
Village Head's Debauchery

When Orion is mysteriously transmigrated to a primitive world where everything, including goods and services, can be bartered, he is determined to make the most of his second chance at life. But as he delves deeper into this dangerous world filled with temptation and magic, Orion must use his wit, charm, and thirst for adventure to survive and make sure that he makes the most of it. JOIN THE FAMILY - https://discord.gg/Pv6DQ4sfw6 .............................................. Image was found on Pinterest. Inspired from Amoral village head.

Royalpanda · Fantasy
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973 Chs

Orion's Recovery

In this form, he was no longer shackled by physical limitations or gravity but had become a living embodiment of lightning - the purest and most untamed force of nature.

The clouds—cirrus, cirrostratus, cirrocumulus, altostratus, altocumulus, stratocumulus, nimbostratus, cumulonimbus, fractus, and mammatus, all infested with the Vylkr energy, parted and shone with an almost blinding brilliance that illuminated his presence. And in response to the emergence of lightning—


Thunder rumbled through the heavens.

Suddenly, Orion noticed the silhouette of an object in the centre of countless swirling Vylkr vine variants within a swirl of Vylkr-infested clouds.

The Vylkr artifact!

He wanted to look closer at the Vylkr artefact to see what it was. However, after advancing into a new stage and testing his abilities, he began to feel fatigue catching up.