
Villain's Upsurge

"Death is beautiful. It is beyond any other form of pleasure. It is true art..." Raised by a family devoted to staying in the shadows, Leon was forced to become an insidious assassin devoid of any sympathy. Death would be his most trusted ally and the shadow his playing field. This path however, was not meant to be tread by him as killing in secret did not contain any beauty and charm. How could he kill someone when no one would be there to witness it? Life is so fragile. To give it a beautiful meaning, Leon always saw it as his destiny to end it with the most perfect of deaths, stirring up countless emotions in those who watch it unfold. He was no longer satisfied with being in the shadows but wanted to live in the light as an artist. Painting beautiful scenery with his weapons. To achieve what he sought, Leon crafted a legend with his comrades. They defeated evils, saved people and brought peace back to their world. Together with his 6 companions, he became a symbol for all mankind. A savior and a hero that the whole world could look up to. For many years, he worked hard to achieve the epitome of his work. His dream. When all things aligned, Leon began his beautiful massacre that would etch itself into the minds of the whole world. Killing his comrades and finally himself to perfect his masterpiece, he achieved what he was meant to fulfill. The ultimate tragedy and betrayal. The perfect death. However, fate had other plans for him as Leon did not get the salvation he hoped for. Instead, he found himself in the very place that initially ignited his ambitions. His first novel that he ever read; [Tribute to Death] ---------------------------------------------- Note that I'm a rare case of a perpetual motion machine that produces countless chapters with just a slight nudge (your support). No but for real, every kind of support, it doesn't matter how small, puts a smile on my face and encourages me to keep writing. Thanks in advance for every help and I hope you will have an awesome day and enjoy my story.

Marckaroni · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Hidden deep inside crypts, a lone boy tried to navigate through the spider-like tunnels of his home. He was about 9 years old and had lived in the catacombs his entire life.

It wasn't as dark as it used to be as he grew older. His eyes had become accustomed to the darkness as he had spent most of his days without light.

His footsteps were soft, almost inaudible. The water dripping from the ceiling drowned out the noise he made as he silently made his way through the tunnels. It was another part of his training.

Assassins were taught how to move quietly. How to avoid getting noticed. Supposedly, they need it to fulfill their duty. Or atleast that's what his parents told him.

The boy knew nothing about the outside world. If that even exists anyway. All he ever did was train, train, and train some more. Although he is able to adapt to it, this monotony has caused him to grow restless. He yearned for something new. A change. Something to spice up his stagnant life.

Sneaking along the narrow passage, the boy cautiously disarmed any traps and evaded all the obstacles that hindered him.

Even though designed to not be deadly, the traps still inflicted pain beyond what his fragile mind can endure. To not fall into insanity, he must avoid them at all costs. He already has enough mental scars as it is.

As he reached the end of his path, the boy saw a dim light flickering in the distance. Curious, he approached the source to see what it was.

It's not common for him to see something out of the ordinary like this. Peering around the corner, he saw what appeared to be a room illuminated by torches.

Filled with dusty books and cobwebs, the room reminded him of something that his mother described as a "library". Apparently, massive amounts of knowledge are stored within them. Without hesitation, he entered the room and began inspecting the shelves.

"What is this place?" He whispered to himself.

Taking out a book at random, he brushed off the dust and tried to make sense of the title. Although he learned not long ago how to read and write, the boy still had some difficulties. Atleast the torch helped him see better.

[Tribute to Death] read the title.

Curiosity piqued, he opened the book to see what it contained. Just reading the prologue alone made him completely immersed in the story the book depicts as he forget his surroundings.

Minutes turned into hours and time flew by without him noticing. However, the boy didn't care as the book did something to him that was completely new.

He felt something. Something that was good, that he wished never went away. Not like his usual monotonous and depressive life. He felt alive. Like something was ignited in him.

The book, although slightly boring and predictable most of the time had a unique way to show death. Like a master painter showing off his skills, it painted vivid pictures in the reader's mind. He could envision the scene infront of him.

The characters that died, invoked so many emotions in their comrades. It was something so simple yet fascinating. Especially how they mourned for weeks on end.

It was not like the short gratification you feel when you win something or beat someone. It was a true and lasting emotion. It was beautiful.

