
Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

The world is ruled by superpowers. Heroes and Villains roam around the world. Heroes, the so-called protectors of peace. And Villains, the so-called disturbers of the peace. Jack believed that as well... Until the heroes ruined his life. His whole being was fueled by rage, and after one faithful day... The destiny of the World of Paradise, was never going to be same. One minor ripple in destiny, caused massive waves that no one could have ever anticipated. ________________________________ Disclaimer: The cover photo isn't mine, if you are the creator of the picture and you want it to be removed, please tell me

Alekzi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
109 Chs

Greatest Shame.

Jack left the News Station building and walked in the streets with dead-looking eyes.

The citizens were still nearby, wondering who died this time.

The Heroes tried to evacuate the citizens before Jack came back, but they weren't willing to move.

They had to see the face of the man who killed their loved ones.

Few of the citizens wanted to attack Jack right now. But their family members managed to stop them.

Ariane was also with the Heroes, looking at the figure of Jack with countless emotions.

Jack's revenge was over.

She knows it.

Seeing his dead-looking eyes, his eyes are telling everything she needed to know. Jack has no other reason to live anymore.

Jack was walking, but it was almost like he was dragging his legs instead. His body felt like it weighed a ton. His legs didn't want to move more than necessary.


Something sharp his Jack straight at his forehead.

He turned his head and saw a little kid who threw a rock at him.


The citizens paled. All their previous courage vanished.

The kid's mother patted her child's shoulder and looked at Jack with a hateful gaze.

If her looks could kill, he would have died thousand times by now.

The rock didn't hurt Jack, opposite in fact. It was like someone tickled him.

He grabbed the rock from the ground and crushed it.

The heroes paled considerably. If Jack goes for another rampage, the rest of Charity's citizens will die.

But Jack started walking away, at that moment, citizens realized.

Jack is done with his revenge.

Some of the citizens grabbed rocks from the ground and threw them at Jack, hitting him everywhere.

But the rocks only made him stumble a few times, but seeing him not doing anything made the citizens more courageous.

More and more citizens grabbed rocks, food, and even chairs and threw them all at Jack.

''STOP IT!'' Ariane anxiously shouted, but no one listened.

The heroes wanted to stop everyone as well.

But citizens, filled with hate and anger, kept throwing things at Jack.

Further away Jack walked, more people started following him, and more people started throwing things at him.

The things they threw previously were picked up again and were thrown by another person.

It repeated dozen times, hundred times, thousand times.

Jack's body was dirty; his previous handsome look was long gone.

People have thrown every food in existence at him, making his body look like a food market.

His black hair changed colors. It was now a mix of brown, red, and white.

His hair was wet, a white liquid trickled down his face, he got thrown in the head by milk bottle which made the glass pieces stuck in his hair, and the milk made his whole body wet.

Some people recorded the scene with mocking smiles.

Jack is a Disaster-Moon Villain, and this is perhaps the first time anyone sees the Legendary God-like existences being humiliated this way.

''This will get millions of views!'' A young man said to his friend.

His friend nodded with an excited face.

Jack could feel everyone's emotions, he could hear everyone's voices, he could feel everyone's anger.

Ariane pushed the crowd out of her way and started running towards Jack.

The citizens stopped throwing things after seeing the so-called Saintess running towards Jack.

''Jack, isn't this enough?'' Ariane asked; her face was pained.

Jack didn't change his expression; he only kept walking and walking.

His each footsteps getting heavier and heavier.

''Jack, please stop. It is not too late! There is still good in you!'' Ariane did everything she could to change Jack's mindset.

If Jack keeps going, there is only one end for him.

But her words didn't manage to affect Jack in the slightest.

Her voice is buried under all that anger.

Jack and the group of angry civilians left the Eastern Part of Charity and reached the destroyed part of the Southern Part.

The civilians saw the destruction for the first time since this place was a forbidden area.

This area of the city used to be beautiful. There was a museum and a 3-Star Restaurant, but now those buildings were in ruins.

Most of the civilians had childhood memories of being here with their families, and this feels like it is a nightmare. All the previous happy memories were buried in those ruins.

Jack and Ariane reached the bottomless pit.

Ariane gulped after taking a slight glance at the pit.

You can't even see where it ends.

There is only pure darkness.

