
Villain's survival.

Transmigration It is a dream of every fantasy lover. I mean who doesn't want start a new life in a world? A place were you can use magic, kill monster like a badass, defeat demons and finally get a girlfriend!! ...let's...ignore the last part. The point is such thing happen with Varun, who got transported into his favorite novel as a villain side character after "accidentally" falling off the roof of a building. And what are his thoughts on the matter? "fuck! send me back DAMN IT!!!"

24_carrots · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 2- Grey Skyfall


People would normally die for a chance to go into the fantasy world, Varun was the same. When he first realised he was in another world he was ecstatic.

I mean who wouldn't be? The prospect of using magic is quite enticing.

But when he woke up he realised, that he had transmigrated into his favourite novel 'Chronicles of heroes' and here starts the problem, Varun has taken over the body of Grey Skyfall, the future villain of the novel who will just come in the protagonist's way to get a beating.

And how did he know that you ask? well apart from the butler calling him and the healer calling him 'young master grey' his memories which suddenly came out of nowhere were a great help.

'God it had to be him my luck can't be any worse.'

Varun was very frustrated about the situation he was in, if the person he possessed was just a future villain then there was not too much reason to stress about it but Grey Skyfall the person he got transmigrated into was one of the most pitiful characters in the series.

Why you ask? because most of the terrible things he did were under someone else influence. Originally he was the type of person who would make trouble but he knew his limits. although he was not a kind-hearted person but he wasn't a cold-hearted bastard either in fact, originally he was just a spoiled brat who was annoying.

Until he found that cursed object that slowly corrupted him until nothing of him was left, he was just an empty shell who died as a heinous criminal and the only person who knew the truth was the person who killed him. 

'I still remember that scene from the novel, as it was the part that made me pity this guy, but now I am THE pitiful guy. This has to be the sickest joke if it's one.'

'hah why the hell did it happen to me I mean I didn't even get hit by a truck so why the hell did I get isekai'ed' he complained inwardly.

"Shit, I had to die, what was I thinking sitting on the rooftop- wait a minute!! there was that trembling, I clearly felt it. That time it felt like the whole world was shaking that has to be the reason I died' Varun felt a chill down his spine.

'S-Someone deliberately killed me.' Although it was obvious that there was someone behind Varun's isekai but with a lot of stuff going on he just now realized that he was in some deep shit.

Who was the person that brought him here? what was his reason, there were too many questions but there was no one to answer them. But one thing was certain and that was

'I have to become strong!'

This was a shit world where human rights that modern people enjoy, simply don't exist, well most of them anyway.

In this world, only the strong survive and with the future events that going to happen forget helping others, it would be a miracle if he doesn't die. 

And to become strong he will need to take future opportunities of other characters. what will happen to those characters? he doesn't care, his survival is a top priority.

With this Varun was determined to survive, although he didn't know who sent him here or what their goal was, but 

'If this world is truly the world of the novel I knew then, maybe I have to complete the plot and reach the ending.' He guessed.

As a person who had read many novels, this could be the answer but there were no certainties. but this much thinking made our friend Varun who wasn't used to this much thinking and also because he was injured tired and slowly fell asleep.

What Varun's future held was truly a mystery. 

...To you people anyway.



Somewhere else 

In a long passageway, the butler and the healer were walking along. While the butler was walking ahead with no expression on his face, Steward was walking behind him looking around the place. The walls of the passageway were yellow in colour, a few paintings were hanging on both sides. Along the way, they saw a few servants who were cleaning the place. The servant upon noticing them stopped momentarily. bowed a little and continued to do their work.

After a few minutes of walking, they came across a stairway which they started climbing, As they were walking up the stairs in silence the butler with a smile looked back a little and asked jokingly

"This place is quite big isn't it, Mr. Steward?"

"haha yes, it is. Honestly, I am curious as to how people find their way in this place, do people here get maps?"

"Well it would've been helpful for newcomers, but no we don't." the butler said with a plain smile.

"Is that so? then how do people find their way around?...if you don't mind me asking," he asked curiously.

"I don't mind, well, most of the servants and knights have designated areas in which they work, apart from that area they normally don't have to go to other areas."

"I see, so they just have to memorize a small area which they have to work around."

"Yes, it is more efficient that way."

As they were talking they reached the next floor. Although Steward told Grey that he was leaving he had to first meet the lord of the Skyfall Marquessate, Jake Skyfall.

Just thinking about meeting him was making our healer a little nervous.

Although it wasn't his first time meeting a lord, but it was always a little nerve-wracking as many of them didn't even talk straight, they will hint at what they wanted and you are supposed to guess it. What kind of sadistic game was that? Can't they speak like normal people?

But what could he do? talk back? Yeah no thanks, he treasures his life. 

As they were getting close to the lord's office Steward got a little tense and then he saw a door that was being guarded by two knights, as they were close to the door butler who was leading him stopped and turned towards him.

"Before you go in, I'd like to extend my apologies to Mr. Gibbson."

'Hmm, what is this about? Is this about the lord? is he not in a great mood?' he thought with serious expression.

"I would like to apologize for young master's behaviour, he is...just a little high-spirited person."

"oh" 'phew so it was that, I thought I was a goner for a second and a little spirited ya right.' 

"It's alright, I understand. The young master is at that phase," he replied with a smile.

"Thank you for your understanding, now I will be on my way. I wish you the best of luck." he gave a bow and started to leave.

Steward stared at the back of the leaving butler for a moment then turned towards THE Door, It was now time to meet the lord of the place.

Taking a deep breath he knocks on the door.

"Please, come in."