
Villain: Eavesdropping, The Heroines

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Chapter 33: The protagonist's mentality is about to collapse!

"Bulling the old man?"

He seemed to have heard something funny, and he was holding his stomach, laughing so that tears were about to come out.

"Come on, you let everyone judge, who is not abiding by the rules first? Let alone once, and again and again not abiding by the rules, this is the handling style of Jumbo Pavilion?"

"You said bullying the old man? Someone seems to want to step on my head first, right?"

"To put it simply, the face of my Chu family is not worth a billion?"

"Paying one billion as compensation has already given you enough face, and I am still at a loss."

"Another sentence, how is my Chu family, you can't judge with a muddy leg."

In a word, it pierced Ye Fan's heart like a steel needle, making him furious, but there was nothing he could do.

Violating the rules first, and thinking of letting Chu Xuan save face, is indeed a fantasy.

And Chu Xuan was really not embarrassed to deal with him this way.

Because he is a villain!

As the top rich second generation, the face of the family is represented when going out.

If it was stepped on by the two of them here, and it spread out in the future, wouldn't the Chu family make people laugh?

The dignified Chu family, even a small Mo family in Jiangcheng can bully him?

What should others think?

Li Yan was next to her, with strong approval in her eyes.

This is the style that Chu Shao should have, and the courage that the heirs of the Chu family should have.

Who said Chu Shao is an incompetent person?

At least in the handling of this matter in place!

The little fleas that jumped in front of the Chu family were slapped to death if they deserved to be slapped, and slapped if they deserved to be hit.

For the face of the family, it must be maintained.

If you don't even protect the family's face, can you still be said to be the heir of the Chu family?

Destroying a treasure pavilion was not a difficult task for the Chu Family, it was a matter of one sentence.

It only needs to declare to the outside that anyone who cooperates with Jumbo Pavilion will no longer be a partner of the Chu family.

Then there are bound to be countless people cutting off the relationship with Jumbo Pavilion, and Jumbo Pavilion is not far from bankruptcy.

Chu Xuan said indifferently, "Lao Mo, have you figured it out clearly?"


Ye Fan wanted to say something. Elder Mo grabbed him at this time and sighed: "Enough, this matter is indeed the old man's improper consideration. One billion will be sent to Chu Shao, and the old man is here to apologize."

He bent down as he said.

Chu Xuan accepted his apology with peace of mind, and said: "This matter has been revealed, I hope there will be no next time."

"In addition, a friendly reminder, not everyone is worth investing. If you want to invest, you have to look at the other's behavior. People who like to break the rules are not necessarily free and unrestrained, but may just be a habitual offender."

Old Mo's pupils shrank slightly, Chu Xuan was beating him!

Good guy, it's crazy outside that the Chu family heir is an idiot, only knowing that Tian Tianwei is spinning behind Su Yanran's ass.

Look now, where is it.

Sure enough, the rumors of the outside world can't be believed casually, it will really kill people.

At least the current Chu Xuan looks clear-headed and very capable.

After moving out of the Chu family, can you say that he relied on his family background to suppress others?

Of course not, because that was his resource.

It should be said that he knows how to use resources and how to use power to deal with various situations.

If you think about Chu Xuan carefully, maybe someone who likes to break the rules is just a habitual offender?

Thinking back to the time when I knew Ye Fan, the other party had already let him break the rules several times.

Is such a person really worth his investment?

After thinking about it, Mo Lao turned and left.

Seeing that he was going to leave, Ye Fan immediately followed him.

"Old Mo, that Chu Xuan is just..."

"Okay, boy, you and I have nothing to do in the future, the fate will end here."

"In addition, all the benefits you get from the jade that you sell today will be given to Zhenbao Pavilion in exchange for one billion compensation."

Old Mo said softly, and left without looking back.

Ye Fan stood there, a little silly.

Co-authored today not only failed to make old Mo, but also suffered a blood loss?

That's all the jade he drove out, why?

But seeing a group of security guards coming, he still handed over the bank card.

The situation is better than people!

He turned his head and glared at Chu Xuan, it was all him, it was all him!

If it hadn't been for him to come out, not only would I be able to make friends with Elder Mo, but also make a lot of money.

What kind of rough did he come here to buy a rich second generation?

What a bastard!

Ye Fan was almost mad, and since returning to China, there really hasn't been a good day for a long time!

{Kill you, must kill you! }

{The death team must return, Chu Xuan, wait, wait until the death team comes back, Laozi wants you to die without a place to be buried! }

He was roaring wildly in his heart, but he didn't know that his heartfelt voice had fallen into the ears of the heroines, causing many heroines to have a strong aversion to him.

Are you embarrassed to take care of yourself?

Killing at every turn is not a good thing, shouldn't it be a murderous demon?

Chu Xuan didn't care when he heard his voice.

Reaper Team?

It is indeed a very strong team, and it should still be abroad.

But if you want to come back, it's not so easy.

And there is also a heroine in the Death Team, and the relationship with Ye Fan is very interesting.

[Haha, Reaper Team? I wonder if No.1 will kill you after knowing her father's affairs with you? ]

[It's also the Grim Reaper team, it's ridiculous! ]

Li Yan is a little worried. The Death Squad sounds very difficult. Is it a killer?

As for Ye Fan's overseas title of Dragon King, she went to investigate some time ago and found a clue.

Ye Fan is indeed a very good character when he is overseas!

"Wait, Young Master Chu seems to be able to hear Ye Fan's heartfelt voice?"

"In this way, Chu Shao can have more initiative, which is okay."*