
Vikings : Valhalla

They were bound for new lands, seeking glory and honor in the name of their ancestor’s, Today was the day that there destiny would be forged, The horn blared, signaling the start of their voyage.

DaoisteNEGRu · History
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

Bjorn, a mighty Viking warrior, stood atop the cliff, his gaze fixed on the vast expanse of the sea.

The wind whipped through his long, braided beard as his mind swirled with thoughts of the adventures that awaited him and his son, Arlan.

They were bound for new lands, seeking glory and honour in the name of their ancestors.

Arlan, a young and eager lad, watched his father intently.

His eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

He had dreamt of this day for as long as he could remember, the day he would join his father on their first raid.

Today was the day that his destiny would be forged.

As the sun crept higher in the sky, the longship docked by the shore came alive with the sounds of Viking warriors preparing for the journey ahead.

The clanging of swords being sharpened, the hoisting of sails, and the camaraderie of men echoed through the air.

The scent of salt and the musk of leather filled Arlan's nostrils, making his heart race with anticipation.

"Bjorn Son of Ivar! Are you ready to set sail?" shouted Olaf, their trusted helmsman, his voice carrying across the bustling harbour.

"Indeed, Olaf," Bjorn replied, his voice steady and filled with determination.

Arlan clutched the hilt of his sword, his knuckles turning white.

His father had trained him well, teaching him the art of warfare, and now it was time to put his skills to the test.

The horn blared, signalling the start of their voyage.

Bjorn and Arlan stepped onto the longship, joining their fellow warriors.

The ship creaked under their weight as they pushed off from the shore, the oars rhythmically slicing through the choppy waters.

Arlan looked back, his eyes lingering on the familiar coastline. The village he had called home for 16 Winters now seemed smaller, almost insignificant against the vastness of the world that lay before them.

The allure of the unknown beckoned, promising untold riches and legendary tales.

As they sailed into the horizon, Arlan couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead.

Would they encounter formidable foes or discover uncharted territories?

Would they return triumphant, their names etched in the annals of Viking lore?

Or would they meet their demise, finding glory in the arms of Valkyries, carried to Valhalla?

Only time would reveal the answers as their longship, adorned with fierce dragon heads, propelled them forward.