
Villain; Are you saying that my little brother is the protoganist?

"The cheap villain + Shuangwen + black belly + easy + old sixth + no morals" Qin Feng traveled through the ancient times and became the eldest young master of the Qin family. The second twin brother is also the legendary son of heaven, and he has a unique bone. . "I thought I would be able to hold my second brother's thigh and reach the pinnacle of life", but he encountered an unscrupulous system and told him that he had a future as a villain. "[Ding Dong, dig out your brother's supreme bone and get the invincible double pupil!"] ...Qin Feng: "What a joke, those are my beloved relatives, brothers and sisters..." "Jie Jie Jie Jie, my stupid Oudoudou, Are you feeling hopeless"? Since then, the entire wasteland has castigated him for his unscrupulous use of power, but when the truth was exposed, countless people were moved to tears, Qin Feng has not been easy all these years... I don't own this novel. I am just translating this novel and slightly modified this. If the author has any dissacftion please contact me I will remove this novel.

Sahil_SA · Book&Literature
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43 Chs

Big Bosses From All Sides Gather For Just A Villain?

By a small stream.

Lin San looked at Qin Feng who was playing with Zi Yuan in the creek with a complicated expression.

He never expected that an eight-year-old child would actually surpass him in the way of swordsmanship. The Sword Intent and Sword Heart's superimposed Sword Intent and Swordsman's technique of cutting the sky and drawing the sword is really terrifying.

You know, his big move comes from the sword god of the sky. On the other hand, Qin Feng created his own swordsmanship, and he is still an eight-year-old kid. How can he not fall into self-doubt.

["Ding dong, congratulations to the host for hitting the Chosen Son's self-confidence, causing him to have self-doubt, and getting 100,000 villain points!"]

"That's 100,000 points!?"

Qin Feng regained his energy immediately, turned his head and asked with a smile: "Brother Lin, your Sword Technique is so powerful, can you teach me the basic moves of Sword Technique!?"

"Basic sword moves!?"

Lin San immediately became angry, and shouted loudly: "Qin Feng, you are enough, you have even comprehended the invincible sword heart, you let me teach you basic sword moves, is it interesting for you to humiliate me like this!?"

"Sister Ziyuan, he's pissing me off!!"

With tears in his mouth, Qin Feng threw himself into Zi Yuan's arms and rubbed it, full of grievances: "I really don't know any basic sword moves, I only know how to draw a sword!!"

"Drawing the sword? Slashing the sky and drawing the sword!?"

The corners of Lin San's eyes twitched unconsciously, and a groundhog howled in his heart.

f*ck! !

Do you want to hit people like this! !

A person who can only draw swordsmanship, not even basic sword moves, has comprehended the legendary invincible sword heart.

["Ding dong, congratulations to the host for hitting the Chosen Son's self-confidence, causing him to have self-doubt, and getting 100,000 villain points!"]

"Lin San, why are you so fierce, he's just a child!"

Zi Yuan was like a tigress protecting her cubs, she looked at Lin San with even more disgust.

It's okay if you don't have a gentleman's demeanor, but you dare not admit it when you get the treasure, and you destroy the ruins and kill so many people, and now you dare to bully the future husband she is going to raise with her own hands.

Others are afraid of his Tianxin City, but she has never put it in her eyes.

"I did not mean that!"

Lin San also felt that his words were too much, and he said very depressed: "I just didn't expect that he could comprehend the invincible sword heart, but he can't even know the basic sword moves. It's unbelievable to say it."

Qin Feng came over to comfort him and said: "Brother Lin, you don't need this expression, you are the first sword in a hundred years, I believe you will be able to comprehend the invincible sword heart, you see, I just farted last night and comprehended it ."

"I said, why did you have that expression last night? It turned out that you were covering up your farting!"

Ziyuan's face was full of disgust, and she started to fight with Qin Feng again.

She didn't think about Lin San's mood at all, it's fine for him to bully a single dog, why did he come to comfort him, and why did he insist on mentioning the first sword after a hundred years.

Does he deserve it now! ?

Also use a fart to describe how easy it is to comprehend the invincible sword heart! !

f*ck! !

How can a person go so far, it's just rubbing salt in his wounds!

["Ding dong, congratulations to the host for hitting the Chosen Son's self-confidence, causing him to have self-doubt, and getting 100,000 villain points!"]