The civilians stopped 50 meters away from Jack, holding the items they were planning to throw.

Jack looked at the pit with no emotion.

But then... His eyes flashed, he turned his head and saw a couple of middle-aged man and woman.

The man had short black hair with grey eyes; his face was distorted in anger and disappointment, while his business suit gave him the wealthy status.

He was Jack's father, Adam.

Next to him, a beautiful woman in her 50s was standing in a tight red dress. Her smooth-looking lips were filled with red-colored lipstick. Her face was also similar to Adam's, a face of anger and disappointment.

She was Jack's mother, Jade.

They both were as well carrying rocks and threw them at Jack.

Jack widened his eyes and felt the rocks contact his face, which almost made him fall down to the pit.

''Kyaa!'' Ariane cried out, the rock bounced from Jack's face towards Ariane's torso, which made her stumble backward a few meters, but it was enough for her to fall to the pit.

''SAINTESS!'' The citizens shouted anxiously.

Ariane anxiously tried to reach the sky, but it felt so far away.

She closed her eyes and waited for the death to appear.

But instead of that...

She felt a strong hand grabbing her arm.

She opened her eyes and, with hazy vision, saw Jack grabbing her arm.

He pulled her up and threw her towards the citizens.

Ariane was caught by two Heroes, but her face was still pale white.

Jack glared at his parents.

Adam and Jade flinched, but they still took a strong front and acted like they weren't afraid of their son.

But they were.

''Father... Mother...'' Jack murmured, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.

''I-I am not your father!'' Adam shouted with a slight stutter.

Jack lowered his head, ''...Understood.''

''Even if the News said that apparently, Star Warrior killed Sophia. I don't believe one bit. I bet it was you!'' Adam angrily shouted while pointing his finger towards Jack.

Jade gulped and nodded, ''T-That's right! She was someone you didn't deserve!''

[Rage Meter: 5%]

Jack gritted his teeth and started walking towards his parents.

''W-What...'' Adam and Jade started retreating with pale faces.

The citizens looked with pale faces.

''Jack, don't!'' But Ariane's voice stopped Jack.

Jack was only 5 meters away from his parents; the rage energy was screaming to be released.

''If you kill them, then you are exactly the person everyone thinks you are!'' Ariane's voice calmed Jack down.

Jack pointed his finger towards Adam, ''Don't talk about Sophia. You aren't worthy of saying her name.

''You are nothing but a pathetic worm who is kissing his superior's asses. Do you think I wasn't aware of the things you did to get into your position?''

Adam and Jade paled.

Jack pointed his finger at Jade, ''You let your superiors have fun with your wife. I bet it was your idea to do that.'' Jack glared at Jade.

But Jack wasn't done, ''You weren't disappointed because my ability was bad. You were disappointed because I wasn't born a girl. You wanted me to be a girl so you can sell my body as well.''

Adam and Jade went even paler.

Jack took a step forwards and put his head in front of them, ''You two are nothing but worthless worms, which should be exterminated. You got your position even though you were incapable of doing your job properly. There were dozens of better choices, but because they weren't fine with selling their wives, they never got the promotion.''

Jack snorted and turned away, ''Being born by you is my greatest shame.''

The citizens heard every bit of the conversation.

Seeing Adam's and Jade's pale faces, they knew that every word was accurate.

Their faces turned into disgust while looking at the pair.

Adam and Jade couldn't stand the people's looks and left the place immediately.

Jack reached the bottomless pit; he turned his gaze towards Ariane and said, ''You said that it is not too late. Not too late for what? To be a model citizen? To be a Hero? The moment I first killed someone, it was already too late.''

''No... No!'' Ariane shouted anxiously.

''Goodbye, you are one of the good ones.'' With those last words, Jack jumped.

He started falling down on the bottomless pit.

Jack closed his eyes and let the darkness surround him.

And just like that... Jack's revenge... Was over.


First Volume - END!

I know that it was a long break and I apologize. I was waiting for the book to be vetted before uploading again, but I didn't have time to do so. Now I got a contract this morning and decided to end the first volume right now.

It will take some time before I continue to story, probably when the contract is verified, but I need to also plan the second volume.

Thank's for reading and see you soon.

Also, support me with Power Stones if possible. This book is in WPC 232 Invincible category, and with your help. I might be able to get top 3.

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