
Villain; Are you saying that my little brother is the protoganist?

"The cheap villain + Shuangwen + black belly + easy + old sixth + no morals" Qin Feng traveled through the ancient times and became the eldest young master of the Qin family. The second twin brother is also the legendary son of heaven, and he has a unique bone. . "I thought I would be able to hold my second brother's thigh and reach the pinnacle of life", but he encountered an unscrupulous system and told him that he had a future as a villain. "[Ding Dong, dig out your brother's supreme bone and get the invincible double pupil!"] ...Qin Feng: "What a joke, those are my beloved relatives, brothers and sisters..." "Jie Jie Jie Jie, my stupid Oudoudou, Are you feeling hopeless"? Since then, the entire wasteland has castigated him for his unscrupulous use of power, but when the truth was exposed, countless people were moved to tears, Qin Feng has not been easy all these years... I don't own this novel. I am just translating this novel and slightly modified this. If the author has any dissacftion please contact me I will remove this novel.

Sahil_SA · Book&Literature
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43 Chs

You Also Believe This Kind Of Nonsense..

In the cave.

Qin Feng's strengthening has not yet ended, and then call system began to draw a lottery.


The big lottery turntable reappeared and began to spin unsteadily.

["Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for winning the Invincible Sword Heart!"]

*Invincible Sword Heart: The ultimate form pursued by sword practitioners. There is no woman in the heart, and the sword is a god of nature. It has ten times the damage bonus to Sword Technique.

The shirts of Qin Feng's body began to move without the wind, and the aura of the whole person changed instantly. He was as lonely as a snow lotus standing against the wind on the cliff, with a force that shook people's hearts.

"what happened!?"

Zi Yuan quickly rubbed her eyes, feeling inexplicably that she would affect Qin Feng's speed of drawing his sword.

"Sword intent, sword heart!"

Qin Feng realized that he was really destined to be with the sword, so he released two bufs that superimposed the damage of the Sword Technique.

Coupled with the 100% fit that was exchanged just now, I really can't imagine how terrifying the technique of cutting the sky and drawing the sword is now.

"I really want to find someone to try the sword!"

Qin Feng suppressed the eagerness to move in his heart, waved his hand and took out a roll of bamboo slips from his portable space.

This is the treasure he got from Lin Sanyu's box. There is no word on it, but it exudes a kind of breath that makes people feel calm.

"Is this the Bamboo Slip of Saint!?"

Ziyuan took the bamboo slip with a serious face, and flipped through it several times to confirm.

That's right!

It is the Bamboo Slips of Saint!

It is said that the Saint bamboo slips were handed down from Saint in ancient times. There are three scrolls in total. Those who are predestined can understand the supreme way from the bamboo slips, while those who are not predestined cannot see a single word.

"This thing is the Saint Bamboo Slip!?"

Qin Feng also heard about it from the Ten Patriarchs, so he knew that it was very popular.

Every time in this world, there will be a bloody storm, and anyone who can understand something from it is all famous and peerless powerhouses in history.

It's just that he watched it for a long time, but didn't realize anything.

"It's not scientific!"

Qin Feng didn't understand this very much.

His comprehension halo has not expired for a month, so how could he not be able to comprehend something with his clever little head and a hundred times of comprehension! ?

Ziyuan replied: "Saint Bamboo Slips don't just need to have a high level of comprehension, but also need fate, just like the Buddhists say that there is a destiny with the Buddha."


Qin Feng looked at the bamboo slips of Saint with disgust, and everything he couldn't use was rubbish.


Xiaobai seemed to have sensed something, and walked over with unsteady short legs, and then lay down on the Saint bamboo slips, showing a satisfied expression.

"Use Saint Bamboo Slips as a Mat, the little guy is creative!"

Qin Feng had no intention of stopping, and let Xiaobai use the bamboo slips as a mat.

Ziyuan was very speechless watching from the sidelines. He actually used the Saint bamboo slips that people fought for, and used them as a mat for the rabbit.

Ding! Ding!

There was a sound of fighting outside the cave, and someone called Lin San's name vaguely.

"Isn't this a coincidence!!"

Qin Feng regained his spirits immediately, and missed Lin San so much.

Ever since he separated from Lin San that day, he has never thought about tea or food, and his mind is full of Lin San's figure.

"Go, go out and have a look!"