"By the way, Brother Lin!"

Qin Feng turned his head again and said: "I comprehended the Sword intent first last night, and then the Invincible Sword Heart. It's actually very simple."

["Ding dong, congratulations to the host for hitting the Chosen Son's self-confidence, causing him to have self-doubt, and getting 100,000 villain points!]"

Lin San picked up the long sword, turned and left silently.

He must stay away from this brat now, if he stays with him any longer, he is afraid that his heart will not be able to bear it.

"Brother Lin, where are you going!"

Qin Feng ran ashore in a hurry, put on his shoes and chased after him.


He earned 400,000 villain points in just a few words, how could he just run away like this, he must carry forward the spirit of dog skin plaster and stick to him.

Rumble! !

An earth-shattering roar resounded crazily in the sky, and the clouds in the sky rolled in like a tide. In an instant, the void thousands of miles away was filled with a terrifying coercion surging in, and the void was violently turbulent.

"Under the command of the Great Xia Emperor, Marquis Chang Ri and Chang Kun, by order of His Majesty, are here to take the head of Qin Feng!"

A burly figure was riding an unknown Demonic Beasts floating in the air, behind him were thousands of well-trained armored guards, the momentum was like a rainbow, and the gods and demons avoided it.

"Long Ri Hou, Chang Kun!!"

The cultivator who was chasing and killing Qin Feng nearby exclaimed, shocked by the scene in front of him.

They are very familiar with Chang Kun. The boss of the Imperial City Division is the personal guard of the Great Xia Emperor. The Cultivation Base is so strong that it absolutely does not need to be described in words.

Now the entire Imperial City Division is dispatched, led by Chang Kun himself, just to deal with a Transcendent Third Stage Cultivation Base, Qin Feng, who is only eight years old.

It's really a heifer on the steamer, so awesome! !

"Damn it, it's such a big show!"

Qin Feng knew that this matter could not be resolved today, and was ready to log in to the full-level red-haired monster at any time.

Rumble! !

Another earth-shattering roar resounded crazily in the sky, and another group of horses and horses descended like clouds and fog, and the terrifying coercion swept across the world without any concealment.

The powerful momentum overwhelmed the Imperial City Division.

"Qin Feng is a member of my Qin family, so there is no need to bother the royal family!"

As the head snake in the east, the Qin family knew immediately that the Imperial City Secretary was coming and what they wanted to do, so the ten patriarchs came with the thirteen Taibao himself.

If the expected plan cannot continue, bring Qin Feng back to the Qin family safely.

Chang Kun said without any fear: "Your Majesty doesn't want to do it yourself, but Qin Feng is a rebellious person who killed brothers and sisters, and he is afraid that your Qin family won't do it, so he let me do it."

"Who said my Qin family can't do anything!"

The Ten Patriarch said with piercing eyes: "Today, the old man will take him back to enforce the Qin family's family law!"

"Enforce the family law!?"

Chang Kun taunted without concealment: "As long as your Qin family really has that kind of heart, it is impossible for Qin Feng to live to this day. I think your Qin family is raising Gu, or there are some ulterior secrets."

"Whatever you say!"

Ten Patriarch stopped talking and reached out to grab Qin Feng.

"Don't even think about it!!"

Chang Kun's gaze sharpened suddenly, and with an extra halberd in his hand, he drove the Demonic Beasts below him to swoop down.

Rumble! !

The two sides collided heavily, a powerful energy storm swept across the world, the ground began to shake violently, and ferocious cracks began to spread continuously.


The people nearby were running in fear, it was like gods fighting and mortals suffering.

"This Marquis has known for a long time that your Qin family will not submit obediently. Fortunately, this Marquis has been prepared for it!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Chang Kun's mouth, and he took out a cloud-piercing arrow and shot it into the air.

Drum! !

The cloud piercing arrow exploded in the air, and a big Kun character appeared.

Rumble! !

The terrifying coercion continued to descend, and banners representing the major forces appeared one after another, Dongchang, Xichang, Jinyiwei... and major families also came, at least hundreds of thousands of people.


Ten Patriarch's face changed drastically, he didn't expect so many people to come.

This is the rhythm of Qin Feng not dying, but going to war today!

"Qin Feng, I will kill you today, it's useless to come anyone!"

Chang Kun, holding a war halberd domineeringly, pronounced Qin Feng's death sentence to the entire ancient world...