
Villager Three

[Full realm assimilation will be completed in a few million years give or take and then the Gates will stop appearing, use them while you can. The next War of the Gods is scheduled to start in about 15 billion years, practice hard until then.] [See ya around!] With that simple farewell, the world changed forever. Kira Hawthorne was just another teenage girl until the day a 'god' told the world their 'realm' was getting assimilated since they lost some War no one on Earth even knew about. Science is replaced with magic, a System is installed on the whim of a very old and capricious god, and one teenage girl embarks on a journey in a once familiar world turned foreign... And very hostile. (I'm going to be posting this to RoyalRoad.com as Kruos.)

BreadCat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


By the time Kira finished explaining her situation, both Karl and Brigit had mouths open wide enough to fit whole eggs inside. She cleared her throat and shifted uncomfortably in the chair. "So um. Yeah. Now I have the <Relic> title, which I don't know what that does since I can't afford a Scan skill, and... Then I met Brigit, when I went to investigate the smell of blood and tripped on a tree root into the middle of a ruckus. That's all."

Karl steepled his fingers and inhaled deeply. "Miss Kira."

"Yes, Mister Karl?"

"The Time of Antiquity... Ah, the era you're from. You are correct in that it was a very, very long time ago." A very, very, very long time. "Atmospheric mana around Gate doors keeps things remarkably well preserved, so I'm not surprised parts of your house were still standing."

Kira sighed, her shoulders slumping. "Yeah, I thought so. The forest around my house looked pretty old, but it didn't used to have any forest at all... Do you... Know how long...?"

"Mm... One? Maybe two..." Karl hesitated and glanced at the ceiling, doing some quick math in his head. "Yes, at least two hundred thousand years. Give or take a few millenniums of lost history."

For the first time in her life Kira nearly fainted.

Brigit caught her before she slid to the ground, cradling the dazed Human girl in her arms like a hatchling being rocked to sleep. She looked at Karl with an expression of panic, golden eyes wide. "Sir Karl, this... I knew she was Clanless, but this? This is..."

"I know. We absolutely cannot let the Clans get their hands on her." Karl sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm certain now, this is what the other Councilmen were in a fuss about... A Clanless Human <Relic>! I'll eat my chair if she doesn't have the [Human Adaptability] Passive too..."

Kira groggily forced herself back to awareness, only to find Karl giving her a very intense stare from across his desk while Brigit hugged her tight. She squirmed her way back into the other chair and cleared her throat. "Uh... What...?"

"The Gate you were in was an Adamantium Training Gate and most likely employed a high quality time dilation effect. Your perception of time was altered while you and everything else in the Gate were kept from aging.

"Because of your altered perception it was impossible for you to know how much time was actually passing. With no seasons, or weather patterns, clocks or outside interference... How could you have known?

"Mm, they probably also had a memory haze effect. Something to keep your mind from the overloading that happens when brains keep too many memories inside over an extended period. That wouldn't have helped your perception of things at all.

"It protected your mind from essentially imploding under the weight of countless years, but also ensured you stayed within the Gate for far, far longer than intended...

"So!" Karl suddenly sat up straight, clapping his hands together with a sharp PA! sound that made Kira sit up straight in her chair. She'd almost dozed off during his lecture, and the sudden change caught her by surprise. "How about I enroll both of you in my Academia?"

"Both of us?" Brigit asked, brows furrowed. "But Sir, I-"

"You are her friend and guardian, who owes Kira a life debt and will not betray her. But are still too weak to really protect her. Yes?" Karl arched a brow, his frigid expression causing Brigit to shut her mouth.

"I thought you said you wouldn't be a bully anymore."

Cough! Karl cleared his throat, avoiding Kira's vicious glare. "Miss Kira. With your identity, you will be in danger no matter where you go. People much stronger than Miss Brigit will be looking for a chance to snatch you away. My Academia can help both you and Miss Brigit avoid disaster."

"Why would anyone want to snatch me away? I'm only a little cute, not really worth kidnapping."

Cough, cough!

Both Brigit and Karl choked, but Karl had practice already and recovered faster. "It is because you are a Clanless Human. But don't worry, I already helped with that a little. Anyone with a basic Scan-type ability will only see you as a Demi-Elf as long as you wear the ear cuff.

"I'll enroll you both in Atmont Academia with full scholarships. Living expenses, school supplies... You'll live in the campus residency of course, and I'll ensure you're in the same dorm. Your grades will be your own responsibility but my Academia doesn't expel students for poor results. As long as you behave and don't go on murderous rampages of destruction on campus, you'll be welcome. You'll be safe. And you'll learn the skills needed to keep yourselves safe in the future."

"That's awfully nice of you..." Kira muttered with narrowed eyes, her gaze suspicious. "What do you want from us in exchange for all this generosity?"

"Ah, well... I would request..." Karl revealed a guilty smile, drumming the tips of his fingers together. "You help translate Enliss documents sometimes so I might learn from you."


"The language you speak."

"Oh, so that's what you call it." Kira nodded slowly. "Yeah, provided you keep your end of the deal I can help translate stuff."

