
Viktor Devlin

My name is Viktor, Viktor Devlin. -Fierce courage, I said. -What? -Your name, that is what your name means in Irish.

Rei_Rei_ · Urban
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1 Chs

Viktor Devlin

I knew it was wrong, it wasn't healthy. But I kept going. I was addicted. He was like a drog to me. I was always high when I was with him and the worst part was that I liked it.

His name was Viktor, Viktor Devlin. And of course, I fell for a mafia leader.

I meet him five years ago. It was late. I was drinking my tears in a bar after I ended a toxic relationship. I was sitting in a corner, drinking a Martini when someone set next to me. A tall, green-eyed man was sitting next to me. He was staring at something. At first, I couldn't understand what he was staring at. He was so concentrated and then he said

''You have such beautiful blue eyes. I should be careful, I might drown in them.''

And then it hit me. He was staring into my eyes. After he said that I started blushing. He noticed very quickly and apologized for not introducing himself, he said

''My name is Viktor, Viktor Devlin.''

''Fierce courage, I said.''


''Your name, that is what your name means in Irish.''