
Villain's Survival: I refuse to be the Mc's stepping stone

''Life gave me nothing, all that I achieved was from my might alone'' ---------------------- One of the most pitiful thing I can think of , is not being in control of your life, all of my existence played around the need to survive from the mistakes of people I never knew ,talked or even saw. I was stuck repaying a debt I didn't even know existed. My life took a dark turn as I did whatever it took to fill my stomach—blackmailing, stealing, extorting—anything to survive. Yet one day as I woke up , what closed in from my eyes were not the cockroaches of my apartment but a luxurious room. Countless servants, meals that seemed like feasts, and elegant clothes awaited me each day. Yet not everything that shone was gold, as I soon discovered that I had transmigrated inside the body of Favian Delecroix, the first and weakest villain of the novel '' The Call's of Narain''. Unfortunately for me , the damage was already done , as upon myself I had invoked the ire of the main character of the novel, someone I had no hope to beat if I was to remain as I was. Nonetheless, I was determined to overcome the challenges presented by this unexpected opportunity, and I vowed to do everything in my power to survive the perils and make the most of this second chance at life. [I kindly request readers to Reach at least the First ten chapters , before deciding wethever to give It a chance or not ]

Allevatore_dicapre · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Chapter 89


As I made my way through the bustling academy, the path to the princess's mansion felt like a labyrinth of winding roads and lush gardens. Neil trailed behind me, his steps silent but persistent, like a shadow dogging my every move.

We walked in silence, the only sound accompanying us the distant murmur of voices from other students and teachers. Despite my best efforts to navigate the place , it felt as though we were going in endless circles, each turn leading us back to where we started.

After what seemed like an eternity of wandering, frustration began to creep in. Suddendly, a voice spoke up from behind me. "Um, Sir I hate to say it, but I think we might be a tad lost."

"Lost? Nonsense, I just enjoy taking in the sights." I replied confidently.


"Well, respectfully , we've been going around in circles for quite some time now. I believe we should have turned at the fountain back there." Neil pointed behind us with a hint of exasperation.

"What? And miss out on the chance to admire that?" I said sarcastically, gesturing towards a dog urinating on a nearby tree.''Would you dare miss it?''

Neil glanced at the dog and then back at me before wordlessly returning his gaze to the ground and following me once more.


Lost!As if that could ever happen…


Ten minutes had passed since we first set out on our journey, and as luck would have it, we found ourselves standing before an impressive mansion. The grandeur of the estate was undeniable. In confront to mine , it was like watching a mountain and a pebble, the bastards threw me the scraps while throwing the meat to the princes…


I could feel Neil's eyes boring into the back of my skull, his silent accusation hanging heavy in the air. I turned to face him, raising a finger to my lips while muttering for him to 'shush it'


But the truth was undeniable. Despite my earlier bravado, we were well and truly lost. We had wandered aimlessly through the labyrinthine paths of the academy grounds, only to arrive at our destination by sheer chance.


Actually not really sheer chance as I had to ask for a teacher to assist us.


As I reached out to knock on the door, it swung open, revealing an elderly man peering at me with a keen gaze. His eyes seemed to search my face for recognition before a small smile graced his lips.

"Lord Favian," he greeted warmly. "The princess has been eagerly awaiting your arrival. Please, come in."


I nodded in acknowledgment and stepped inside, taking in the grandeur of the estate. The spacious halls were adorned with opulent decorations, and the air was filled with the hustle and bustle of servants going about their duties.


Apparently a royal could bring their entire household while I was stuck with a clumsy butler.



The old man motioned for me to follow as he led me through the halls, his footsteps echoing against the polished marble floors. We passed by numerous rooms, each more ornately decorated than the last, until we finally arrived at a cozy sitting area.


"Please, make yourselves comfortable," the old man said, gesturing towards a plush sofa. "The princess will be with you shortly."

I thanked him with a nod and took a seat, Neil following suit beside me.


As we waited in the cozy sitting area, the anticipation in the air seemed to thicken with each passing moment. Suddenly, the door swung open, and in walked the princess.


Her hair were as white as freshly fallen snow cascading down her back in loose waves. Her eyes, a striking shade of crimson, bore into mine . Despite the sternness of her gaze, her lips curved into a warm smile as she approached.


Following closely behind her was a knight, his towering figure clad in gleaming white steel armor adorned with the emblem of a majestic griffin—the sigil of the royal house of the kingdom. His presence exuded strength and authority, his sharp gaze scanning the room with a vigilant watchfulness.


''Lord Favian," she began, her voice a symphony of grace "I believed you had forgotten about our meeting."

I offered a small, apologetic smile. "Never, Your Grace," I assured her "I just had trouble finding the place, apparently this one here has terrible coordination" I said pointing at Neil, with him staring at me with a frown

Her attention shifted to Neil, and I couldn't help but notice the keen interest in her eyes as she regarded him. ''Seems like you took a liking to him''


"Aye, I have decided to recruit him myself," I confirmed, casting a sidelong glance at Neil. "Maybe I will make him a knight, who knows?"

The princess nodded thoughtfully, her expression betraying none of her thoughts.''Well since we are here presenting servants'' she said as she waved his hand ''This here is Ser Aerie , my knight in tow, my father saw it fit to send me a knight, 'for looks alone' he had told me . As if I needed an old man to protect me ''


Not one hundred old men would be enough to protect you from yourself…



"And this one is Neil," I added, motioning towards my companion. "Maybe he will become Ser Neil, or maybe not. It depends if he is up to the task."

The princess nodded, her lips forming a knowing smile. "Well, if you would follow me, we could go and share a cup of tea and continue that conversation we were having at the feast."

"It would be my pleasure, Your Grace," I replied, rising from my seat with a sense of anticipation coursing through me.


As the princess led the way, her steps echoing softly against the polished floors of the mansion, I fell into step behind her. The corridors seemed to stretch endlessly before us, adorned with tapestries and paintings that spoke of a rich and storied history.

Eventually, we reached a grand door, its intricate carvings a testament to the craftsmanship of the kingdom's artisans. The princess turned to her knight, Ser Aerie, and spoke in a tone that brooked no argument.

"Ser Aerie, stay guard outside," she instructed, her voice carrying the weight of command.

The knight bowed his head in acquiescence, as he took up his post outside the door.


Turning to Neil, I gestured for him to follow suit. "Neil, go take a walk or whatever you want," I said, my tone casual


With a nod of understanding, he disappeared down the corridor, his footsteps fading into the distance.


As the door swung open before us, revealing the opulent chamber beyond, she entered and I followed close.