on Su Yanran's clothes. After getting wet, he quickly took out a paper towel on the table to wipe it.

But immediately stopped, a little embarrassing.

This is about to get started, will it be dragged out as a sex monster to criticize?

Su Yanran's eyebrows jumped fiercely, did you deliberately?

That's right, the smile on the corner of your mouth has betrayed you, dog man!

Want to piss me off?

no way!

I endure, endure desperately!

She stretched out her hand to take the tissue, wiped it twice, and whispered softly: "I know you are excited, it's okay."

Isn't this so angry yet?

Chu Xuan doubted it.

``Isn't this angry?)

[What is such a gentle tone? It's definitely something wrong in my mind, or call it 120?]

I believe my guess very much, otherwise I can't make such a big mistake.

People collapsed, but they couldn't collapse to such a degree that no one could withstand it.

In the past, the cold goddess, once she became gentle, no man in the world could withstand it, so she surrendered directly.

Don't tell me, Chu Xuan really has such an illusion, seeing her gentle and watery appearance.

It seems that it's not bad to be with her, she looks good, she has a good figure, she is a business goddess, and the dream lover of any man.

No, she is a silly dog!

This matter must not be forgotten, and she must not fall into her beauty tricks.

Do you expect Erha to be as well-behaved as the golden retriever?

Don't count on it, right?

Then you can count on a stupid dog to correct evil and return to righteousness?

Chu Xuan exhaled heavily, but said in his mouth: "Thank you for your understanding, I am so excited, but will this have any effect on your reputation?"

"It's okay, we are an unmarried couple, and there will be no gossip."

"My father is also very supportive.

Su Yanran smiled, but she clenched her fist with her hand on her leg.

Although she didn't hear her heart, she could clearly feel that Chu Xuan absolutely thought she was a silly dog ​​or something.

I really want to slash the spirit cover open that day to see if it contains steel or not. There is no one who is straight to this level.

Is she not obvious enough, or not beautiful enough?

Chu Xuan is really numb, and he didn't expect Su Yanran to give him this show.

If I really want to live in Jiangnan Garden, what can I do in the future?

face her every day?

Wait, don't you want to monitor yourself up close?


Such a deep scheming!

His eyes flashed and he said softly, "Then will we live together?"

"Who said we live together? I just moved to Jiangnanyuan, you can't live together, but don't think about it."

[Laozi is so crazy!)

[If you don't live together, tell me something about wool?]

[What about playing? Are you messing with my mentality?」

[You said it earlier, my brother's heart was pounding with fright, and he almost thought you were going to shoot you in the upper body. "

Chu Xuan complained in his heart that what he just said was so sensational, but he ended up living in the same community.

Just say it clearly, it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Su Yanran really has the urge to use a knife!

"But I still want to get along with you more, Chu Xuan, you won't mind, right? Let's talk about living together, wait until we get to know more.

While speaking, his face turned slightly red, his tone became strange, and his eyes were even more rambunctious, as if he was really shy.

-0 for flowers...0

Chu Xuan:???

what do you want?

Listen to what you mean, can there be a follow-up blow?

Something is wrong, this little expression and little eyes.

Whoops~ That's really not right!

Suddenly he realized the problem, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and the golden pupil activated!

Although Golden Eye does not have the ability to see through the heart, it can see the inside of the human body.

Such as blood flow speed, heart beat frequency and so on.

From a psychological point of view, seeing these can judge a person's real mood at the moment, and thus judge whether there is a lie.

Now Su Yanran's blood flow is a little faster, and the frequency of her heart beating is also a little faster, which is not her performance when she is lying.

If a person wants to lie, he will definitely think about various situations in advance, organize his language well, his head will be calm, his heart will be calm, and the situation of rapid heartbeat will rarely occur.

Judging from a comprehensive perspective, Su Yanran is really not lying now.

Sorry, Su Yanran doesn't really have feelings for herself, does she?

Or do you really want to know first?

After all, judging from Ye Fan's several performances so far, normal women wouldn't take it seriously.

Even a stupid dog can't choose a more stupid one, right?

[Wan Duzi, stupid dog won't be really interested in me, right?)

[Ahhh~ Don't come here!)

["The Domineering Girl Always Falls in Love with Me"? Don't love me, it's not worth it! Brother is a prodigal son who can't go back, let it go!)

"Hey, my goddamn, nowhere charm!)

[Comrade Ye Fan, congratulations on the loss of a heroine!

[I am honored to inform you that your hat is green!)

While thinking, his eyes moved slightly.


Suddenly, he looked back, a little embarrassed.

Su Yanran was curious, although the dog man's voice was not as good as her, but what is his expression now?

[Hi~ it turned out to be pink lace?]

[It's still a whole set, from the most famous sex brand! Oh my god, can you wear it like this?)

It's true [I didn't expect to have a strong network attribute, uh~ see no evil, see no evil!"

[My lord, I want to go back on it, it's really awesome!」


Su Yanran's mind suddenly went blank.

What is he saying?

What pink lace?

Wait, are you talking about what she's wearing inside?