Entranced by the book, the boy read through it in one sitting. It did not matter that he will get scolded and tortured afterwards just because he was sloppy in his training. This was worth it.

After reading through it, the boy placed the book with utmost care back into the bookshelf before leaving the room. He continued his boring training but could not properly focus on it. His thoughts always drifted towards his newfound appreciation for death.

For the following days, the boy always returned to the library. Reading the book over and over again until he memorized every detail from it. He tried reading the other books but they weren't the same. They missed something.

[Tribute to Death] was all the boy could think about. It consumed his everyday life. Shackled by his training, the boy however could not recreate the emotions he once felt.

He was forced to return to his dull lifestyle and reality but it felt so wrong for him. He suddenly felt lost doing what he did since his birth. It wasn't the same anymore.

As he grew up, the boy finally got the opportunity to kill someone. He eagerly waited for that moment as the anticipation fueled him to go all out in his training. No amount of torture could stop him.

He learned to accept the pain. It only served as motivation. As a reminder of what the bystander in [Tribute to Death] felt.

The boy prepared for his mission. He studied everything about his target. Her habits, her movements, the way she talks... Everything was memorized. He would know where to strike, how to dodge, and how to react.

His target was a simple noble woman. She was one of those who did whatever she wanted no matter the consequences. Her husband would cover for her each time the law caught up to her. He did not know why she needed to die but it didn't matter.

On the day of the mission, the boy was finally able to step into the outside world. Wildlife surrounded him as it brought colors to his life. He admired the beauty of nature and how its innocence could soothe even the most troubled souls.

Sneaking through the wealthy house, the boy silently entered the women's bedroom and hid until midnight arrived.

The woman slept soundlessly in her bed as the boy stood beside her. Unaware of the imminent danger, the woman peacefully snored while she dreamt.

Without a word, the boy drew a dagger drenched in poison and stabbed it straight at the woman's heart.

The sudden shock of the cold steel pierced through the unsuspecting woman's chest as she desperately tried to struggle but to no avail. It did not even take a second before her eyes lost consciousness and her body stopped breathing.

However, something was amiss. The boy was left disappointed at the uninteresting and uncomplicated death.

There was no spectacle to enjoy, no witnesses that are shocked and screamed their hearts out, no nothing. It was simply an ordinary death. The emotions weren't present.

He had expected something more. Something majestic, something meaningful. He was expecting death to be like how he remembered it in the book.

Furious at this development, the boy massacred the entire household as revenge. Even though the servants screamed in horror and cried for help, at the end of the day, they just died with no one left to tell the tale. There was no commotion, nothing groundbreaking. It just happened.

Frustrated to no end, the boy dejectedly returned home. He contemplated what was missing. What could he do to reach such emotions once more?

A sudden thought struck him like lightning in the night. The boy knew what he was looking for. He knew what had to be done.

How can he expect others to mourn when he himself has never? He needs to know what causes such misery and complex emotions in order to understand why others grieve and how they perceive it.

He did not feel anything towards the noblewoman as he did not know her. But what happens if he kills someone who he does know? Maybe then will he feel something.

However, he did not have a person that he would consider himself emotionally attached too. With no other choice, he took the best alternative; his parents.

It took him a couple of years to hone his skills to ensure their death. With a new goal in mind, he continued killing people without any hesitation. Learning and improving until it was finally his parent's turn. By now, he was no longer a child. He grew up into an adult.

Taking out the only ones he knew brought him inexplicable emotions. He felt a tinge of sadness as they lay there lifeless. Not wanting to show them disrespect, he dressed them in their finest clothes to give them an honorable funeral.

With a new revelation on how to better bring up strong emotions in others, he left his home in order to build a close connection with someone. Only when they get acknowledged by the world and they truly care about eachother can the moment they die resemble that of the book.

After spending the next few days roaming the unknown world, he partnered up with 6 others to slay evil and create a bond. The boy did not possess any name but his soon-to-be lifelong friends gave him one: Leon.

Leon left behind his life as an assassin in order to embark on new adventures. Together with the others, they achieved unimaginable feats and were soon hailed as heroes.

He could finally see the pieces come together. On how to recreate the art he witnessed. However, will still take a long time before the attachments and emotions are the highest. Until then, he will have the leisure to enjoy the small things before the perfect work is created.