
Villain's survival.

Transmigration It is a dream of every fantasy lover. I mean who doesn't want start a new life in a world? A place were you can use magic, kill monster like a badass, defeat demons and finally get a girlfriend!! ...let's...ignore the last part. The point is such thing happen with Varun, who got transported into his favorite novel as a villain side character after "accidentally" falling off the roof of a building. And what are his thoughts on the matter? "fuck! send me back DAMN IT!!!"

24_carrots · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - Transmigration


It was nighttime in a city, chilly wind was blowing, people were coming back from work, some shop owners were closing their shops, a guy was sitting on the edge of the roof smiling while looking at his phone, and some people were on a walk. It was a peaceful sight.

Hmm? Why is that guy sitting on the roof's edge you ask? simple because for some people death is a social construct, either that or he is stupid. I mean in both cases he will be stupid but back to the dude.

Anyways the idiot's name is Varun who was smiling like a crazy person while scrolling through the phone.

"huhu this is exhilarating." 

While the idiot was grinning like crazy, his body started to shake a little, he looked away from the phone and looked around, finding nothing strange he looked toward his phone when-



Suddenly the world around him started shaking, surprised he looked down and saw that everyone was going by their day, no one seemed to notice the tremor.

'W-what's happening here.' he thought while trying to get off the edge of the roof when his phone fell from his hand he tried to catch it but in doing so he tripped and-


With the loud noise, he fell from the building to the ground and became a mushy sticky paste....my bad let's see how our red paste-I mean friend is doing.



Varun's POV-


I was wriggling on the ground like a worm, my hand tightly pressed on my head. my eyes closed from all the headache. I tried to call someone for help but could only scream.

"hah hah hah"

After what felt like an eternity the pain slowly started to subdue and I slowly stopped wriggling and just lay on the ground, breathing heavily.

After a while, I slowly opened my eyes a little and closed it immediately because of the light. After blinking a few times my eyes adjusted to the light and I saw a clear blue sky I looked around and saw trees and bushes.

 'I-I am in a jungle? but a minute ago I was on the roof reading a novel and then I fell from roo- WAIT it can't be a-am I dead? Is this heaven?'

No the pain I felt was too real for me to be dead, which only left one possibility I got isekai'd.


The thought of getting transmigrated into another world was exhilarating. 'I can use magic and meet mythical creatures like dragons, elves and giants.' 

hehe, I am gonna one-shot the fucking dragon and name myself the DRAGON SLA-

shr shr shr


The sound of someone or something came from the bushes I completely forgot that I was in a forest and there were wild animals or worse if it's a fantasy world possibility of the wild magical beasts isn't low.

'shit I need to run before it notices me' but before I could let this thought into action the thing in the bushes came out and was rushing towards me.

"Young Master!!" the thing screamed while rushing towards me .

'Wait a minute! that's a person.'

The person stopped a few steps before me, he was a young man probably around my age, and for some reason, he was looking at me in panic he had green eyes, brown hair and handsome facial features enough to make any girl fall in love with him. 

"Young master Grey are you alright" While I was thinking of all that nonsense the lady killer spoke with a panicked expression but the problem was-

'I don't know who are you!' While I was wondering how to respond without him being suspicious I looked down at my clothes. 'What the hell.'

I saw blood on my clothes and my body turned cold my mind was going blank there were a lot of questions but there was no one to answer but before I could think any further else all of a sudden my headache which had started to subdue got worse. 

"argghhhh damn it!"

"Young master grey!" 

It felt like my head was splitting off and somehow I could feel lots of information forcefully entering my brain my consciousness was getting blurry and I started falling but someone caught me but before I could think of anything else everything went blank.



In a room, which looked like room of some antique enthusiast a boy was sleeping peacefully like a dead body.

The sleeping beauty was, of course, our friend living on the edge or dying off the edge in this case, Varun.

After a while, Varun slowly opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling which he stared at for a good minute.

"It feels strangely familiar" he muttered.


Before he could think deeply about it, the room's door opened and the lady killer he had met in the forest came into the room.

"oh you are awake, young master."

Varun looked towards him"how are you doing young master?"

The voice came from behind the lady killer and a person entered the room, the man appeared to be in his mid-40s the man had blonde hair and blue eyes.

The man has a little sharp chin, his skin was a little dark, he looks like a kind uncle.

"I am Steward Gibbson and I am a healer it's nice to meet you." he introduced himself with a kind and friendly smile.

Varun still didn't reply but tried to get up but suddenly he felt a jolt of pain all over his body.


"Damn it, it hurts like hell!"

Seeing this Steward approached him and began to check his body then he stretched out his hand toward Varun and strange light started to come out of his hand. The light looked like it was a liquid flowing from his hand and enveloping his body.

Varun started to feel a warm feeling inside of him and the pain in his body decreased considerably he felt a strange warmth enveloping him and made him feel relaxed.

"How are you feeling now?" Steward asked still smiling.

"Much better." Varun finally responded with a little relaxed tone.

"Mr Steward, if I may ask how is young master doing?" the lady killer dressed as a butler asked.

"Well..." he frowned, looked at the butler, and said, "Not good." "He has damaged blood vessels and mana circuits." He replied taking off his hand from Varun.

"How bad is it?"

"Well the damage to the blood vessels is not that big a problem, It will be healed in two or three days but the mana circuits are a whole different matter it will take a lot more time.

"How much time will it take?" Varun asked involuntarily.

"About a month or two." He answered calmly with a smile.

"To be honest I am curious as to how the young master got those injuries. Since normally people won't get those injuries even if they overexert themself while casting a spell." 

"None of your business." These words came out of Varun's mouth as if it was a natural response yet surprised both Steward and Varun himself.




Silence descended in the room for a moment.

"Haha, I apologize guess you are right." 

'It looks like...He has influenced me. I need to be careful' Varun thought while drawing a cold breath.

While Varun was in this dilemma the handsome butler was frowning but returned to his calm demeanour.

'Sigh, the Young master is very troublesome.' He thought while sighing inwardly.

"Alright, I will take my leave now Young master should take a rest I will come back in a few weeks to check Young master's condition."

"Let me escort you, Mr. Steward."


"Young master take some rest your food will arrive in a few hours."


And with that, the butler and the healer left the room and the room door closed.

As he wasn't able to get up he just slowly moved his head to look around the room and found this room to be huge, it was big enough for 8 people to live comfortably together.

'Too extravagant and very wasteful.' That was the first thought he had after seeing the room.

After that Varun looked around the room before he closed his eyes.

'Let's first assess the situation I am in. I had died and transmigrated in a world of 'Chronicles of heroes' the novel I was reading and-'

"I wanna go back home, damn it!!" he opened his eyes and screamed in frustration.