
Villain: Crimson Moon System

Ivar is a therian, a race with the ability to shift into beast forms with various abilities. He is teleported from his planet of Máni to a futuristic Earth with one task: conquer. The inhabitants of Máni are in danger of being wiped out, and the only way to survive is with more allies. To this end, Ivar and Aurora are sent to two different planets to gain their allegiance in fighting off the invaders on Máni. He is joined in this effort by the goddess who teleported him, Selene. Selene will help him grow stronger using the energy she gathers from Ivar when he takes action according to his therian nature. Ivar is not a good man, but he cares for those who follow him with devotion and loyalty. Since he is unwilling to see his entire race wiped out, he heads out with every intention to complete his goal of conquering Earth by any means necessary. ******* What can you expect from this novel? A good story with interesting characters and a mature, dominant, uncompromising MC. The system will be relatively light, meaning it won't be all-powerful, and the MC won't get bullied by it. If you enjoy a slightly overpowered villain MC using his unscrupulous methods to work towards a somewhat positive goal while having plenty of sex along the way, you'll enjoy this novel. I intend for Earth to be somewhat of a cyberpunk style, but that won't be the focus. Mainly because the novel involves multiple planets, and so far, I have only planned for Earth to be this way. I will probably do some Netori (meaning MC steals other people's women), but absolutely no Netorare. No Yuri, either. (By which I mean no intimate interactions between harem members without the MC present, but it might happen at his direction and with his presence.) I'll offer a bonus chapter for every review, at least for a little while. Of course, only one per person; bad reviews still count, but they should consist of constructive criticism.

FrostyPaws · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Chapter 46 - Nova's punishment (1)

Alita returned an hour later with an uplink, which she handed to Ivar before they both returned to training while Selene started to explore cyberspace again.

Another few hours later, Nova had mostly recovered from the fight and, after settling some matters within Sanctuary, moved to the penthouse to face the consequences of losing the fight with Ivar.

Molly, worried about her friend, followed in her footsteps.

When they arrived, they saw a naked, grinning Ivar, seemingly already waiting for them, which was true, as Selene had warned him.

When Nova laid her eyes on Ivar's third leg, her ordinarily stoic face broke a little, and a slight blush appeared on her face as she thought about how that would have gone inside her if Ivar had been serious about the threat he made after their fight.

But while Nova didn't speak up, the small but fierce Molly was a different story as she pointed her finger accusingly at Ivar with a red face, "Y- You! Why don't you keep your damn clothes on for once, you pervert!"

Ivar kept grinning as he shrugged, "What can I say? I enjoy being naked. In fact, most therians do. I wouldn't be surprised if Alita and Nova took up the habit in due time, just like me. 

Only at home, though; I obviously wouldn't allow them to have any other man seeing them like that."

He pointed at Alita, who was sitting naked on the floor while absorbing energy, "Look at her; she's already getting into it."

Nova scoffed and looked at Nova, "You don't have to do this, Nova. You know you'll just fall farther into his trap if you go along with him. Just say the word, I'll reveal my true form, and we can flee together."

Since Nova was now fully drawn into the mythic world, Molly had taken the time to tell Nova her story during these last few hours.

Nova shook her head in response, "You know I won't do that, Molly. Not unless Alita willingly follows us and I find a way to keep this power. Besides, I made a deal, and I won't go back on it."

What she didn't say was that that annoying scratching in the back of her skull, which was the desire to obey Ivar, had been getting worse and worse, and she wanted to see if she could relieve it a little.

After all, surely just following a small order would change very little?

Ivar just chuckled at Molly's attempt to turn Nova against him; he highly doubted she would accept, and even if she did, he was prepared to deal with the consequences.

He decided to check how far their resistance to him had dropped since he first met them.


<Name: Molly>

<Resistance 45 ->


<Name: Nova>

<Resistance 20 ->


Molly had gone down a whole 25 points, while Nova had gone down only 20. At these levels, Nova should be willing to follow his lead in most situations, while Molly should at least be willing to listen.

While Nova's stats didn't surprise him after their fight, Molly's did, making him wonder how serious she even was about trying to convince Nova to leave.

Clearly, Molly had been more heavily affected by their earlier storytime than he had expected.

Regardless, however, this gave him an idea.

Since he intended for Molly to become more of a concubine or even wife, compared to the servant status of Alita and Nova, maybe he could introduce Molly to the joys of dominating someone.