Qin Feng put Xiaobai and Saint's bamboo slips into a bamboo basket, carried them behind his back, and took Ziyuan out to see what was going on.


The two came to the scene.

Under the moonlight, Lin San was besieged by a group of Transcendent realm cultivators, forcing him to hand over the jade box he got in the ruins.

"I've said it many times, the jade box is empty!"

Lin San has experienced dozens of battles, big and small, and his whole body is covered with scars, but with the powerful aura of the protagonist, he still doesn't fall down, and he fights back and forth with the opponent.

"Do you think we will believe this kind of deceiving ghost!?" The other party snorted coldly, and the attack became more rapid. "This Mr. Lin is really talking nonsense with his eyes open!"

Zi Yuan watched from the side and shook her head, he even gave up his life for the treasure.

Qin Feng said very seriously: "I think Lin San's words are very sincere, and the jade box is indeed empty."

"Do you believe this kind of nonsense!?"

Zi Yuan couldn't help but roll her eyes, and realized that Qin Feng was really too simple.

Bang! !

The situation on the scene has changed.

They saw two figures rushing into the battle circle, a straight punch and a leg sweep, directly knocking Lin San into the air, breaking four or five trees in a row before stopping.

"It's the ximen brothers, Da Lang and Er Lang!"

The surrounding Transcendent realm cultivators were very unwilling, finally met Lin San, who was about to die, who would have thought that two brothers would suddenly appear on the way.

It's still Martial Spirit and Third Stage Cultivation Base, and I can only watch the ducks fly away.


Qin Feng couldn't help swearing, and saw Lin San falling beside him.

"It's Qin Feng!!"

The eyes of the Ximen family brothers brightened, and they said in their hearts that they got rich today.

They teamed up to beat Lin San into the air, and accidentally blasted Qin Feng who was watching the show from the sidelines.

"Uh, I said I don't know him well, I just passed by, do you believe me!?" Qin Feng asked weakly.

"What do you think!?"

The brothers of the Ximen family seemed to have seen the peerless beauty as if they were meet their fate, and rushed forward with their eyes shining, and surrounded the two of them.

"Brother Lin, let's join forces!" Qin Feng said sincerely.

"I'm afraid of being betrayed!"

Lin San stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, always feeling that Qin Feng was the sixth child who plotted against him behind his back.

Qin Feng shouted injustice: "Ah, brother Lin, I have always treated you as a half-brother, what good will it do me if I betray you!?"


Inexplicably, Lin San felt that what Qin Feng said was reasonable, but no one gave him a prize for bullying himself.

Whoosh! !

The brothers of the Ximen family kicked their feet hard, and they rushed in front of the two in an instant.

They have heard about the achievements of these two Tianjiao, so the two brothers did not dare to be careless, and used their own ultimate moves as soon as they came up.

"f**k, don't talk about martial arts!!"

Qin Feng couldn't help swearing, his figure flitted a few feet like a wild goose.

"If you want to fight, let's fight!"

There was a touch of madness in Lin San's eyes, and the long sword in his hand flashed a dazzling Sword Ray.


The extremely fierce Sword Qi ravaged Lin Hai like a torrent, and all the dead leaves falling in the air turned into dust, and dozens of sword Qi swept towards Wujia Erlang like mountains and seas.

"Is this the sword from that night!?"

Qin Feng's heart jumped unconsciously, and he could clearly feel the horror of this sword.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The fierce Sword Qi swept out like an overwhelming force, and even the air seemed to be torn apart, destroying everything it passed, and the momentum was extremely huge.

"not good!"

Ximenjia Erlang's expression changed suddenly, and a surge of terrifying energy rushed out from all around.

Rumble! !

The two collided heavily, and the Sword Qi storm swept Lin Hai.


Ximenjia Erlang spat out a mouthful of blood, and instantly lost his fighting power.

"This is the descendant of the Changkong Sword God, the first sword in a hundred years!?"

The surrounding Transcendent realm quickly resisted the Sword Qi storm, but was also frightened by Lin San's terror.


Lin San panted heavily and looked at Qin Feng triumphantly, as if to say, the reason why I lost to you in the Qin family last time was because I knew the ways of the world and gave you a face.

To this—

Qin Feng's response was to hide behind Lin San, and challenged Dalang of Ximen's family: "Come on, you little bastard, if you want to challenge my third brother, my third brother said he can fight ten more... "