
Villain's Survival: I refuse to be the Mc's stepping stone

''Life gave me nothing, all that I achieved was from my might alone'' ---------------------- One of the most pitiful thing I can think of , is not being in control of your life, all of my existence played around the need to survive from the mistakes of people I never knew ,talked or even saw. I was stuck repaying a debt I didn't even know existed. My life took a dark turn as I did whatever it took to fill my stomach—blackmailing, stealing, extorting—anything to survive. Yet one day as I woke up , what closed in from my eyes were not the cockroaches of my apartment but a luxurious room. Countless servants, meals that seemed like feasts, and elegant clothes awaited me each day. Yet not everything that shone was gold, as I soon discovered that I had transmigrated inside the body of Favian Delecroix, the first and weakest villain of the novel '' The Call's of Narain''. Unfortunately for me , the damage was already done , as upon myself I had invoked the ire of the main character of the novel, someone I had no hope to beat if I was to remain as I was. Nonetheless, I was determined to overcome the challenges presented by this unexpected opportunity, and I vowed to do everything in my power to survive the perils and make the most of this second chance at life. [I kindly request readers to Reach at least the First ten chapters , before deciding wethever to give It a chance or not ]

Allevatore_dicapre · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Chapter 68 : What a surprise(3)

The room fell silent as soon as I stood face to face with the demon. It was so silent that I could hear each beat pounding in my ears. It felt like we were the only two beings in the entire hall, surrounded by a sea of frozen spectators.

As I looked around, I could sense eyes boring into me from all directions. Some were filled with shock and disbelief, while others held a hint of fear, other of excitement actually it was only one , guess who?


All 300 people were witnessing a scene they never thought possible - a mere youngster standing up to a powerful demon.

Despite the tense atmosphere, I couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph. The demon looked taken aback, its fiery eyes narrowing in anger and surprise. But I stood my ground, a smug smile playing on my lips.


I could even hear the demon's teeth flinching in frustration and rage, its grip on the cup tightening so much that it seemed it would break at any moment.

''You have been quite silent, dear guest. Is something the matter?'' I asked with calculated concern

The man's face contorted into a sinister snarl, his words dripping with venom. ''Out of all the humans, elves, dwarves, and every other creature made by your useless goddess, you are the most deplorable and insolent worm I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.'' His spit flew out with each word, forming bubbles that popped against his teeth like an angry beast.

I stood my ground, refusing to back down in the face of his vicious words. ''If I am the only one brave enough to speak my mind, it either means you have not met many people or that you surround yourself with cowards,'' I countered coolly'' Judging by how you are still standing here spewing nonsense and that your head is still attached to your neck, make it seems like you have chosen your opponent wisely.'' My voice was steady despite the adrenaline coursing through me.


His eyes flickered with a mix of fiery anger and utter disbelief, the whites of his eyes almost glowing in contrast to the dark irises. It was clear that my words had struck a deep nerve within him, provoking a visceral reaction that he had not anticipated. The demon took a menacing step closer, his breath hot and acrid on my face like a blast from the depths of hell.

"How dare you insult me?" he hissed, his voice dripping with malice like venom from a viper's fangs. "I am Maalkar, envoy of the Demon King, and you shall pay dearly for your insolence."

The tension in the room rose palpably as the atmosphere became electric with anticipation. The other guests held their collective breaths, waiting for the inevitable confrontation between the audacious youngster and the formidable demon.

But I stood firm, refusing to be cowed by his intimidation tactics. "The more you speak, the more you resemble him," I retorted coolly. "I suggest you hold your tongue before you meet the same fate as him." With a sly grin, I added, "In fact, I could use another bowl to hold my piss. Care to lend a hand?"



''Such arrogance for one so young. You have not yet reached two decades of life, and yet you speak as if you hold the world in the palm of your hand.''

I sat back, my eyes scanning the room thoughtfully. ''Age is merely a play of our mind, if you don't care about it , what meaning does it hold?

I have encountered old fools and wise youths in my travels.'' My gaze shifted to the ceiling, lost in contemplation. ''But enough of that, let's return to our original topic - what about that cheer?'' I gestured towards Maalkaroth with my cup, a playful glint in my eyes.


Maalkaroth stared at me with a mix of curiosity and disdain before tilting the cup towards the ground, allowing the deep, ruby liquid to spill onto the stony surface below. His grip on the cup was firm, almost as if he wanted to crush it in his hand. He spoke with a sneer, "The day I drink this water-like piss you call wine, will be the day I die." With that declaration, he turned and walked out of the room, flanked by his guards. Maybe that day Will come closer than you expect....


But I couldn't resist having the last word. "Well, on that much we can agree," I quipped as I raised my own cup to my lips. "This wine is a bit weak, or maybe it's just my palate that's fucked up from all the other things I've had to drink."


I downed the rest of the wine in one gulp, savoring the bitter taste on my tongue. As always, it left a burning sensation in my throat, but I welcomed it.


As the demon disappeared with a loud pop, a few chuckles erupted from the guests around me. I couldn't help but retain my sense of humor, despite the strange and chaotic events unfolding before us. However, upon closer inspection, it seemed that only one person was actually laughing - the princess, her delicate hand covering her rosy lips as she fought to contain her amusement.


"Are you brave or just mad?" She asked, making her way towards me in a low voice . The room fell silent or better it retained it as now only some murmurs appeared between the guests.


Suddendly though the king turned around and gave a gaze at the musicists, who quickly resumed their job and soon the sounds of instruments filled again the akward silence in the room

"The line is rather fuzzy your highness," I replied coolly, turning to face her fully. "But it seems someone has ruined the mood. Frankly, I'm feeling quite tired and was considering retiring to my room."


A small frown creased her porcelain features as she considered my words. "But there will be dancing soon, perhaps joining me for a dance will change your mind?"


I thanked her for the offer, but declined. "Unfortunately, I do not know how to dance and I may have had a bit too much to drink,I fear that twisting and turning may make me a bit nauseous" I admitted with a sheepish smile.


Her expression shifted to one of disappointment and irritation before returning to her usual composed smile. "Well then, it's probably best if you sit this one out. We will have plenty of time to get to know each other at the academy."


With a final nod and bow, I excused myself from the gathering and left the room. All eyes followed me as I made my way to my chambers, taking one last sip from a nearby cup before settling in for some much needed rest. Despite feeling tired and slightly tipsy, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at delivering some well-deserved verbal burns to a certain individual. If only I could have burned him in reality, though.....


