
Villain becomes the Main Character

In process of rewriting (including unreleased chapters). Why? Because I suck at writing novels. ---- Weekly chapters on every Wednesday! ---- "People say the closest things are the greatest." "Yes, I can certainly agree with that now." "The system is certainly really close." "And I will be with it, forever." "And become the strongest." "And achieve anything while the black travels with me..." Archehon looked up to the black sky. "With a normal, generic ending." --- The protagonist is called 'Lucifer' and was the fourth strongest in his previous life and was a villain. One day, he by mistake encounters an individual who was the Main Character and kills him. To his surprise, he dies and gets reincarnated into the body of the guys descendant two hundred years later. He gains a system (yes, I know it's overused but I have my twists) with the skill- [Main Character]. Watch his journey to becoming the strongest in the world and uncovering- oops, can't say that. Anyways, just read it. Things to know: I don't release a ton of chapters a day since I want to not make my stories total garbage. Word count: 1500+ per chapter.

Strawberryhouse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Mercenary organisation (3)

When Archehon arrived at the scene where all the gangsters were passed out, he brought out the ruby necklace.

(Referring to chapter 7)

'<Blood ??? ???? necklace>'

"System, reveal the true name."

'<Blood Demon's heart necklace>'

"Interesting.. can you show its abilities?"

'<Blood Demon's heart necklace< p>

Description: The great Blood Demon vanquished its opponents by absorbing its foes blood to rain over the demons. Humans unfortunately used foul means in the past to kill it over 2000 years ago.

Ability: [Blood Absorption lvl. 1] [??? lvl. ?]

[?? lvl. ?]. >'

"Two thousand years ago. That was the era which was really difficult to obtain knowledge on..", Archehon gasped.

"Let's forget that and remember this jackpot. I can absorb blood through this necklace to get stronger. This will help with the penalty."

"Okay, let's try this. [Blood Absorption]."

Many of the thugs blood was drained from their bodies, being sucked into the necklace as it shined bright red. Then stopped. Shaking and shining.

"Not bad. Let's wear this back on.", he wrapped the red gem necklace around his neck like jewelry.

Archehon felt a surge of power enter his body as soon as he placed the necklace on himself.

"S-system, show my stats."



Strength: 15(+3) Speed: 18

Dexterity: 14(+3) Intelligence: 13

Stamina: 13(+3) Luck: 22

Mana: 10 Fatigue: 6 '

Archehon atrociously grinned after checking his stats.

"Keke, three more stats? Just from absorbing fifteen members blood?", he covered his mouth trying to control himself.

"Hoooo.. I shouldn't get too excited. After all, I've got just one more little honey badger to loot."

Archehon excitedly cracked his fingers and walked forwards, moving towards his last prey.

* * *

"Tsk. What's taking them so long?", the chubby brown-haired man with braids sat, tapping his fingers on the side of his small throne.

The Lord waited and waited until something dropping could be heard.

"What the fuck is that?"

A body could be seen beneath the man's feet, lying, completely drained of its blood. Its skin was also very abnormal.

"Which bastard dares to kill my subordinates?!?", Brody tensed his forehead, not quelling his rage.

His question was answered behind him,


"Splat!", blood painted the walls behind his throne after a dagger sliced through the nape of the neck.

Archehon took off his mask and wiped the blood off of his clothes, including the mask.

"I love~ getting the information from Mr. fatty's subordinates."

After he finished wiping his clothes, he snatched the amethyst necklace that shined.

"System, do you know what this necklace is called?"

'<Nothing special, it's called 'Louis's Commandment'>'

"What does that mean?", Archehon asked the system.

'<If you are asking what it does. It is able to control the minds of beings who F rank and below in this world's terms>'

"So, practically a scrap of metal."

'<Certainly >'

Archehon sighed and walked with displeasure in what he thought would be useful, was just a useless piece of junk.

"System, there's one thing I don't understand. How can this fatty possibly get his hands on this item.."

He paused and assumed something,

"..could he have gotten help from external forces?"

'<Possibly >'

"Well, it's not that I'm interested in something like that. I've got better things to do."

When Archehon arrived at the same slum area, he was greeted by a large quantity of people with grateful expressions.

"S-sir Joker, thank you so much..!"

"You have no idea how grateful we are..!"

Many showered compliments with appreciation onto Archehon while he wore his mask and black costume set.

"Your welcome, your welcome. Haha..", he chuckled naturally.

"No guys! Stop it! Don't compliment him!", a young man in his twenties shouted with a serious face.

"Alba! What are you saying? He just saved our lives-"

"He deserves ALL OF THIS!!!!"

Alba displayed on his hand a pouch of coins. There were at least thirty bronze coins inside of it.

Everyone else laughed, realizing that he meant the opposite of what they thought. But then they thought and asked,

"Alba, isn't that all your pocket money?"

"U-uh, yeah.."

"Are you sure you want to give me your pocket money?", the Joker asked.

"Yes! You saved our lives. I should at least be able to do this much!", he screamed happily.

"Okay~ If you insist that much.", their saviour grabbed the pouch and pushed it in his pocket.

"Well.. I have to go now.", he waved.

