
Villain's Supremacy : Apocalypse

Resurrected in a world of magic and strict social hierarchy, equality was a must . But for Ezekiel Cooper, power was something he was born with, a force that flowed through him like a raging river. Yet, despite his exceptional abilities, he found himself relegated to the bottom of a strict social hierarchy. Unbeknownst to most, Ezekiel possessed something truly unique, something that set him apart from the rest. He was born with supremacy, an innate and unparalleled affinity to magic. While others in his world were struggling to harness even two elements, Ezekiel was capable of bending all the elements of magic to his will. But being different came at a price. People like him were feared and hunted, their potential to uncover the truth about the world's true history making them a danger to those in power. It wasn't until he met the members of the resistance group known as The Arcane Rebellion that Ezekiel began to understand the full extent of his powers and the true nature of the world he now inhabited. A world that was divided into one massive government and a handful of allied countries, with humanity locked behind a powerful magic barrier. It was a world that had been decimated by a bloody war centuries ago, fought over the control of mana, the lifeblood of magic. Ezekiel's only goal was to break free from the cycle of his past life, but this new world refused to accept him. Ezekiel soon found himself in a struggle to upend the very foundations of the magic society that had rejected him by using his powers to bring the apocalypse to it in order to reshape it. ----------------------- Tags: reincarnation, transmigration,male lead, fantasy . Schedule : daily updates Chapter length:1.5 k . The cover : is mine, and it is created solely for this novel, the character in the cover is the mc of the novel Ezekiel Cooper. --------------------- Follow me on instagram: isaac_black2013 Discord server :https://discord.gg/VNH4pKgyT3 ko-fi page : https://ko-fi.com/isaacblack ------------------- Check out my other works: For male lead: *First Stygian Diviner: Apocalypse For female lead: *I created the villain *The body we once for eternity .

Isaac_black · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Reincarnated ! In the same body !

As Ezekiel moved towards the warm, radiant light, he felt a sense of peace and safety envelop him. He was convinced that, no matter what lay beyond the brightness, he would not be hurt again.

"Never again, never," he whispered, as if making a solemn promise to himself.

Despite the overwhelming brightness of the place, Ezekiel was able to see his entire body, something that surprised him. He looked down at his pale, scar-ridden skin, fully exposed as he stood there completely naked.

The scars on his body were a painful reminder of the abuse he had endured at the hands of his parents. But in this moment, standing in the warm glow of the light, he felt a sense of healing and acceptance. He knew that he was safe here, and that nothing could harm him.

Ezekiel was not a social butterfly, nor did he seek attention or validation from others. He kept to himself, and his calm demeanor earned him the respect of his classmates. Despite the occasional teasing or arguments, he remained composed and unbothered.

His calm attitude lent him a wise aura, and his peers recognized this. They knew not to mess with him, and although he did not interact with others much, he was never ostracized or excluded.

For Ezekiel, this distance was his safe place, and he had lived in this way for years. He found it easy to stay in his own world, away from the chaos and unpredictability of others.

And so, as he stood in the warm glow of the light, he waited for what he thought would be a punishment for his perceived sins. But nothing of the sort happened.

Ezekiel found himself suspended in the air, unsure of how much time had passed since he arrived in this strange place. He knew that something was off, but he remained calm, as he always did in the face of uncertainty.

Suddenly, a voice pierced through the silence, jolting Ezekiel out of his reverie. It was his brother's voice, but Nathan was nowhere to be seen. The voice repeated itself a few times, causing Ezekiel to wonder if it was all in his head due to overwhelming guilt.

But as he focused on the voice, Ezekiel realized that something was amiss. He thought of the possibility of his brother's ghost trying to communicate with him, and he spoke out loud, reassuring Nathan that he was listening and urging him to continue.

Yet, the voice never spoke again, leaving Ezekiel alone in this bizarre place with no answers. He couldn't help but feel scared and confused, wishing for a guide or some semblance of understanding.

As he tried to make sense of his surroundings, Ezekiel began to question whether he was destined to remain here for eternity. He recalled his death and wondered if he had somehow ended up in a realm between life and death.

But just as Ezekiel resigned himself to this fate, the scenery around him transformed. The bright, warm light that had surrounded him before faded into an abyss of darkness, leaving him feeling even more lost and alone.

Despite his fear, Ezekiel found a strange comfort in the darkness. He felt as though it suited him, in a way that the bright light did not.

But what Ezekiel did not expect was that this darkness was merely the beginning of a new journey. He soon heard unfamiliar voices shouting around him, and one of them called out a name that he knew well - Jasmine.

As he listened to the woman's screams and the urging of those around her, Ezekiel realized that he was witnessing a birth.

For Ezekiel, this was a new beginning, a chance to explore a world unlike any he had ever known. And as he listened to the cries of the newborn, he felt a glimmer of hope, a sense that he had finally found his place in this strange, mystical realm.

Ezekiel couldn't believe what was happening.

He was staring at his parents, but they were looking at him like he was their precious treasure.

The last thing he remembered was falling off a rooftop after being pushed. But now, he found himself in a completely different body, a baby's body.

He tried to speak, but all that came out was a cry. His vision was still blurry, and he couldn't understand what was going on.

He felt like he was in a dream, but this was too surreal to be a dream.

His parents were happy, and that made him confused. How could they be happy when he was sure that they might have killed him?

He didn't want to believe it, but the evidence was right in front of him. He had been reincarnated. He had heard stories of people being reincarnated, but he never thought it would happen to him.

It was something he never asked for, nor was he interested in it.

He looked around the room and saw baby clothes, toys, and other things that belonged to a baby.

He had a sudden urge to touch everything and explore the room, but he couldn't. He was still too weak, and his body was still adjusting to this new life.

The scenery around him was changing each second which made him very confused. It was either he was held in someone's arms which was very irrational or that he lost his mind .

" Look at him, just like we imagined, look at how beautiful he is" Ezekiel heard his father's voice.

" Yes, very beautiful" Then he heard his mother's voice .

He focused his eyes on both of them, his vision was not completely well but he was capable of distinguishing his parents even from miles away

" Am I at the hospital? What is happening ?"

Ezekiel said but all that he heard was a baby crying coming out of his mouth .

" Look, look, my little cute baby is trying to speak, '' His mother said.

"He is so cute, " His father said while he started to touch his nose with his finger .

At that moment , Ezekiel knew that he was not at the hospital for his injuries, or even in the afterlife, he realized that he was reincarnated again .

" I am still not sure about it but it seems like it, I didn't ask about this, I was clearly killed, however, I am not interested in such a thing "

His parents were talking, but he couldn't understand what they were saying. He could only make out a few words like "baby," "cute," and "precious."

They were showering him with love and affection, but he couldn't reciprocate it.

He didn't know how to be a baby, and he didn't know how to communicate with them.

Ezekiel was lost in his thoughts, wondering what he should do next. He knew he couldn't live his life the way he did before. He had a second chance, and he needed to make the most of it. He didn't want to make the same mistakes again. He wanted to learn from his past experiences and grow as a person.

' I am still not sure about it but it seems like this is a new life for me, I didn't ask for this, I went to that rooftop to end my life...yet ...i was pushed even before doing that ...someone took my free will at that moment .. 'He thought.