
Villain's survival.

Transmigration It is a dream of every fantasy lover. I mean who doesn't want start a new life in a world? A place were you can use magic, kill monster like a badass, defeat demons and finally get a girlfriend!! ...let's...ignore the last part. The point is such thing happen with Varun, who got transported into his favorite novel as a villain side character after "accidentally" falling off the roof of a building. And what are his thoughts on the matter? "fuck! send me back DAMN IT!!!"

24_carrots · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 3-Jake Skyfall

"Please come in." 

Upon hearing those words, Steward prepared himself and slowly opened the door. The first thing he saw upon entering was a beautiful wooden desk, the desk although it looked old, still had a shiny glimmer.

Various documents were neatly stacked on the desk and a man who looked barely in his 30s was sitting behind the desk. Even at first glance, one could see that the man was handsome, with his neatly combed blue hair, clear white skin and jewel-like blue eyes which added to his charm, he was none other than the lord of the Skyfall marquisette, Jake Skyfall.

Seeing him for the first time our healer was momentarily loss for words but as an experienced healer, he snapped back to his senses entered the office and closed the door. 

Steward approached the desk while his eyes scanned the room out of curiosity. Jake Skyfall, looked up from his work with a small business-like smile. 

"It's nice to see you, Mr. Gibbson, please have a seat." 

"Likewise my lord," he replied with a courteous bow, before taking a seat.

"Did you experience any difficulty?"

"haha. not at all my lord." 

"That's good then, how is he?" his tone turned slightly serious.

Noticing the sudden shift in tone Steward sits up straight and starts to recount Grey's condition.

"In summary, he will be fine after a few weeks of rest."

"That's a relief," he replied with a little relaxed tone. "Will you be living in the city?"

"Ah yes, I have to inquire about the young master's condition a few more times."

"Wouldn't it be more convenient to stay here then?"

"haha w-well I wouldn't want to inconvenience the lord," he replied a little flustered. 

"Nonsense, it is not an issue at all."

'Sir it may not be an issue for you but it is for me. I would rather not live here with the rebellious young lord and you.'

"B-But still how could I? a-and I just remembered I have to buy some things from the city," he replied in a last-ditch effort.

"It's not a problem and the things you have to buy just ask Robert, he will take care of it," he replied with a relaxed but firm tone.

"Then I will be in your care, my lord." 'damn it!!'

"It is decided then, I will ask someone to prepare a place for your stay" he replied with a smile pasted on his face.

With this our little Steward got trappe- I mean, got a nice place to stay in Skyfall Marquisette, Happy stay Stewy. 



Varun's pov-

It's been 4 days since I came to this place.

And unfortunately, I am stuck here, I had hoped that this would all be just a dream but, it's not. Reality really is disappointing. 

I wished to go back home, to my parents, my sister and my friends.

But I can't, because I am dead.

For some reason I could feel it, that I had died the Varun that my family and friends know about is dead.

And so-

"From now on I am Grey Skyfall." I decided to live as Grey.

On the bright side, I am in much better condition than before now I can walk without any issues. I am pretty sure that I can even do light exercises, which of course I am not allowed to do.

Which is why I am currently doing some light stretches in my room. It is currently early in the morning, and there is an hour before anyone will come in.

If I want to survive the novel's plot I need to get stronger and the first step will be to strengthen my body physically.

I wanted to train magic too but my magic circuits are damaged I have no choice but to avoid using magic for the time being.

Magic circuits are a wiring system that facilitates the flow of mana throughout body. It is similar to blood vessel and nerves.

And because mine is damaged, I can't practice magic for time being.

It's very frustrating but there's nothing I can do about it. I will have to wait until my mana circuits are fully healed.

So for the next hour or so, I did some stretching and breathing exercises. After finishing it I sat near the open window. 

It was very peaceful, the cold air gently blowing through the window, the quiet room and-

knock- knock-

Someone who can interrupt the peace. That someone opened the door and came in without waiting for an answer.

"Young master wake up it's morn- huh you are already awake?"

The disturber of peace was none other than the green-eyed butler. 

"Are you alright, young master?" he asked while approaching me.

"...I am alright, prepare the bath." despite being annoyed I replied calmly.

He looked at me for a moment before replying "Understood." he gave a short bow before leaving the room.

"Now what should I do?" I wonder glancing around the huge room before noticing a stack of books on the desk. 

I approached the desk and looked at the title of the book on the top 'Fundamentals of Magic Induction'


I picked up the book, sat on the chair near the desk and started reading it. The content of the book was quite fascinating.

Since I have read the novel and have the original Grey's memory, I know most of the things written here. But the concept here although basic, were quite detailed, which made it fun to read.

When I was about halfway through the book 

knock- knock-

"Young master," the annoying voice came from the other side of the door.

I looked up from the book and let out a sigh. It was the second time today that the butler disturbed my peace.

"Come in, Robert" I replied.

oh yes, the butler's name is Robert Brunn. He has been Grey's servant for 10 years now which is crazy considering he is only 25 years old.

"Young master the bath is read- Are you reading a book? Are you really okay?" 


I just put the book down, got up and started heading towards the bathroom, ignoring him completely.

"Young master?" but of course this guy just wouldn't shut up.

"...Just shut up before I throw you out of the window."

At my response, he looked relieved WAIT RELIEVED? Is this guy insane or what?

"Yes sir!" he replied cheerfully.

...Looks like, he is insane. I guess you can't be sane and work for Grey for 10 years huh? 

With this headache of an experience I just quickly went to the bathroom before anything more annoying happened.

But when it seemed like the series of annoying events was over a new threat arrived. After I came out after washing up

"Young master the lord has called for you." came the unexpected announcement.


My current objective: survive.