"Uh, okay sir. Bye!", the citizens respectfully bowed down.

"Not bad. I got a pretty decent reward from that."

* * *

Back in the building, Archehon walked to the receptionist and handed in his sheet.

"Well done sir. You have been officially registered as a mercenary. You will be rewarded a total of fifteen bronze coins. Ten for registering.", the receptionist congratulated Archehon.

"Thank you."

"Would you like an explanation on the three types of commissions?"

"No thank you."

'Well, I already had a look at the commission board so I don't really think I need one.', Archehon thought.

"I'll go now."

"Okay, have a successful commission sir.", the receptionist said.

Straight after registering as a mercenary, Archehon looked at the commission board, looking through the quests until he found one.

'Defeat the Beast: Awakened Shrubs. Reward: 3 bronze coins.'

"Beasts, huh?", he recalled a name he had not heard in a while.

You may ask, what are beasts?

To put it simply, beasts are creatures that are monsters as they are hostile towards humans. Heroes usually exist in this world with the purpose to defeat beasts as well as villains.

"System, can I level up by killing the shrubs?"

'<Yes, though the host will level up once after defeating a hundred and twenty-five Awakened Shrubs>'

"Uhh..then what about this commission?", he asked after groaning from his mouth.

'Defeat the Beast: (60) Kobolds. Reward: 15 bronze coins.'

'<The host will level up once after killing fifteen Kobolds>'

"That's better.", Archehon felt soothed after receiving a confirmation.

Legs walked, chatter bloomed and a voice asked,

"I'll take this commission."

"I'm sorry sir. You cannot participate in this commission unless you're in a party of at least three people.", the receptionist apologized.

"Okay, so I just need two more people, right?"

"Yes, that's unfortunately the case."

Just as Archehon was about to search for his part members, someone appeared,

"You're looking for a party, right?"

A humble-looking black haired man stood with two others- a middle-aged man with spiky hair and a bald old man with a gray mustache and a long beard who stood peacefully. Harmless they all looked.

"Yes.", Archehon replied blankly.

"Haha.. sorry for intruding. Is it fine if all four of us take part in the commission?", the black haired man asked.

"Yes. But shouldn't I know your names?", he glared at the three while they kept the same expressions, unaware.

"Ah- sorry, that was rude of us. My name is Azal, the old man on my left is called Holmes and the guy on my right is Seth. What's yours?"

"Just call me Joker.", he responded like a robot, not bothering to talk the human language.

"Th-that's it?", Azal stammered, stunned by his way of talking.


'Is he obsessed with mime artists or something?', Azal thought.

"Azal, let's hurry up and go. It's almost night and the kobolds will be more difficult to kill.", Seth pointed out.

"Mhm..", Holmes added to the conversation, minimally.

"Alright then guys, let's go.", Azal maintained his kind attitude.

* * *

The entire squad walked inside the abandoned area full of broken-apart houses. The sun continued to set and everything started to look more blurred, due to the lack of lighting. Insects crawled- looking for its next meal.

"I'm curious. What rank are you Joker?", Azal asked.

'System, what rank would I be in the world's current terms.', Archehon asked in his head.

'<The Host would be G rank>'

"I'm G rank."

"Oh, what a coincidence. We are too! I guess we're all beginners here.", Seth and Azal laughed while the old man continued walking like a mute.

All four of them were fit for the quest and it was a balanced-out party: Archehon used a spear which was good for wide range battles; Seth had a bow placed on his back which helps with long-range defense; Azal used a sword- it's plain but was a base of the squad; last but not least, the old man who looked too old to fight, Holmes wore nothing but braces on his knuckles which looked silly for anyone else but it suited the old man.

"Kroooh!", a screech could be heard.

Following the direction of the sound, all four were prepared with their weapons out, finding a single kobold.

"Seth and Joker! Both of you stay behind! Me and the old man will handle this!", Azal ordered the group, like a captain should.

"Yeah, sure!", Seth followed, aiming his bow at the kobold.


Azal got into his stance like a professional athlete would and charged with Holmes towards the kobold.


Azal chopped down its left arm diagonally.

"Kroooaaahh!", it screamed in pain.

The old man followed laying his punch through its stomach as it was launched downwards, at the dusty ground.

"Splash!", blood poured out its body as it struggled to get up.


The kobold was eliminated with a hole through its body, still as rock.

"Good job, everyone!", Azal smiled, encouraging the whole team.

While almost everyone wondered when Azal would stop complimenting them, another bad signal emerged,


A single kobold appeared looking around. The body of its kind could be seen in front of its eyes and it did something any mercenary would hate for it to do,

"KROOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!", it exclaimed, echoing throughout the area, shaking the leaves.

A moment of silence walked its way in, until, it was squashed by sudden rumbling.



Large numbers of kobolds screamed as they charged at the four measly mercenaries.

It wasn't an occasion to be delighted about but to have painful agitations in the presence of danger,

or it would be better to call it, Terror.

Alba?!??! Why ARE YOU in this Novel? Aren't you in "I don't want to be-" AHEM sorry.

Thanks for reading this chapter. ><

Happy reading everyone!~

Strawberryhousecreators' thoughts