
Villain's Survival: I refuse to be the Mc's stepping stone

''Life gave me nothing, all that I achieved was from my might alone'' ---------------------- One of the most pitiful thing I can think of , is not being in control of your life, all of my existence played around the need to survive from the mistakes of people I never knew ,talked or even saw. I was stuck repaying a debt I didn't even know existed. My life took a dark turn as I did whatever it took to fill my stomach—blackmailing, stealing, extorting—anything to survive. Yet one day as I woke up , what closed in from my eyes were not the cockroaches of my apartment but a luxurious room. Countless servants, meals that seemed like feasts, and elegant clothes awaited me each day. Yet not everything that shone was gold, as I soon discovered that I had transmigrated inside the body of Favian Delecroix, the first and weakest villain of the novel '' The Call's of Narain''. Unfortunately for me , the damage was already done , as upon myself I had invoked the ire of the main character of the novel, someone I had no hope to beat if I was to remain as I was. Nonetheless, I was determined to overcome the challenges presented by this unexpected opportunity, and I vowed to do everything in my power to survive the perils and make the most of this second chance at life. [I kindly request readers to Reach at least the First ten chapters , before deciding wethever to give It a chance or not ]

Allevatore_dicapre · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Chapter 23: Fearful lord

The count and countess stood outside their garden, anxiously awaiting the return of their son, Favian. The countess rested her head on her husband's shoulder, finding solace in the warmth of her husband.

As they gazed into the distance, a carriage emerged on the horizon, rolling steadily toward them. The countess, sensing the approach, straightened up, her heart racing with a mixture of hope and worry. The countess's grip on the count's hand tightened, mirroring the tension in the air.

The count, instead, was not worried at all, as he had sent his son to a place where fewer amount of monsters were sighted, as such he normally believed that everything went well for the group, that they scouted their territory, found nothing and returned home.

The carriage drew closer, its wheels grinding against the gravel path. As finally, it reached the inside of the garden and stopped.

A young man with black hair came down from it, alongside a knight in armor, respectively Favian and Roy. The two stars that soon would be the hero of the entire county...

Favian's POV

I descended from the carriage, feeling a mix of relief and weariness wash over me, as the long travel had finally finished; during the march, we did not have any break as we had to share the news as soon as we could. As my feet touched the ground, I took a moment to stretch, limbs protesting against the confinement of the carriage.

With a few stretches and cracks of my joints, I straightened my posture and walked towards my waiting parents. My mother, her face etched with concern, approached with a quick step, her eyes searching for any signs of trouble.

"Welcome back, Favian," my mother greeted, her voice a blend of relief and worry. "How was the expedition? Are you harmed?"

''I am all right, Mother.'' I replied, feeling her tight hug before gently patting her back to encourage her to release me.

''Did everything go well, Favian?'' My father inquired, his tone relaxed.

Here we go; it's all or nothing.

''Father, maybe it is better if we talk about the expedition inside together.'' I suggested, locking eyes with the count. From his stoic demeanor, I could detect a small frown fleeting across his face.

''Did something happen?'' He asked with a more serious tone this time.

''As I said, it's better if we talk in private.'' I turned towards Roy, signaling for him to follow us. ''Hey, Sir Roy, please. You should accompany us to attest to what we saw.'' I noticed a guilty look on the knight's face; it seemed he wasn't entirely convinced about lying to his liege.

''Now, please.'' I added, giving an assertive yet concealed glare to convey the message to him while hiding it from my parents.

''Yes, young master.'' Roy complied, and we made our way inside, leaving the courtyard behind. The tension in the air was palpable, and I prepared myself to deliver the news.

Once inside, I was guided by my father in a secluded room, closing the door behind us.

As we settled in, the room became filled with only my parents, Sir Roy, and me present. The air was charged with a mix of curiosity and concern, as both father and mother wondered what the hell was I to tell them that had to be in a secluded place.

I continued, my voice steady but weighted with the seriousness of the situation. "Father, mother, during our expedition, I found something that may have put the entire fiefdom at risk."

As the words left my mouth, I could see both of my parents taking a quick breath, their expressions turning more serious.

"Sir Roy is here to attest to what I am about to say. During our expedition, we discovered a secret dungeon hidden through a mana circle. Sir Roy and I decided to investigate, and what we found inside was alarming," I paused for a moment, allowing the weight of my words to sink in.

Father, now visibly concerned, asked, "What was inside, Favian?"

"There were thousands and thousands of monsters . The entire dungeon was nothing more than a breeding structure. We both fear that what we witnessed was a ten-year-long plot orchestrated by the demon king immediately after the end of the last war. They were breeding an army inside the kingdom, father."

"Are you sure, Favian?" Father asked, his voice slightly trembling.

"Yes, Sir Roy can attest," I affirmed, locking eyes with the knight to convey the gravity of the situation.

"My lord, what the young master says is true. I swear it," Sir Roy chimed in.

'Good. You did the right choice, Roy.' I thought as I internally gave out a sigh of relief at the fact that apparently, the knight knew how to think with his head...

"Oh, heaven," Mother exclaimed, bringing her hand to cover her mouth, while Father reached for the cabinet and took out a bottle of wine. He downed a quarter of it in one go—a waste of good wine, but it seemed to help ease the tension, even if just for a moment.

I continued, my voice steady but weighted with the seriousness of the situation. "Father, I personally believe that the demon king wanted to start a war with us as soon as the army was ready. By sending decoy armies to the border and attracting the kingdom forces, he would then unleash the concealed army towards the capital. The kingdom would have fallen in a matter of days if that happened. Luckily, we discovered it before the plan went through.I don't dare to think what could have happened once the capital fell to the demons."

I gestured towards Sir Roy for affirmation, and he nodded earnestly.

"We need to immediately send word to the royals and request them to dispatch an army to deal with this presence. I strongly advise against sending any men to scout the dungeon, as I fear that if they are found, the dungeon's master will consider their position compromised. This could lead to the use of their army to raid and pillage our county before facing destruction, even if still not ready."

Father rose from his seat, a mixture of emotions crossing his face, and walked towards me. Suddenly, he enveloped me in a tight embrace. I was taken aback, surprised by the unexpected display of emotion from my usually stoic father. His hug carried a blend of relief, gratitude, and fatherly pride.

"Thank the heavens you're safe, Favian," he muttered, his voice filled with genuine concern. ''You don't know how much I am proud of you right now, you potentially saved thousands of life. I-I thanks you son...''

I hesitated a bit before reciprocating the hug, feeling the warmth of his paternal embrace.

For the first time in my life, I felt the warmth of being loved. Growing up alone, I had become accustomed to solitude, so this new experience left me feeling somewhat disoriented. The realization that someone genuinely cared about my well-being was both foreign and oddly comforting...

Father released me from the hug and took a step back, his expression now a mix of gratitude and determination. "I will send word to the royals immediately.

The situation is as urgent as you've stated." With a swift turn, he faced Sir Roy and extended his hand in appreciation. "Thank you for your service, Sir Roy. Your loyalty will not go unrewarded."

As Father and the knight exchanged words, I nodded in acknowledgment before making my way to the desk. Snatching the bottle of wine, I gestured for Roy to follow me.

It seems like the first part of my plan went well. Now the only thing that remains is to slaughter some monsters, and honestly,after that I will finally be able to laze around for a few days, as since the start of my second life I had no chance to rest...