Karl drew up a contract through the System and all three of them confirmed the terms, mostly to pacify the Human hatchling who kept squinting suspiciously at him. He was rather glad to see that - his terms were surely too good to be true from her perspective, and Kira obviously had no idea yet that she was on the losing end of their deal.

Even so, she had her suspicions and watched him carefully. Karl was heartened to know the hatchling had some wits about her, even if she was still far too inexperienced.

Then he recorded both the girls' Profiles for the purposes of enrollment, narrowly refraining from falling out of his chair when he saw the Human's base stats.

Afterward, he gave Kira a pouch of Credits and explained Attunement - including how to activate it from the System Interface Options.

The money she'd dropped in her Inventory vanished like a puff of smoke, leaving only the empty pouch in its wake. Several windows popped up giving her access to new features - secure Credit transfers, expanded System Shop inventory, Parties, Groups, a Friend List, even Chat and something like a internet browser!

Karl and Brigit were both added to her newly opened Friend List, where she could finally see just a bit more information about them. 'So Brigit's something called a Drakke, Level 5-F Squire, while Mister Karl is... Gah!'

She closed the Friend List, deciding she didn't see anything.

Nope. Nothing at all.

"And you'll need this." Karl slid a Spell Book across the desk, recognizable by the faint white glow on the pages and the gold emblem of three interlocking circles on the front. Unlike the Earthshape book Kira received from Gramps, which had a plain and unassuming cover aside from the emblem, the one on the desk had ornate binding and intricate gold leaf designs.


[Spell Book Obtained - Scan]

Learn the spell?

<Yes> <No>


Though it looked different from the one displayed in the System Shop, Kira didn't hesitate and learned the spell right away, causing her to miss the shocked expression that flickered across Brigit's face when she saw the book. She also missed Karl winking at the Drakke as he put his fingers to his lips.

Another window popped up with more information - something which never happened when learning Skills or Spells before.


[Spell Learned: Scan]

Gold Quality

Cost: 1MP

Allows Caster to see detailed information about an item, person, or creature this spell is cast on, assuming the target in question is not hidden by a Shroud- or Disguise-type spell or skill of higher quality.

Caster will be able to see more information about their own Profile, including details on spells and skills.

Enables Caster to receive alerts when a Scan-type ability has been used on them.

WARNING: It is considered very rude to use a Scan-type ability on fellow Beings in peaceful environments, such as sanctuary zones or settlements. In some places it is even illegal.


"Thank you, Mister Karl!"

"Don't go running around using that on people, alright? You could get in big trouble. Objects are fine though."

"Okay!" Kira grinned turning her attention to using Scan on a few interesting things sitting around the office.

"Now, about your Class, when do you want to change it? I'll pay for it if you'd rather do it sooner."

"Oh, I don't want to. Thanks though."

"Really?" Brigit and Karl exclaimed simultaneously, both sounding incredulous.

"Yeah. Geomancer's good. I like it."

One of the options in the System Interface was to view the Ability Tree of a Class. Some skills and spells would be unlocked naturally as the person progressed in levels, while others had requirements to be met.

Naturally, spells and skills could also be learned through practice, repetition, Skill or Spell Books, and various other methods completely unrelated to the Class itself.

Unlike many other System screens which a person could choose to make completely visible or semi-visible to others, the locked sections of a Skill Tree was completely secret to anyone who didn't share the same Class.

Even if she wanted to explain her decision in detail, the System would censor her words into silence. She tried it before with Gramps. Geomancer required hard work before it got truly scary, but it'd be worth the wait!

Incidentally, Kira preferred the semi-visible option for her System Interface, meaning people could see the screens floating around her as she used them but couldn't see what information they held. That way everyone could see her neat holographic headphones!

Brigit and Karl exchanged a glance before the Dragon opened his mouth again. "Well if you change your mind in the future, let me know?"

"Okay." 'I won't though.'

"It's been a pleasure, Miss Kira. Miss Brigit." Karl stood, folding his hands and bowing his head. Brigit returned the gesture with ease, while Kira was a bit slower and clumsier with her mimicry. "Miss Kira, I will contact you in the future regarding translation."


Karl called Lilian back into the office, instructing her to settle their enrollment. He stood behind the desk until they were out of sight, then sighed and sank into the desk chair. His earlier relaxed and sometimes silly demeanor was gone without a trace, leaving only tension and fatigue in its place.

"Haze." The Archmage sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Black smoke trickled up from Karl's shadow, coalescing into a roughly humanoid shape with glowing violet eyes. With a deep and hoarse voice, it whispered simply: "Sir."

"Dispatch a unit to watch over the Human and her friend. Include at least one veteran, and shore up the Academia arrays. Spare no expense, you have full access to the defense budget."


The figure melted back into Karl's shadow. Sighing, the Dragon retrieved a bottle of liquor from his Inventory and drained half its contents in one swig. His emerald eyes narrowed into thin slits as he stared into the middle distance, thoughts drifting to a faraway place.

"Clanless, huh... This is gonna get messy."


The Atmont Academia wasn't technically in Atmont at all. Instead it was situated in a Shard - a half-formed Pocket Dimension of limited size. Access was achieved through use of a Transport Hub, which allowed people teleportation to other Hubs connected to the same transport network so long as the person had approved access... And enough money.

