
Villager to Blade Immortal

I had spent my entire life in a quiet, unremarkable village, scraping by in poverty but finding peace in the simplicity of it all. But that peace shattered the day the outsiders came. Suddenly, everything I thought I knew about my world began to unravel. Strange things started happening, things that defied explanation. The stories I grew up with—tales of immortal cultivators, powerful dragons, and beings beyond imagination—turned out to be real. I never asked to be part of this world, yet somehow, I got pulled into it. Now, with no other choice, I find myself on a path I never could have imagined, one that will take me to heights I never thought possible.

_only_original_ · Others
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14 Chs

Cockspur Grass

Ever since he returned home, Chen Ping'an's eyelid had been constantly twitching. It was said that the twitching of the left eyelid signified wealth, while the twitching of the right eyelid entailed disaster.

He sat down onto the doorstep and began to visualize pottery molding with his hands suspended in mid-air, quickly entering a completely immersive state. His commendable work ethic was one reason why he always kept up with this type of visualization practice, while another very important factor was that the activity helped him stave off hunger. Hence, he had developed the habit of performing this type of practice whenever there was something on his mind.

The craft of pottery firing was one that depended greatly on the will of the heavens. Prior to uncovering a piece of chinaware, no one knew whether its form, coloration, and glaze would be up to standard, and one could only take what they were given by the gods. However, prior to firing a piece of pottery, the molding process was undoubtedly extremely important.

Unfortunately, Chen Ping'an had always been deemed by Old Man Yao to be lacking in aptitude and was mostly assigned manual labor tasks like pugging. Thus, he could only watch from the side and practice molding on his own to try and develop a feel for the process.

The sound of the neighboring yard's wooden gate being opened rang out, signaling the return of Song Jixin and Zhi Gui from the school. Song Jixin lunged forward and jumped onto the wall with ease, then squatted down before spreading his hands open, releasing a bunch of fingernail-sized rocks of different colors, including white, green, and red.

These completely valueless rocks of different sizes were extremely commonplace all throughout the bank of the creek in the town, and among them, the most sought-after one was a type of bright red rock that looked as if it had been soaked in chicken blood. Mr. Qi had carved a seal out of one such rock for his disciple, Zhao Yao, and Song Jixin had taken a liking to it, offering to exchange it for something on several occasions, but he was resolutely turned down every time.

Song Jixin tossed a rock lightly through the air, and it struck Chen Ping'an on the chest, but he remained completely unmoved.

The next rock struck him on the forehead, but he still displayed no reaction.

Song Jixin was already accustomed to this, and he threw a collection of seven or eight rocks one after another. Even though Song Jixin was trying to distract Chen Ping'an from his visualization training with these rocks, he refrained from directly hitting Chen Ping'an's arms and fingers as he felt like that would be going too far.

After tossing all of his rocks, Song Jixin clapped his hands together, while Chen Ping'an exhaled and shook out his wrists, completely ignoring Song Jixin. Following a brief pause, he lowered his head and curled the fingers on his left hand as if he were gripping onto an invisible burin.

The skill of the jumping burin wasn't a skill that was unique to any of the old potters in the town, but anyone who saw Old Man Yao's jumping burin technique would always be full of praise and admiration.

Old Man Yao had taken several disciples, but none of them truly lived up to his standards. Only after finding Liu Xianyang did he finally feel like he had found someone worthy of inheriting his skills. In the past, whenever Liu Xianyang practiced the jumping burin technique, Chen Ping'an would always watch intently from the side as long as he wasn't preoccupied with some other task.

Liu Xianyang really liked to show off, and he knew that Chen Ping'an was very good at keeping secrets, so he often revealed pieces of Old Man Yao's secret mantras to Chen Ping'an to flaunt his knowledge. For example, in order to ensure the burin followed a stable path, one couldn't focus dogmatically on keeping one's hand steady. Ultimately, the key was to keep one's heart steady.

However, when Chen Ping'an asked him what keeping one's heart steady meant, Liu Xianyang had no answer.

After watching for a while longer, Song Jixin grew bored and jumped down from the wall before entering the room.

Zhi Gui was standing beside the wall, and without getting up on the tips of her toes, only half of her face was peeking out over the top of the wall. Even so, it was still possible to tell that she was going to grow up into a splendid beauty.

After a moment of hesitation, she gently got up on the tips of her toes and swept her gaze over the area around Chen Ping'an before catching sight of a pair of rocks that caught her fancy. One of them was translucent and bright red, while the other one was as white as snow, and both of them had just been tossed away by Song Jixin just now.

After another brief hesitation, she called out in a timid voice, "Chen Ping'an, can you pick up those two rocks for me? I really like them."

Chen Ping'an raised his head to look at her, indicating with his eyes for her to wait for a moment, but he didn't stop what he was doing, and his hands remained as stable as ever.

Zhi Gui gave a warm smile in response, presenting a stunning sight to behold, like the first green buds sprouting out of a tree branch in early spring.

However, Chen Ping'an had already lowered his head, so he missed out on the beautiful scenery.

The corners of her lips perked up slightly, and a hint of light surged through her eyes as if there were some type of tiny living creature swimming within them.

By the time Chen Ping'an finished his visualization practice and asked her which two stones she wanted, the look in her eyes had already returned to normal, and she was back to looking as gentle and timid as ever.

Chen Ping'an picked up the two rocks that she was pointing at, then made his way over to the wall. She had only just raised a hand when Chen Ping'an set the rocks down on top of the wall.

She picked up the rocks and held them tightly in her hand.

