
Vikram Betaal

The Famous Indian Folk-tale... Vikram-Betaal

doom_bringer · Fantasy
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6 Chs

4) High Ambition

Even after losing Betaal once again, Vikram didn't stop trying and came back the next night again to take Betaal to tantrik.

It was a pure dark night and it was slightly raining. The sound of rumble is so loud that someone will think the sky becomes half. In the lightning different faces can be seen from different trees during the route. Raja Vikram was not fearful, he reached near the ancient tree and saw that a corpse really was hanging from the tree. He climbed the tree and put that corpse on his shoulder, then came down. While returning to that tantrik, en route when he walked 9 steps ( 27 square feet ), he was able to hear someone's loud laughter... "Hihihi Hihihi". Vikram asked loudly " Who is laughing ". The betaal inside that corpse said " Rajan !!! I'm a Betaal living inside this corpse from more than 800 years. I've seen many kings, people, changing of the throne and everything. I've just heard that there is a very virtuous and fearless king named Vikram ruling this kingdom now." Betaal continued " Now, I've even seen your charisma and your karma and I can understand why people like you. But even a knowledgeable king like you got trapped by that tantrik's mayajaal. That tantrik was a crooked one and he wanted to kill you to rule over the kingdom. The reason why he sent you to me so that I can kill you which will ultimately benefit him. Even if I failed and you succeeded in bringing me near him he had got enough tantra shakti to control me and use me against you. So it'll be better if you go back to your daily routine and don't be deceived by that trickster tantrik."

Vikram got very much confused about whom to trust and whom not to. Seeing Vikram confused about whom to trust Betaal sighed and continued "I've got enough power to kill you right now, But as you are a very virtuous person, I'll go on a condition to that tantrik with you. I'll tell you a story en route that I've seen in real life. And I've got a query I need an answer out of every story. I'll ask you the question. Upon knowing the answer you are bound to answer it. If you don't know the answer you can stay silent. But if you talk during our journey, I'll go back to my previous position in that tree. "

Raja Vikram knows that Betaal is very powerful. So he promised on the condition Betaal set. When he Took another 9 steps (27 square feet) Betaal spoke " Rajan !!! Hear this incident. "

[ Author Note : Upto this will always be there from the start of every story to the end of the novel ]

In a kingdom called "Anidha", there lived a man called "Binod". Binod's maternal uncle had a famous position in the kingdom, hence he had some connection with higher authority. That's why Binod got a stable and normal job easily. But after getting the job Binod thought he got the job thanks to his own capacity. He became blinded with fame. According to the job he started wearing new dresses everyday. To show himself better than others in status he started behaving and spending without any care.

After Binod got the job, he married a girl named "Richa". Richa was from a very rich merchant background, but she was very simple and humble. she wasn't wasting money like Binod. She doesn't have any attraction towards money instead of her household work. On the other side Binod used to call his colleagues daily into his house and let them eat whatever they want and spend without a care. Richa used to tell Binod daily "Your spending is always more than your income. This is not good for us. From where, you are bringing this much money ? " Binod used to reply without a care " Although I'm borrowing money, it is necessary to live in luxury. Others will not spend for me. I've to spend money for myself and us. So that our status can be maintained."

After 1 or 2 years passed Binod's friend from whom he borrowed the money used to ask him for their money. They used to ask Binod daily, which Binod didn't like. He thought " I borrowed money for more prestige, but this borrowing is taking my prestige away from me." So the next day he went to his uncle's side and said " Uncle I'm not satisfied with my job, can you please look for a higher post job for me." Binod's uncle became very sad hearing this from his nephew. He knew Binod didn't get the value of what he has. Still sadly he agreed on Binod's request and told him to go outside for a better job the next day.

The next day Binod and his uncle went outside for a better job. They went first near the royal storekeeper, as Binod's uncle had a good relationship with him and he knew the storekeeper was going to retire in the near future. Binod also became happy seeing that he can get the higher post with a high salary. When they reached the storekeeper's house, the storekeeper welcomed his old friend, Binod's uncle. But there was no happiness in his face at all. He said to them "I worked hard and got this job by promoting it from a gate security guard post. But after I became a storekeeper one thief stole one of Queen's favourite ornaments. The king became very angry and had given life time prisons to all security guards. But as I'm in a high position I got spared from the prison, instead I had to give all the compensation for the loss."

He continued " The amount which I had to give is more than 70% of my total accumulated saved amount. As I'm more than 60 years old who'll give me a new job at this age. How am I supposed to take care of my family and leave something for them." Binod and his uncle could do nothing and just sympathize with the storekeeper.

Then they go to the Royal head security guard. Even he and his family welcomed Binod and his uncle. But even they had no happiness on their family's face ??? When asked for the reason the head security said " For the recent robbery incident some people who previously have enmity with me told the king that if a thief can steal from the kingdom's royal house, he can easily trespass the Royal court. This is not good for the king's safety. His safety is not in a secure hand. So after thinking much the king ordered him to find the culprits within 20 days, otherwise he will be given a death statement by the king.Even here Binod and his uncle could do nothing and just sympathize with the head security guard.

After coming out of the house Binod said to his uncle "Uncle I don't need other job anymore." His uncle laughed hard and said one sentence "Wise decision".

Betaal ended his story within 63 steps (189 square feet) .

He said to Vikram "O Rajan !!! Now answer my query !!! Why didn't Binod take the job of Royal storekeeper or head security job and what was the reason behind his uncle'd last statement. I got the general idea why he didn't take it. Still I wanted to ask and know your decision. Answer my query if you know it. Even after knowing if you don't answer, I'll break your neck and will kill you here."

Vikram answered " The uncle always knew his nephew's shortcoming but was unable to do anything to overcome it. But the incident of the storekeeper and head security presented that opportunity for Binod. The pride he had previously even after getting a job from connection shattered as well as he understands the value of money from this. He understood that no matter what type of job it is to get real happiness he had to make it very simple and worthy of what he is doing. The reason behind uncle last statement means he understood that his nephew learnt his lesson from this incident."

Upon hearing Rajan's answers Betaal laughed hard and spoke " Well done, king. I am amazed by your judgement and your thinking of the exact answer and now I can see why the people in your kingdom respect you for your behaviour. But you spoke in between our journey Which broke the promise I've set from the start. So according to the promise I'm going back to my previous position." "Hihihi hihihi !!!" laughter sound can be echoed from the jungle and Betaal returned back to the same tree branch he was hanging previously. All of this happened within 9 steps (27 square feet).

Only before 9 steps (27 square feet) the King Vikram failed in bringing the corpse like the tantrik said. He returned back to his kingdom learning the lesson by Betaal on the quality of a king and judgement. But he wasn't able to keep the promise of bringing the corpse. So he decided to come back tomorrow and bring the corpse back...