Not him, of course, but he suspected there was a sadistic little princess hiding under Molly's skin, and he wanted to see if he could coax her out.

First, however, he addressed Nova and asked, "So, do you remember what the deal was?"

Having recovered her cold face, despite Ivar's state of undress, she had her hands behind her back as she nodded, 

"Yeah, you get to punish me for trying to rebel against you, and then I have to sit on my knees in front of you as you explain your plans for me and Sanctuary."

Molly scowled but already knew about this, so she kept quiet.

Ivar smirked and petted Nova's head, "Good girl, Nova."

When she heard those words and felt his hand on her head, Nova felt a pleasant feeling coursing through her body, almost causing her to moan when that scratching feeling got a little better.

But she quickly pulled herself together and retreated from his hand, "J- Just remember, I only promised to listen; that doesn't mean I'll cooperate!"

Ivar chuckled, "You let me worry about that."

Then he turned to Molly and smirked as he held his hand a few centimetres (about an inch) above Molly's head, "I know I said my bedroom has an open-door policy for women, but maybe I forgot to mention that you have to be at least this tall."

Molly looked furious, but before she could respond, Ivar continued, "Of course, I could make an exception for someone as cute as you. On one condition."

Molly became flushed as Ivar once again referred to her with that damn word that seemed to confuse her whenever she heard it! 

She stammered, "Y- You! I- I mean, stop making fun of my height!"

But she quickly regained her composure and narrowed her eyes, "I'll stay whether you like it or not! I'm not going to let Nova be subjected to whatever you have planned for her without me there to stop you if you go too far!"

But Ivar chuckled, "No, you won't stay. Not unless you threaten to unleash your true form, but how many times can you do that before I call your bluff? Will you risk it all on this? 

You know I still need Nova, so I definitely won't do any permanent harm to her, and if you like, I can promise not to penetrate her in any way while you check if I'm lying."

As Molly and Ivar argued, Nova looked at them with a complicated expression, unsure if she even wanted to get involved in the argument. 

She wasn't too worried, anyway. If Ivar wanted to force himself on her, he could have done that earlier, and she believed she could take whatever punishment he had in mind.

Besides, she wanted that power back, and although she was unwilling to fully submit to Ivar for it, playing his game a little couldn't hurt.

Molly narrowed her eyes as she realised he had a point, but she still preferred to stay, so she asked, "What about that condition you mentioned?"

Ivar inwardly chuckled as she smiled, "Simple, I want you to participate in the punishment."

Molly recoiled, "I won't let myself be punished by you!"

Ivar chuckled, "No, no. You misunderstand me. I want you to help me administer the punishment. It's a great opportunity for you, as you'll have much more control over the process that way."

Molly opened and closed her mouth a few times, not expecting that proposal. Eventually, she asked suspiciously, "Why would you want that? And what exactly would I have to do?"

She wasn't uninterested in the proposal but needed to know more.

Ivar shrugged and grinned, "I have my reasons. As for what you have to do, you'll be spanking Nova under my supervision and direction. 

That means you'll have to listen to me while you spank her. If you refuse or go off-script at any point, I'll take over. Deal?"

Molly looked conflicted; she wanted to stay, and having some control over her friend's punishment was tempting, but she didn't want to make the decision without Nova's input, so she looked at her friend, "Nova? What do you think?"

Nova smiled slightly at her Molly, "It's up to you, Molly. Sure, it will be a little weird, but I don't mind. I believe I'll be fine either way, though, so don't feel obligated to stay."

Molly looked back at Ivar and sighed, "You really are a pervert, you know? But fine, I agree."

Ivar grinned, "Good!"

Then he went to sit on one end of the couch and beckoned for the naked Alita to join him, who quickly stopped training and was now kneeling between his legs while looking up at her master with devotion and some excitement.

Alita truly was a little pervert as she couldn't help but get wet at the idea of her master punishing her sister and slowly corrupting her into kneeling right beside her.

Both Molly and Nova looked at that sight with complicated faces as they still had trouble understanding how Alita had turned out this way or how they failed to see that this part of her had always been beneath the surface.

Ivar then focused on the two of them, "Alright, Nova. Get naked and kneel beside me on the couch; Molly, you go stand behind Nova."

Nova, already having expected she would have to take off her clothes, didn't argue and started undressing with only a slight blush, seemingly not embarrassed by this, while Molly looked at her with surprise.

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