If fate weren't on one's side, then they could search for something for years on end without ever finding it, but if it were meant to be, then some things were as easily obtainable as shoddy wares being sold on the side of the street, and it would depend entirely on one's mood whether they wanted to take it or not.

"Are you not worried about that snotty little kid coming over to give you a piece of his mind?" Chen Ping'an chuckled.

She didn't admit that her young master had stolen from someone else, but she wasn't shameless enough to deny the truth, either, so she merely smiled and remained silent.

There was a mother and son pair living on Clay Vase Alley, and they were completely unmatched in the town when it came to their ability to win arguments and deliver vicious insults. Only Song Jixin could compete with them in this regard. Among the pair, the child was particularly egregious. He constantly had two lines of snot trailing out of his nostrils, and he liked to catch fish and pick up rocks from the creek.

All of the fish that he caught were kept in a large water vat, while the rocks that he collected were piled up next to the vat. For some reason, Song Jixin really liked to pick on the kid.

Every once in a while, he would take a few rocks from the boy's collection, and this wasn't so apparent at first, but what was happening quickly became clear over time as Song Jixin was regularly taking rocks from the pile. Whenever the boy noticed that some of the prized rocks were missing, he would fly into a rage like a wild kitten that had just had its tail trodden on, and he could stand outside Song Jixin's yard and yell profanities for two hours at a time.

His mother never tried to dissuade him from this behavior. Instead, she was always eagerly fanning the flames, specifically bringing up the fact that Song Jixin was an illegitimate son of the previous kiln supervision official. On quite a few occasions, Song Jixin was so enraged by this pair that he had almost carried a bench outside to fight them, and Zhi Gui had to hold him back each time.

All of a sudden, a high-pitched voice rang out. "Hurry up and come out, Song Jixin! Your maidservant is flirting with Chen Ping'an right as I speak! It's clear that they're hooking up! If you don't come out to discipline your maidservant, there's a good chance she'll jump over the wall tonight and go knocking on Chen Ping'an's door! Come out, come out! Look, Chen Ping'an's stroking her cheek! Oh my goodness, if only you could see the disgusting grin on Chen Ping'an's face!"

Song Jixin didn't bother to come out, and he yelled in response from inside his house, "What's the big deal? I saw Chen Ping'an groping your mother last night. Only after I ran into them did Chen Ping'an hurriedly pull his hand out of your mother's collar. To be fair, your mother is the one to blame. She's way too full and voluptuous there, poor Chen Ping'an was sweating buckets because of how heavy those damn things were!"

Someone on the alley outside began to kick viciously at Song Jixin's gate as they yelled in a furious voice, "Come out and fight me one-on-one, Song Jixin! If you lose, then you have to hand over Zhi Gui to become my maidservant! I'll have her feed me, make my bed, and wash my feet every day! If I lose, Chen Ping'an will become your servant. What do you say? Do you dare to accept my challenge? Whoever backs down is a cowardly turtle!"

Inside the room, Song Jixin retorted in a lazy voice, "Get out of here, Gu Can! I was flipping the lunar almanac, and it tells me that this is not a good day for a father to beat up his son, so I'll let you off the hook for now, you lucky little bastard!"

The child continued to pound the gate with all his might. "Zhi Gui, aren't you ashamed to be following such a cowardly master? I say you should go and elope with Liu Xianyang! That idiot's always looking at you like he wants to eat you up!"

Zhi Gui turned and returned to the house.

Inside, Song Jixin was carefully polishing a bright green gourd. It was an antique from an indeterminate era, and it was one of the things left behind by Master Song. In the beginning, Song Jixin didn't pay much attention to it, but he later discovered that whenever there was a lightning storm, a buzzing sound would ring out from within the gourd. However, after removing the cork, no matter how much he shook or swung the gourd around, nothing would come out.

He also tried filling it with water and sand before pouring it out, and the exact same amount of water and sand would come out. Thus, he could only set it aside again. One time, Gu Can's abhorrent mother was outside his gate, taunting him over and over again about being an illegitimate son who had been abandoned by his father.

The insults were really getting to him, and in a fit of rage, he picked up a blade before hacking viciously at the gourd to vent his fury. However, to his astonishment, the edge of the blade had already fully curled back, yet the gourd was still completely unscathed, with not even the slightest mark left on its surface.

In a letter that had been burned by Song Jixin some years ago, it was written: "The gold, silver, and copper coins brought to you will ensure that all expenses will be covered for you and Zhi Gui. In your spare time, you can search for some antiques that take your fancy for the purpose of developing a tasteful hobby.

"The town isn't a very big place, but the coarse grains here are enough to nurture the belly, the books can nurture the mind, the scenery can nurture the eyes, and the peace and quiet can nurture the heart. From this day forth, you can only do your best and let fate decide the rest. The dragon lurking in plain sight will be sure to rise to the heavens someday."

Even though Song Jixin resented his father, there was no reason for him not to spend the money left to him. In the simple and unsophisticated small town, it was difficult to spend a lot of money even if one wanted to. Over the years, Song Jixin really developed a hobby of collecting all types of trinkets.

He had a large red chest that was filled with all types of interesting obscure items like the green gourd, but Song Jixin had a profound and inexplicable feeling that out of all of the items in the chest, of which there were around three dozens, the gourd was the most important one, followed by a rusty violet gold bell. When shaken, it could be clearly seen that the clapper of the bell was clattering against its inner wall, so it should've produced a chime, but it was completely silent.

This phenomenon both terrified and fascinated Song Jixin. The only other artifact worthy of note was an old teapot with the word "mandrill" inscribed upon it. As for all of the other items, Song Jixin didn't really care much for them.

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