Since Brigit and Kira were officially enrolled scholarship students of Atmont Academia, their transport to and from the campus was free of charge.

The Hub was a tall building with high ceilings and endless foot traffic. Platforms with pedestals standing in the center were arranged in neat rows, and everyone waited in long queues to be ushered forward by the attendants to the next available platform.

Brigit clasped her hands together to help contain the excitement threatening to burst out of her chest. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine meeting Archmage Karl DuFeu in person, or getting to enroll at the prestigious Atmont Academia on his scholarship! With her background it was already phenomenal she managed to hit Level 5-F in the first half year since she left home. Attending the Academia would have been impossible on her own.

But now that she was a student, she'd have access to the tools, training, and countless resources at the Academia's disposal! Teachers with vast field experience, labs with endless supplies of practice materials, Training Gates and even a Dungeon on campus!

With that kind of assistance, wouldn't achieving her dream be only a matter of time? The Drakke's golden eyes sparkled with anticipation.

And it was all thanks to a Human hatchling she met by chance.

Brigit glanced down at Kira, who had pulled out a bag of spicy potato chips and was munching away without a care, bright blue eyes were flicking back and forth as she examined the crowd, taking everything in with curiosity and interest.

She was so carefree, so oblivious to the danger she was in just by existing.

The Drakke clenched her fists. Being Level 5-F wasn't going to cut it. She had to get stronger! Strong enough to keep Kira safe, and protect her precious naive curiosity!

"Next!" The attendant called, interrupting Brigit's thoughts and ushering their group of three forward onto a platform.

"You will experience disorientation," Lilian warned, selecting their destination from the touch screen display on the pedestal. "It is unpleasant, you may vomit."

Kira regretted the spicy chips immediately.

White light flashed, and the trio was transported to the arrival platforms of a smaller Hub within the Academia Shard. There were still crowds, but far fewer than in Atmont's main Transport Hub. The outdoors were visible through the massive glass walls of the Hub, forming an impressive backdrop meant to shock new arrivals and guests.

Flat-topped islands of glowing rainbow crystal floated in an inky black star-studded void extending as far as the eye could see, all interlinked by vast sturdy bridges illuminated by strings of shimmering lights. Some islands had vast grassy fields, flowering gardens, small lakes or clusters of trees on top. Others held buildings, massive constructs of beautiful architecture utilizing sweeping arches, multicolored glass domes, towering spires and magnificent stained glass windows.

Kira wanted to be in awe, but all she felt was intense nausea and waves of dizziness.

"You may vomit," Lilian repeated, but the Human stubbornly shook her head.

Once Kira looked a little less green, Lilian led the other two across countless bridges, past several large buildings, to a tall tower standing alone in the middle of some fruit trees.

Lilian stopped beside the door and turned to them. "Both of you, extend a hand."

Kira and Brigit exchanged glances, but both obediently held out a hand. Lilian lightly pressed her palms to theirs, and each of them got a notification. Each of the girls had different reactions - Lilian was calm, Kira raised her brows, and Brigit turned gray as all the color drained from her face.


'Lilian' has transferred 500000 Credits to your account.


"That is for living expenses. Spend wisely, or don't. Contact Sir Karl when you need more either way. The academic year only started a month ago, so you have not missed much. Students who enroll and enter the Academia at Level 9-F or lower stay in this tower and take basic courses together. Courses begin at ten in the morning every day. Directions and notices will be sent through the System. As students you may now download the Shard's full map from your System free of charge.

"Your assigned dorm is the fifth floor. Meals are available in the cafeterias at set times. Due to your scholarship, you do not have to worry about paying for meals. There are also small kitchens in the dorms, but you must purchase your own groceries.

"Uniforms are not required until Second Year, but can be purchased from the campus shop. They are made of top quality materials and will significantly deplete your living expenses even for just a couple sets. It is better to leech off - ah, depend on - Sir Karl since he can afford it.

"At the end of the academic year you will take an Assessment Exam that determines your entire future in the Academia. If that sounds harsh and intimidating, that's because it is supposed to be. It is the reality you all must face.

"Study hard to be prepared while keeping your future goals in mind. None of the courses are useless regardless of what students may claim." Lilian turned to leave, then paused and glanced back over her shoulder. "I... Recommend striving to Rank Up before the end of the year. It will ensure you do well in the Exam. You are Sir Karl's scholarship students, and he does not sponsor students often. Others will set their own expectations and make assumptions of you because of that. Do your best."

"I like her. She seems nice," Kira said with a grin as soon as she guessed Lilian was out of earshot.

Far in the distance the Automata stumbled nothing. She recovered quickly and made her escape at a clipped pace, embarrassed steam flowing from her ears.

Brigit coughed and decided not to tell Kira how sharp an Automata's senses were. Or how susceptible they were to compliments. "Yes, well... Shall we go inside?"

There's a lot of lecturing in this chapter, my goodness. But don't worry, most of the early exposition is out of the way and fun stuff starts happening soon, huhuhuhu!


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